Madeline Crabb
Election consequences – What if this one is the last?
By Madeline Crabb
October 31, 2024

Less than one week from now, we will be selecting a new president to guide our country for another four years. So, we must understand that elections have consequences. But have we ever considered that in an out-of-control government such as we have had since at least 2009, these consequences become increasingly serious to the detriment of all citizens, and to the continuance of the American Republic? Do we understand that if our rights come from government, as far too many people believe, that this same government can take away these rights? Do we not realize that our government is now taking the place of God in our affairs?

The following is an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.

One of the most important statements in this Founding Document is that the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness come from God our Creator. But today, far too many of us have taken our blessings, liberty, and freedoms for granted. We have been living under increasing tyranny – “consented to being governed” – by voting for, and re-electing into oblivion the very people who are not “effecting” our “Safety and Happiness” but are robbing us of them. Either through ignorance or laziness, we have given consent to a cadre of evil men who have granted themselves more power over us—and still, we consent. Consequently, we are at a point of division in America that it is difficult to believe we can ever be re-united. And yes, I call them evil because righteous, God-fearing people, those we should be choosing in One-nation-under-God-America do not lie, cheat, and steal from those whom they are supposed to serve. After all, we are all presumed to be fellow citizens of this country.

While these people may live in America, their hearts serve other nations or entities. Yes, entities, as in spiritual.

Remember, the Democrat Party kicked God out of its platform during the Obama election cycle. Bait-and-Switch Kamala all but kicked a Christian out of one of her recent rallies, telling the person proclaiming Jesus is Lord that he was at the wrong rally! Why not just post a God is not welcome here sign? At least you tell people who you really are. This occupier of the vice presidency momentarily let down the mask to show one aspect of her true self. At this level of power and control, the handlers are also high up on rungs of the evil hierarchy.

We have not tried to educate ourselves as to why things go wrong. We do not understand that to enjoy these blessings, vigilance is needed on the part of individual citizens. We blindly follow our political parties and never question the motives behind the platforms, or the campaign “promises” made by individual candidates. We more than likely do not own copies of or have not read the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Worse, as we have placed more trust in “Daddy Government” than in our God, we may not even be reading the Bible to understand what God the Father has to say about all these things, particularly our personal responsibility.

We are brainwashed by legacy media to believe whatever the talking heads spew. (Remember, five people at the top of the world’s power pyramid control what the media tells us.) And having once believed that since Huntley/Brinkley and Walter Cronkite-type shows appeared to be truthful news broadcasts, we somehow believe it must be so today. Wrong.

Back to the beginning of this discussion about consequences of elections, and whether this could be the last election…Frankly, many people, including me, wonder if there will even be an election allowed this year. (Yes, things can still happen before actual Election Day.) Why? Because this government is so corrupt that it can do anything to those it looks to destroy—even assassination. The powers-that-be behind the scenes, the world’s most powerful men, are issuing the orders. How else can someone as incompetent as Kamala Harris even be in the U.S. Senate, let alone be considered for the most important government position? I mean, really. BTW…Harris missed 45% of the votes while in the Senate. In real America, such behavior would get workers fired. But then, the New York Post has reported that Joe Biden was on vacation 40% of his time as occupier of the White House. Puppets do not have to work full time.

Seriously, elections could be stopped altogether if we elect another progressive/radical liberal/socialist/communist to “lead” our nation. Last week Senator Ted Cruz was interviewed by Mark Levin and spoke of some things already purported to happen under a Harris (Obama 4.0) administration:

  1. Federal takeover of all elections

  2. Two new states—Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico (packing the Senate)

  3. Amnesty and immediate citizenship to illegal aliens (at least 30 million)

  4. Pack the Supreme Court with at least four radicals (a system-ending event)

  5. End the Electoral College (Senate Action)

  6. Do away with the filibuster (Senate action)

A federal takeover of all elections strips the states of this right. (So much for Separation of Powers and the Constitution.) Two new states give an already liberal Senate more votes where two parties are no longer needed. It will soon be a one-party rule, the goal, and a loose definition of communism. Republicans will never have control again. (Think California.) Consider just the votes from “blue” D.C. Ballotpedia reports that since 2000, the District of Columbia has voted democrat 100% of the time. And some of us still ask why Donald Trump and other republicans say that conservatives cannot get a fair trial in the district?

