Madeline Crabb
Since January 2021, the Biden/Harris administration, sometimes referred to as Obama 3.0, has taken America in the direction of destruction, WWIII, and hell—at breakneck speed, as we discussed in part one of this series. There are three important questions for the so-called Church to consider: How did we get to this point? Is this the direction you intended to go? Did you vote for this?
While in part one of this series I described where we are, I feel it necessary to speak to how we got here.
First, our nation has moved increasingly further away from God year after year. Sadly, a large segment of the population simply pays lip service to God, but do not really believe in or serve Him. The Bible says, “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.” (Matt. 15:8 NKJV) This lukewarmness affects our choices in representatives.
The destruction and precipitous decline of our constitutionally based government began under hope and change Barack Obama. He fulfilled his promise of “fundamentally transforming America!” What he instituted were socialist/communist ideologies, the end goal/destination being a communist Utopia first promised by Karl Marx. Dear presumed believer/professing Christian, was this the direction/destination you intended for our nation? Did you vote for it?
What were Obama’s qualifications for the head government job? He was supposedly a constitutional expert, but did not explain to which constitution he referred, because under him the U.S. Constitution was shredded. He was also hailed as a successful community organizer who taught and led from Saul Alinsky’s playbook, Rules for Radicals. And what do community organizers do? They tear down communities/society to re-build them the way they see fit. In other words, hope and change Obama was a destroyer! And Satan is the master of destroyers!
Oh, but these “organizers” are also skilled shakedown artists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Perhaps they all could be called master manipulators and deceivers? And the master of all manipulators/deceivers is Satan, to whom Saul Alinsky dedicated his book.
So, using your critical thinking skills, who do you think all these people serve? If you are truly dedicated to serving the Lord Jesus Christ, and study to show yourselves approved as Scripture dictates (2 Tim. 2:15), you know the answer—it is not our Holy God.
Lest we forget, Hillary Clinton was a fan of Saul Alinsky as well. She adored and even authored her senior thesis on him. Along with Alinsky, Obama, and Clinton are known as fellow travelers which are sympathizers with communism. Without necessarily being actual communists, they promote the ideals and platform. We “dodged the proverbial bullet” when Donald Trump beat Clinton. If for only a while…
So, Obama’s vice-presidential pick was Joe Biden, someone who could be, and had already sold himself to the highest bidders for over 40 years. Further, he was someone who could be manipulated—a puppet. Perhaps he was also chosen because he was not bright enough to understand Obama’s true agenda. But again, Biden had his own agenda—selling his position/votes/influence to gain more wealth. A different type of manipulator/deceiver? Obama’s handlers, whoever they are behind the scenes, knew exactly the right person to choose for their nefarious plans to succeed under that administration. Why, their plans were so good that Biden did not even have to campaign for the head job when Obama’s constitutional term ended. He only had to sit in his basement and do a few online chats. Awake, as opposed to “woke” people understood his cognition was seriously impaired, but supposedly, more people voted for him than even his mentor and former boss! Really?!
In my opinion, if Americans are this stupid and blind, perhaps we deserve to watch our nation be destroyed. But I digress…
So then, we have had this man, a mere shadow of his former self, now supposedly running the country. While Biden would not necessarily be considered a communist sympathizer, he has gone along with the radical leftists and their communist/socialist agenda. Remember, behind the scenes, he and his son were shaking down people for money. (Remember his shakedown of Ukraine which he bragged about?) Also remember how fifty-one retired intelligence “experts” said the Hunter Biden laptop was filled with misinformation? Uh, they were wrong.
So then, who does Biden choose as his running mate? Kamala Harris, another empty suit, or rather, pantsuit. Of course, this empty pantsuit had to be a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) hire. There is no merit involved in the choice—just the fact that it is a female with dark skin who knows her pronouns and vigorously promotes LGBT. Check the boxes…
Perhaps Biden did not realize or care that this woman is a Left-coast radical liberal/socialist/communist who was instrumental in the downfall of a major city and state. (Previously discussed.) Perhaps he did not know that in everything she did, she had the help of a paramour, sugar daddy, or enabler.
