Madeline Crabb
What is our role in making America great again?
By Madeline Crabb
In 2016, We the People elected outsider, Donald J. Trump, to the presidency of the United States. A little over two years later, while he has done some amazing things, and continues to work at making America great again, what have we done to help him? Wearing a MAGA hat, or "I'm on the Trump train Tshirt" aren't enough. So, what is our role in making America great again?
Okay, so most people that read columns from the Renew America website are probably already actively involved in some form of activism in the political arena. On the most basic level they are at least reading about current events and how our nation is being impacted. But despite all the good things Mr. Trump has been accomplishing, America is still in trouble.
I actually wrote a column yesterday addressing one of the major problems our nation faces, but was re-directed to speak about our role in fixing things that, in all honesty, we ALL are somewhat responsible for.
Oh, we may go to vote every two and four years, and then pat ourselves on the back about how great we are. So what? Blinded, brainwashed, bought-off citizens – and yes, even non-citizens – also go to the polls and vote. Why, in certain areas of the country it has been a popular phenomenon for decades to vote from the grave.
It would be reassuring to know that true conservatives actually make informed decisions about whom they vote for. It would be wonderful if professing Christians all chose to vote for people who do not believe in killing babies in the womb, or support people who now are putting a stamp of approval on infanticide. Yes, Christians do vote for Democrats. And yes, almost all people in that party support abortion. Puzzling...
Let's be clear about what abortion is: It is MURDER. It is not about a woman's choice, unless it actually is a matter of life or death for the mother. A terrible decision must then be made by the parents and doctors. But it is killing a living being. If we are Christians, we cannot approve of people who promote this abomination.
The Bible says, "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." (Ps. 139:16 NLT)
There is a judgment day, and we will have to give an account for choices made in our lives, including who we voted for. Do we really want this innocent blood, the blood of 60 million babies, on our hands as we stand before Almighty God? This isn't a minor infraction. Just sayin...
Going back to the topic of informed voting, it seems the number one issue that should be non-negotiable is pretty basic. (At least for so-called Christians.) The rest of our decisions should center on character. For me, if candidates can't pass the first test on the above-mentioned topic, they are no longer considered for any position...not even dog-catcher. Period. Again, it's about character.
You see, going forward, we must elect people who know the difference between right and wrong, and have intestinal fortitude to stand for their beliefs. If a person doesn't know the basic difference between right and wrong, they have a faulty moral compass. So then, how can they take our country in the right direction? Really?
Now, some of you may argue that President Trump is not a man of good character. May I ask? What kind of life have you lived? Are you proud of every moment of that life? Have you ever done anything you are ashamed of? Ever hurt anyone? Ever divorce the husband/wife you promised to cherish until death? Ever been in trouble with the law? Ever drink too much and not remember things?
At this very moment, three politicians in Virginia are being taken to task for things they did in the past. Everyone is quick to jump on the "crucify" bandwagon. Looking back several presidents ago, we elected a man twice who had a perpetual problem with keeping his zipper closed, while also having some trouble with truth. (Not to mention the shenanigans of his co-president wife.)
In my life, I no longer do the things I did in my youth. Perhaps the aforementioned men in Virginia no longer do the things they once did. (Although one man is questionable in my book for his trite way of talking about infanticide. If he doesn't denounce it, the people should recall him because he is telegraphing approval of murder. That should be a step too far for even liberal Democrats.) But if these people are bigots, is that enough to impeach them?
I hear some black leaders pushing hatred and the "race card" on almost a daily basis, and hordes of people worship them. And as for the Democratic Party, it seems that even seasoned politicians can't stop pushing that same race card that causes even more division, envy, and hatred. And they are intentionally doing it.