If we want America to resemble California, then Harris is the person to vote for. There is a saying that “as goes California, so goes the nation.” Remember, Harris and her puppet masters/handlers in San Francisco and California helped her bring about much of the decline of both the once-great city and state. As previously mentioned, both Michael Savage and Harmeet Dhillon have spoken out about this. California is run by just one party now, and people are fleeing in droves. Or, as singer Lizzo proclaims about her girlfriend Harris, let’s “Make America Detroit.” Making America California or Detroit both bring about the end of our nation.

There is yet another possibility that most think will never happen to America—that God releases judgment upon us. What would that judgment be?

He can allow individuals and nations to be turned over to their wicked ways. (Rom. 1) Perhaps this is already in progress. He can then “send upon us curses and rebuke in everything …until we are destroyed and come to sudden ruin.” (Deut. 28: 20) This may already be happening. And consider what party is pushing all the immoral, ungodly things upon us.

God can allow nations to be taken captive as He did with the ancient Israelites who were captured by the Babylonians and the Egyptians. He can allow our enemies to rule over us. (Deut. 28:36)

God can allow nations to be invaded, attacked, destroyed. (Deut. 28:25)

He can allow the aliens who live among us to rise above us higher and higher, but we will sink lower and lower. (Deut. 28: 43) Sound familiar?

Worse, the Word says, “The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand, a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young.” (Deut. 28:49-50 NIV) And finally, “They will lay siege to all the cities throughout your land until the high fortified walls in which you trust fall down. They will besiege all the cities throughout all the land the Lord your God is giving you.” (Deut. 28: 52 NIV)

America has been mocking God for decades. A reading of just Romans chapter one describes the process of God’s allowing us a designated amount of time to honor and respect Him before He begins the process of turning us over to our wicked ways. For the ancient Israelites, He gave them forty years in the desert before He finally had had enough of their grumbling, complaining, and disloyalty to Him. A whole generation of people died in the desert, never to reach the Holy Land.

Here in America, we think we are smarter than God and have replaced Him with Daddy Government. Wrong choice. The Republican Party is more God-centered, with many being God-fearing. It still stands for the U.S. Constitution, which was God-breathed. It still tries to fight all the evil forces, but far too often does not stand-up to the evil for fear of being called names by the media—the public relations/marketing arm of the Democrat Party. So yes, we need more courage; but then, what we need most of all is more faith in and obedience to our God.

Our motto is One Nation Under God. We certainly do not act that way. So how can we think we can ask for His blessings upon us, and deserve receiving them? We deserve judgment and should be trembling at the thought that maybe we have tried God’s mercy a bit too long. Children generally know when they have pressed their luck with parents and gone too far in their bad behavior. I confess that I knew—it was when one of my parents went to where the paddle was kept. So how is it that adult Americans cannot realize that we have likewise pressed our luck with our Father? And folks, He is our God whether we believe so or not.

As told in the above excerpt from the Declaration of Independence, we have the right to alter or abolish our government and institute a new form of government. At this point we are too disunited, too corrupt to be able to institute a new form of government. However, we can make changes through our votes.

So then, please carefully consider what the future means if we elect “more of the same” into offices to stand for our interests. Conversely, we should consider how if choosing change, we might be allowed more time to repent and turn back to our Holy God, while hopefully slowing down, or stopping evils being pushed on our society—particularly to the children.

Just a few election consequences are listed above. If we continue in the same direction, we are headed right into further judgment. It is time to humble ourselves and realize how badly we’ve gotten off course and then seek the LORD while he may be found. (Is. 55:6) Are we willing to do this? Are you willing to do this? To anyone willing to hear….

© Madeline Crabb


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Madeline Crabb

Madeline Crabb is a Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a patriot. Holding a degree in journalism and public relations, and training from the Leadership Institute, she has been a columnist since 2000, and has written for various Christian newspapers around the country. As a “watchwoman” on the wall (Is.62:67), Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.


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