Madeline Crabb
While In God we trust is our nation’s motto, what happens when calamity strikes? Then in whom do we really trust? God or man?
In our last article the discussion was about a “shaking” that has started. Everything that can be shaken is being shaken. Only those things built on the foundation of faith in God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, will remain. But our eyes and ears tell us this is not where vast portions of our population are placing their faith and trust. Does anyone wonder why?
(Note: I began drafting this article a week before the ideal example of calamity hit our shores.)
Just two weeks ago, Florida experienced what Governor Ron DeSantis has called a 500-year storm of biblical proportions—Hurricane Ian.
It has been one hundred years since such a strong hurricane has hit this area of Florida. As a Southwest Florida resident, I can attest to the ferocity of this storm.
While our community of Englewood did not get the initial landfall fury of Ian, we received the impact of the backside (west) of the eye of the storm. After landfall, we sat in our safe room and experienced the terrifying sounds of seven hours of pummeling from winds of around 150 or more miles per hour, and torrential rain of around 20 inches. The freight train sounds of the wind were like those heard during a tornado, which I have been through. But this was not just minutes, but seven hours of that sound!
Anyone who has lived in Florida for a while would hopefully always be prepared for storms, especially during hurricane season. Even I went through a tropical storm here while searching for our new home back in October of 2020. It only makes sense to store provisions like food, water, and generators for even short-term loss of services. As a student of the Bible, I follow God’s guidance. Yes, He does tell us what we should do for all situations. Read the story of Joseph advising the Pharoah about storing grain for the years of famine. (Gen.47)
So, prior to the storm, those who had not planned for emergencies frantically ran to the usual places to stockpile water and food, causing somewhat of a panic. (Remember the toilet paper hoarding during the plandemic?) Then the talking heads of MSM capitalized on the water “shortage” to further scare the people.
About three days before landfall, a seasoned meteorologist on the area’s Fox Weather station spoke common sense to his audience. He told the people to calm down and consider an alternative to buying bottled water is filling pitchers, buckets, bowls, and storage containers with tap water while we still have the service. Brilliant and funny! I had been yelling at the TV for someone to tell the people water does not come in bottles! Somebody must put it there, and we can collect our own water for even less money right from the tap, or river, lake, stream…
This brings us back to the premise of this article: In whom do we really trust, God or man?
Our Creator gave each of us brains and the ability to reason. We are at the highest level of living creatures, and yet, we so often function as if we need someone else to care for our every need like we are mere children, or even animals. I submit that if more people began taking personal responsibility in their own lives instead of relying on Big Daddy government to care for them, we would not panic in any situation. We would use our God-given brains, and yes, even common sense, and do what is necessary to survive.
Yes, there are situations in which the government can help. The aftermath of this storm is one of them. While there have been complaints for two weeks about the lack of cable TV, there are scores of people in areas like Fort Myers who have lost their homes and possessions, while others lost their lives. The thousands of electrical workers from around the country recruited by Governor DeSantis restored most power in record time, while a small percentage remains where this service will take much longer to repair.
The government at local, state, and national levels should be there to help. And it has been incredible how this has happened after Ian. More heartwarming is the humanitarian aid that appeared overnight after Ian. Organizations are still on the ground providing food, water, and other necessities to area residents, particularly in harder hit areas, which may continue for much longer. THIS is what the inhabitants of a Christian nation should be doing for one another. The world calls it the Golden Rule. Scripture says, “Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (Matt. 7:12 NASB 1977)
Therefore, the most important preparation we can make for any situation, even catastrophes, is to seek God and His protection. But first, we need to acknowledge and honor our God, because we are rudderless without Him. Is this not obvious from the moral state of our society? If we totally ignore Him in our everyday living, is it any wonder we panic in emergencies? We cry out to mere men to save us, men as lost and confused as us.
This massively powerful hurricane was either an act of “nature,” or helped by weather manipulation. Yes, weather wars have been occurring for decades. In 1962, Vice President Lyndon Johnson said that he who controls the weather will control the world. Hmmm… For the concerned or curious, an excellent source of information is available at Dane Wigington’s site, www.geoengineeringwatch.org.
Prior to this horrible storm, I trusted God for my needs, but prepared for most resulting contingencies. A longtime Florida resident, and fellow believer in Christ told me to do all I can do, turn off the news, and simply trust God. The reason to turn off the news is that all too often, pundits create fear and panic as they drone on and on about something that is unpredictable.
Most importantly, Scripture says that having done all we can do, we are to stand and wait on the Lord. (Eph. 6:13)
Was Hurricane Ian evil? Yes, there was an evil component that was utterly vicious. Did God allow it? Yes. Is it part of judgment on us?
Only God knows this. Is the heavenly Father trying to get our attention, wake us up? Yes.
Again, our national motto is In God we trust, but do we? When alone during your crisis, in whom will you trust? You can have peace amid any storm. Read Isaiah 43: 2-3, which is in a frame here at my computer. Begin honoring, worshiping, and trusting God the Father, and make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. Please do not delay. To anyone willing to hear….
© Madeline CrabbThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.