So, considering all these things, why not give President Trump the benefit of the doubt? He is not the same man he was 20, or even just ten years ago. In fact, I have seen a tremendous growth in the last two years. I attribute that to how serious he is about his job, his great love for America and her citizens, and a growing understanding of and faith in God. He is at least trying. And he has untold scores of people praying for him. Besides, just as God allowed what I call "judgment" presidents, God chose this man for such a time as this (Esth. 4:14). For it is God who removes kings and sets up kings, and gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. (Dan. 2:21)
Regarding elections, and choosing correctly, we should address the large number of people serving in congress who should have gone home or been voted out years, even decades ago. Term limits were voted down by our supreme court in 1995 by a decision of 5-4. (Understand we need constitutionalists on the Court if we are to ever reverse our disastrous course.) So then, we have to wait for people to have the decency to retire, or they die. Understand that once some people get into a national office, their job is all about the power. (I used to tease a friend who became a member of the U. S. Congress about not drinking the D.C. water, or breathing the air. Something happens to people who go there for any extended time.) And then when positions open up, We the People must choose carefully.
So we are back to where we started. We need to be more serious about the character of those we elect to represent us.
Yes, I realize that the mid-term elections are behind us. Are you happy with the outcome of those elections? Frankly, I am frightened by some of the people elected. Supposedly our representatives should reflect the people they serve. (Ha! Nancy Pelosi doesn't. Maxine Waters doesn't. Their districts are total disasters, and yet, people keep electing them, and many, many others. A large number of voters must have lost all their senses – and ability to think.) But, if some of those elected are actual representations of their districts, America is in serious, deep jeopardy. We will be discussing this in a future column.
For now, we can begin to fully research those who are running for upcoming elections, and continue to be informed of events affecting our nation and our future. Perhaps we can't do something about our local situation, but we can learn about people in other localities and help disseminate the truth.
Work, faith in God, and prayer will be required by all who are awake and informed in the effort to re-direct America's course. It is not enough to be on the Trump train, and be just a passenger. We need to help the President drive the train. To that end, the next column will delve further into exactly what our role is in making America great again.
One last thing...Mr. Trump is our president. Can we all at least come together in prayer for his protection? There are serious forces attacking him from all directions, and he needs the support of equally serious, directed, specific prayer. Thank you in advance for those prayers.
To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
February 14, 2019
In 2016, We the People elected outsider, Donald J. Trump, to the presidency of the United States. A little over two years later, while he has done some amazing things, and continues to work at making America great again, what have we done to help him? Wearing a MAGA hat, or "I'm on the Trump train Tshirt" aren't enough. So, what is our role in making America great again?
Okay, so most people that read columns from the Renew America website are probably already actively involved in some form of activism in the political arena. On the most basic level they are at least reading about current events and how our nation is being impacted. But despite all the good things Mr. Trump has been accomplishing, America is still in trouble.
I actually wrote a column yesterday addressing one of the major problems our nation faces, but was re-directed to speak about our role in fixing things that, in all honesty, we ALL are somewhat responsible for.
Oh, we may go to vote every two and four years, and then pat ourselves on the back about how great we are. So what? Blinded, brainwashed, bought-off citizens – and yes, even non-citizens – also go to the polls and vote. Why, in certain areas of the country it has been a popular phenomenon for decades to vote from the grave.
It would be reassuring to know that true conservatives actually make informed decisions about whom they vote for. It would be wonderful if professing Christians all chose to vote for people who do not believe in killing babies in the womb, or support people who now are putting a stamp of approval on infanticide. Yes, Christians do vote for Democrats. And yes, almost all people in that party support abortion. Puzzling...
Let's be clear about what abortion is: It is MURDER. It is not about a woman's choice, unless it actually is a matter of life or death for the mother. A terrible decision must then be made by the parents and doctors. But it is killing a living being. If we are Christians, we cannot approve of people who promote this abomination.
The Bible says, "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." (Ps. 139:16 NLT)
There is a judgment day, and we will have to give an account for choices made in our lives, including who we voted for. Do we really want this innocent blood, the blood of 60 million babies, on our hands as we stand before Almighty God? This isn't a minor infraction. Just sayin...
