Madeline Crabb
In delivering his Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln declared “government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Just 157 years later, this is no longer true. In general, our government now better resembles an underworld crime/mafia operation; but instead of gangsters, our leaders are puppets, prostitutes, and pimps. We the People are simply pawns in a racket based on gaining power and wealth at any cost—which includes the destruction of our republican form of government and our liberty.
Last weekend I happened to watch a TV documentary about underworld crime, and the correlation with the Godfather movie series. How the mafia figures gained their power reminded me of what we daily see from political figures. Mafia members would use other thugs, even outside of their own so-called families, if necessary, to achieve their power. This often involved murdering rivals. Once in power, these mobsters would grow paranoid about themselves being killed, so would then murder those who helped them gain their power. Some would “rat” on others, but most knew it was a death sentence to do so. It was brutal business.
These crime lords would also buy off the police, judges, and even political representatives. Does any of this sound familiar?
In political campaigns we regularly see brutal battles of name calling, accusing, lying, leaking, cheating, stealing, backbiting, and more. Thankfully, it does not involve outright murder. And yes, much of this causes the bad actors to become paranoid. I submit Nancy Pelosi is now greatly afraid. Look at our occupied Capitol! Or how about the metal detectors now installed inside the Capitol building to protect her from fellow congressmen? Regular citizens already got screened upon entering this complex.
Then consider one presidential candidate who called Biden derogatory names and accused him of despicable acts. Funny thing…when asked to be his running mate, Miss I’ll-do-anything-for-power Harris jumped at the chance!
Who knows if underworld crime still operates? I suspect it does, while not necessarily under the mafia families. But as we have seen for decades in the political realm, there are definitely “machines” that control certain areas, even entire states. California and its corrupt one-party system, and Chicago are two such areas that come to mind. The entire state of Illinois is controlled politically by the Chicago machine. Then there is the Clinton machine…
When we are talking about the subject of this article, Puppets, prostitutes, and pimps, we come back to Puppet-in-Chief Biden, who is also a prostitute who willingly does the bidding of unidentified people and/or organizations.
While we spoke extensively about Biden in part one of this series, perhaps now we should discuss his beginnings in the political realm.
From his latest book, Profiles in Corruption, author Peter Schweizer gives a history of several “progressive” politicians, and how they manipulate the system to achieve personal gain. Schweizer calls Biden “king of the sweetheart deal, with no less than five family members benefiting from his largesse, favorable access, and powerful position for commercial gain.” Despite Biden’s denials about ever participating in or discussing the “deals” made by his pimps—son Hunter, his daughter, or siblings, Schweizer points out that “the politician whose family is given deals is no different from the politician who receives those deals himself.” Agreed?
Biden’s political beginnings, in my view, are curious. Two years after graduating from law school, and apparently beginning a law career in Delaware, he also ran for and was elected to the New Castle county council, where he served until 1972. During his county council stint, he ran for the U.S. Senate. This is where it gets interesting…
At age 29, with virtually no experience under his proverbial belt, and only four years out of college, Biden ran against J. Caleb Boggs, who had an extremely high approval rating, and in fact, just a few months before the election, was 30 points ahead of Biden.
Boggs was a World War II veteran having received numerous awards, including Bronze Star and Legion of Merit medals. After the war he returned to Delaware where he served three terms as U.S. Representative, two terms as Governor, and finally two terms as U.S. Senator. In the 1972 election, Biden defeated him by just 3,162/ (50.48%) of the votes. Curious. (Newsmax.com/markschulte)
Somewhat ironically, what Biden repeatedly hammered Boggs with was his age! Biden said that he was too old (63), and not a fighter. Really?
So how did the young, brash Biden beat a man called “the best liked man in Delaware?”
From Schweizer’s book, we learn that in a 1974 interview on the PBS program, The Advocates, Biden stated his willingness to “prostitute” himself to get the money needed for his campaign. He began his career willing to prostitute himself and is still doing so. He raised $276,000 in that first campaign, considered a significant sum for a race in a state the size of Delaware.
Biden, Inc. has been operating without scrutiny for decades. While corporate media outlets have refused to investigate anything associated to blue-collar Joe, Peter Schweizer has done extensive research on political corruption in several books besides the aforementioned. Secret Empires delves specifically into the tangled web spun by the dealings of Hunter Biden and John Kerry’s son, and other princelings. Far from conspiracy theory, these books provide ample evidence of how these and other “public servants” have cashed in on their offices. With the Bidens, like the Clintons, it seems to be more of an entitlement, in-your-face, operation. How dare we question them!
Speaking of cashing in, how did a young senator, two years into his first term, afford to buy the DuPont mansion? Senators only made $44,000 at that time. How many of you had a $900,000 starter home? Hmm…
Additionally, author Trevor Loudon, in his book the Enemies Within, speaks of an organization that is not high on the radar scale, compared to those run by the likes of George Soros. Interestingly, this organization, Council for a Livable World (CLW) “has been financing and lobbying pro-disarmament, anti-U.S. military legislators since its foundation in 1962,” states Loudon. Did you catch the part about anti-U.S. military legislators? The list of those targeted/used by CLW is a Who’s Who of the most radical senators for decades.
CLW’s long-time CEO, Jerome Grossman, claims “by funding senators at the beginning of their careers, the Council for a Livable World was able to influence them later when needed.” That is how it always works, is it not? Just like the Godfather: I will make you a deal you cannot refuse. I grant you a wish today, but in the future, I will call upon you to return the favor, one you must fulfill.
For inquiring minds, more research will lead to Senator Al Gore Sr. and Armand Hammer, who took young Biden under their wings to guide him through his early years in the senate. Hammer had KGB ties. Oh, how many of our legislators have KGB/Russian and Chinese ties of their own?
So, we know that Biden was ambitious from an early age, and that he somehow managed to go from being a county council member with a two-year record, to winning a national senate race before he was 30 years of age.
With just this bit of information, and knowledge that Biden, Inc. has been making money from countries like Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, and China, is it any surprise that this Puppet/Prostitute-in-Chief speaks kindly about these corrupt countries—ones that might very well wish America great harm? As Schweizer points out, Pimp Hunter “was not cutting business deals with Japan or Great Britain…These were deals in the truly dark corners of the world.”
Of course, this is nothing new. Recent history shows us that at least two families, the Clintons and Obamas got monumental returns on their “public service” investments. The Clintons went from a supposed negative net worth upon entering the White House as “co-presidents” to an estimated $240 million net worth just 15 years after leaving office. The Obamas were worth about $5 million before the White House, and just four years later have a net worth of $40 million. No wonder so many politicians vied for the job in these last two presidential campaigns!
The question we should ask is what did these people really do to gain such wealth? Furthermore, what are the current puppets and prostitutes doing for their wealth?
So then, will we ever know the identities of the pimps controlling our government officials? Besides investigators like Peter Schweizer, is there anyone with the courage to discover the truth? Hunter Biden is just a low-level pimp and opportunist, along with the rest of Biden, Inc. We will pursue this topic more in the next part of this series, as well as who controls Kamala Harris.
If our so-called leaders are puppets, prostitutes, and pimps, what do we do? Corruption in the process stops citizens from making changes. The Courts seem complicit in hamstringing us from getting justice and clarification. We simply cannot have another 2020-type election, or we will be living under tyranny of unknown powers. How many current representatives were not elected by voters, but “selected” by powers paying for favors and access?
The way we will have to fight this evil is on our knees in prayer. Perhaps we can discuss this as well next time. As author Steve Quayle says, “there are no political solutions to spiritual problems.” May God have mercy upon us. To anyone willing to hear….
© Madeline CrabbThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.