She does not have the “juice” required to be a leader. We used to hear of women who slept their way to the top. As they say, if the shoe fits, wear it.
Willie Brown, a highly connected person in the California Democrat “machine” was/is one such person who committed adultery with this woman, obtaining “favors” for his financial and political help to Harris. He opened doors she could never get through. And when she was done with Brown, she moved on to others. She is a user and con artist, one among many women who work this way. (Outside of politics, they might be called prostitutes. But then, many politicians are just that—male and female.)
Now, I may still write more extensively on Harris, but if anyone wants a more in-depth look at her, I suggest a Tucker Carlson interview with Harmeet Dhillon. It is a two-hour interview worth every second of viewing time. https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-harmeet-dhillon
Now, the one main job Biden tasked to Harris was the Southern border, a job at which she spectacularly failed. Instead of securing that border, there is now virtually no border, with millions upon millions of illegal aliens (immigration law term) from an estimated 150 nations around the world!
What is profoundly disturbing is how many Chinese nationals have crossed the Southern border. The Center for Immigration Studies reports that under Biden/Harris, until March of 2024, “the Department of Homeland Security’s quick release policies resulted in more than 50,000 Border Patrol encounters with Chinese nationals, at escalating monthly rates surpassing 4,500 and reaching nearly 6,000 during calendar year 2024. More Chinese nationals are now crossing the Southwest border near San Diego than Mexican nationals.” Numerous reports have been made that these people are mostly fighting-aged men. Is this what you intended to happen to our nation? Did you vote for it?
Moreover, Biden/Harris have been using jetliners to secretly fly in thousands, perhaps millions of illegal aliens to various locations throughout our nation. Because of the secrecy, exact numbers cannot be obtained. Only Biden/Harris, and our God know the exact purpose behind importing all these people into America. And Harris has proclaimed she will not deny illegals benefits just because they are not citizens. No, why not send millions of dollars to support/reward trespassers, and forget about the American citizens in storm-ravaged states who seriously need help from FEMA? Did you vote for this? Is this what you intended to happen to your fellow citizens?
All the above information is presented to encourage us to consider our role in what has and is happening to our nation. When we vote, do we educate ourselves about the candidates, or simply believe the talking points coming from legacy media and alphabet networks like MSNBC and CNN? As recently proven by the CBS program, 60 Minutes, in its editing of the recent Harris interview, these media outlets are simply the public relations/marketing arm of the Democrat National Committee. Most of the so-called news anchors are nothing more than extremely high paid talking heads, spewing the propaganda passed down from the five top powers-that-be above them. Think of it: Five people in the world, those at the very top of the proverbial food chain, control what news or disinformation we will receive, which in turn, affects how we vote. It is all manipulated, deceptive information—and the masses believe it. Remember who is the master of manipulation and deception?
If we want to change the course of our nation, we need to take more responsibility to learn truth. As professing Christians, this means we need to learn Truth from the Word of God first, then we will be able to recognize lies. Consider that in learning how to detect counterfeit money, the Secret Service does not study counterfeits—it studies the real thing. Then agents can quickly recognize the fake!
Throughout this article we have discussed how we have arrived on what an old song might call, the Eve of Destruction. The questions have been asked if this is what we intended, and if we voted for it.
Know this, some of us may have chosen not to vote—but not voting is still a decision. No action is action.
Going forward, we have serious choices. What is yours going to be? More of the same, or getting back to common sense? America last, or America First. We have little time to decide. And one day, perhaps soon, our choice will be completely removed from us. Anything is possible from an out-of-control, anti-God government. Seek God now. We are not guaranteed a tomorrow. (Refer to part one of this series for direction.)
We will specifically discuss God’s requirements for the Church in our next article. Until then, may each of us consider our role in the state of our nation. We can change our course, but first, we must change ourselves. Are we willing? To anyone willing to hear….
© Madeline CrabbThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.