Going back to the topic of informed voting, it seems the number one issue that should be non-negotiable is pretty basic. (At least for so-called Christians.) The rest of our decisions should center on character. For me, if candidates can't pass the first test on the above-mentioned topic, they are no longer considered for any position...not even dog-catcher. Period. Again, it's about character.
You see, going forward, we must elect people who know the difference between right and wrong, and have intestinal fortitude to stand for their beliefs. If a person doesn't know the basic difference between right and wrong, they have a faulty moral compass. So then, how can they take our country in the right direction? Really?
Now, some of you may argue that President Trump is not a man of good character. May I ask? What kind of life have you lived? Are you proud of every moment of that life? Have you ever done anything you are ashamed of? Ever hurt anyone? Ever divorce the husband/wife you promised to cherish until death? Ever been in trouble with the law? Ever drink too much and not remember things?
At this very moment, three politicians in Virginia are being taken to task for things they did in the past. Everyone is quick to jump on the "crucify" bandwagon. Looking back several presidents ago, we elected a man twice who had a perpetual problem with keeping his zipper closed, while also having some trouble with truth. (Not to mention the shenanigans of his co-president wife.)
In my life, I no longer do the things I did in my youth. Perhaps the aforementioned men in Virginia no longer do the things they once did. (Although one man is questionable in my book for his trite way of talking about infanticide. If he doesn't denounce it, the people should recall him because he is telegraphing approval of murder. That should be a step too far for even liberal Democrats.) But if these people are bigots, is that enough to impeach them?
I hear some black leaders pushing hatred and the "race card" on almost a daily basis, and hordes of people worship them. And as for the Democratic Party, it seems that even seasoned politicians can't stop pushing that same race card that causes even more division, envy, and hatred. And they are intentionally doing it.
So, considering all these things, why not give President Trump the benefit of the doubt? He is not the same man he was 20, or even just ten years ago. In fact, I have seen a tremendous growth in the last two years. I attribute that to how serious he is about his job, his great love for America and her citizens, and a growing understanding of and faith in God. He is at least trying. And he has untold scores of people praying for him. Besides, just as God allowed what I call "judgment" presidents, God chose this man for such a time as this (Esth. 4:14). For it is God who removes kings and sets up kings, and gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. (Dan. 2:21)
Regarding elections, and choosing correctly, we should address the large number of people serving in congress who should have gone home or been voted out years, even decades ago. Term limits were voted down by our supreme court in 1995 by a decision of 5-4. (Understand we need constitutionalists on the Court if we are to ever reverse our disastrous course.) So then, we have to wait for people to have the decency to retire, or they die. Understand that once some people get into a national office, their job is all about the power. (I used to tease a friend who became a member of the U. S. Congress about not drinking the D.C. water, or breathing the air. Something happens to people who go there for any extended time.) And then when positions open up, We the People must choose carefully.
So we are back to where we started. We need to be more serious about the character of those we elect to represent us.
Yes, I realize that the mid-term elections are behind us. Are you happy with the outcome of those elections? Frankly, I am frightened by some of the people elected. Supposedly our representatives should reflect the people they serve. (Ha! Nancy Pelosi doesn't. Maxine Waters doesn't. Their districts are total disasters, and yet, people keep electing them, and many, many others. A large number of voters must have lost all their senses – and ability to think.) But, if some of those elected are actual representations of their districts, America is in serious, deep jeopardy. We will be discussing this in a future column.
For now, we can begin to fully research those who are running for upcoming elections, and continue to be informed of events affecting our nation and our future. Perhaps we can't do something about our local situation, but we can learn about people in other localities and help disseminate the truth.
Work, faith in God, and prayer will be required by all who are awake and informed in the effort to re-direct America's course. It is not enough to be on the Trump train, and be just a passenger. We need to help the President drive the train. To that end, the next column will delve further into exactly what our role is in making America great again.
One last thing...Mr. Trump is our president. Can we all at least come together in prayer for his protection? There are serious forces attacking him from all directions, and he needs the support of equally serious, directed, specific prayer. Thank you in advance for those prayers.
To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)