Madeline Crabb
America is coming apart at the seams. Violence, mayhem, rioting, wars, and multiple crises are breaking out worldwide. In America, we are no longer united, but divided.
People who are awake, as opposed to “woke”, are threatened, silenced, and canceled in their attempts to awaken, teach, and warn other citizens. The masses of those still clueless either cower in fear, or naïvely await the good guys to ride into town on white horses to rescue them.
Newsflash: The good guys may not be coming to the rescue, at least for a while. It is up to Americans to stand for freedom, or soon we will be nothing more than slaves to the Ruling Class.
While all the above almost sounds biblical, that is because these things and more are what the Bible calls “birth pangs” or warnings as to the times in which we live.
American citizens have always fought back against tyranny. Are we now going to allow today’s tyrants to continue to lie, cheat, and steal from us without a word? The current Covid outbreak is a perfect example of the control they plan to exert on us going forward.
Government leaders at city, state, and national levels have used the so-called crisis as an excuse to curtail our civil liberties. Surprisingly, the multitudes have complied like helpless sheep. We have worn “face diapers” for over a year despite the ample evidence that masks do more harm than good. They have punished healthy people by quarantining them, instead of keeping the sick at home and allowing healthy individuals to continue working and living their lives. They shut down nearly everything, except their “favored” companies, therefore putting millions upon millions of people out of work.
In essence, American citizens have been under house arrest for over a year, and in some communities and states, they are still imprisoned! Insane. The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights were not suspended when essentially another iteration of flu virus hit America’s shores. And folks, we have had much more serious epidemics afflict us before, and these sorts of lockdowns/imprisonments were never done to the populace.
Sadly, there are millions of people who blindly believe and submit to everything government espouses. How can we do so when this government is filled with corrupt liars?
The above-mentioned Constitution still exists. All the mandates the dictators have and continue to impose upon us are simply pronouncements of mere men, without real laws behind them. Whenever someone tells me something is the “law,” I usually ask just when our various legislators met and passed said action into law.
Of course, I understand that many times the people espousing their “talking points” are doing what they have been told by their bosses or fed from government or MSM propaganda mouthpieces, who essentially are an arm of our federal government. However, I simply cannot remain silent when such lies and manipulation are being hurled against us. Frankly, if more people began pushing back, we could stop all the nonsense.
Again, our government dictators want total control over us. Even in a Perry Stone teaching yesterday, he reminded listeners that all Covid actions from our government are simply meant to “distract and silence” citizens. Government leaders are basically telling us to “just shut up and submit to us.” Now, from my understanding of American’s spirit of liberty, and as Jed Clampett of the Beverly Hillbillies might say, “Them there is fightin’ words.”
What has always been, and will continue to be, is the fact that freedom and liberty require personal and corporate accountability and responsibility, which in turn require we believe in absolute truths. Unfortunately, as we allowed the progressive/socialist/communist belief system to marginalize and destroy our Judeo-Christian beliefs and foundations, we no longer seem to have absolute truth. Like Old Testament Israelites, everyone does what seems right in his own eyes. (Jdg. 17: 6) Truth is whatever we think at any given moment.
We are also a nation divided against itself. The Bible says, “"Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” (Mark 3: 21 BSB) Can we begin to recognize why every part of our society appears to be disintegrating? Why reason seems nonexistent? Why simple, evident truths cannot be spoken because they are considered hate speech or racist? (But then, everything is racist now.)
As Americans, we have the right to fight these evils. Yes, it is evil when our God-given, and constitutionally protected rights are being stolen from us. Is it not time to get a backbone and call things by their proper names? Our self-righteous leaders are quick to condemn leaders from other nations who trample the rights of their citizens. So, when it is happening right here in America, why are we not allowed to criticize our leaders?
Folks, it is hard to stand up for our rights. Again, there are two major requirements for freedom: responsibility and accountability. A third basic requirement is courage, which is fuel for the first two.
For far too long, we have chosen to allow our so-called representatives to fight our battles for us, not realizing all of them are mere men/women who are susceptible to the temptations of power. This was abdication of our responsibility to hold these people accountable.
Further, we failed our personal responsibility to “love our neighbors as ourselves,” (Matt. 12: 31), which the Lord Jesus said is the second greatest of all commandments. If we loved our neighbors, we would not burn down their cities, their businesses, steal from them, or physically harm/kill them. If we loved our neighbors, we would not prohibit their free travel on public roadways. If we loved our neighbors, we would act like civilized human beings, not thugs bent on tearing down our societal foundations.
Citizens within communities are somewhat accountable to everyone else within said communities. We live in a civilized society and are supposed to live as civilized human beings. Instead, around the country we are witnessing alarming numbers of people behaving more like savages. Therefore, it is the responsibility of civilized societal members to hold the savages responsible for their actions. And here we are, back at the problem with a breakdown of accountability, because not only are regular citizens required to be responsible and accountable to one another, our leaders are accountable to us for their actions as well. They need to be holding accountable ALL wrongdoers and protecting responsible citizens.
The most important accountability we have is to Almighty God. Before you object, please remember that if our God does not exist, and we are not accountable to Him, then we really are a nation/world of savages, and the only law is the law of the jungle where it is survival of the fittest. However, for centuries, civilizations around the world have acknowledged the existence of God.
In America, the original settlers and our Founding Fathers acknowledged this fact in various documents, perhaps one of the earliest being the Mayflower Compact, which was a covenant the Pilgrims made with God. (https://www.mayflowercompact.org/)
God gave us the Bible, His written instructions to us on how to live our lives. The fact that America is unraveling so badly, that we have such wicked, corrupt leaders is proof that we have rejected God and His Word, choosing instead to do what seems right in our own eyes. And again, the fact we are a house divided, we can rightly discern that this house will not stand much longer.
For those who follow God and His Son, we are told what to do in these troubled times. The simple answer is to pray, but our prayers cannot be just vague, casual prayers. While much of the chaos and destruction is done by evil people that we have allowed to rule over us, the powers behind these rulers are demonic. Oh, do not cringe at hearing about demons, or even their boss, Satan.
The Bible tells us about the devil, who knows his time of wreaking havoc upon civilizations/peoples is limited. He knows that he is destined to spend eternity in the lake of fire, and he wants to condemn as many people to hell as possible before his own demise. Scripture explains that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy us. (Jn. 10: 10) Would you agree he has done a good job?
It is my contention, however, that he only has as much power as we give him. So, is it not past time to take back authority over every aspect of our lives, and destiny of our nation? Scripture tells us how to do it:
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Eph. 6: 10-17 NKJ) (emphasis mine)
Dear friends, we can either cower in fear and allow evil to triumph, or submit ourselves to God according to His Word, STAND, and watch what He will do! What say you? To anyone willing to hear….
© Madeline CrabbThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.