Madeline Crabb
The role of the Church? Occupy until Christ returns
By Madeline Crabb
Newsflash: If we proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are part of the Church. What is the role of the Church? It is to occupy until Christ returns.
Despite what some man-pleasing preachers tell us, we are not alive to enjoy "our best lives now." If we are part of the Church, we are here to obey God, and demonstrate Christ-like lives to the unsaved so that they, too, might choose to become disciples of Him.
But alas, it appears the Church has succumbed to the "what will be will be" mantra. Yes, it is true that most of what we see happening must indeed come to pass before Jesus returns to redeem mankind. However, We-the-Church are not supposed to sit back without a whimper and let the devil destroy God's creation, and take more prisoners with him to eternal damnation – hell.
We are supposed to fight back! We are supposed to warn people of the eternal consequences of our life choices. We are supposed to be God's emissaries to a lost world. We are supposed to OCCUPY until Christ returns!
Instead of the Church doing our job, much of society is taught about life from today's media sources. Everything is about being fed information, or being entertained. And I submit that even MSM news is meant more for entertainment than enlightenment. You see, the enemy doesn't want us to be informed. People armed with truth foil the enemy's plans. Duh!
I don't know about you, but the more I watch on TV, read from various sources, or observe with my own eyes, the more upset I become over the state of humanity. Someone has commented that if what we see doesn't infuriate us, we aren't awake. Today, most of what passes for entertainment is downright vulgar and definitely unsuitable for mixed company. There's no need to try and explain this. If just this statement doesn't resonate with you, nothing else I say will make sense.
Many commercials make me angry. The new ones from AT&T teach people how to behave very badly. But, it's "your thing." Trying to sell cars, one company asks a couple if a particular model would be good to help them move in together. What?!
Of course, most of us who are awake understand that what passes for news is nothing more than propaganda. Ha! Some people might say that there ought to be a law about this. WelI, there actually is a propaganda law that was part of the National Defense Authorization Act passed during Mr. Obama's tenure in the White House. There is a portion of the bill that basically legalizes the use of propaganda against the American people. It would essentially "neutralize two previous acts – the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987 – that had been passed to protect U.S. audiences from our own government's misinformation campaigns." (vigilantcitizen.com and multiple other sources)
In short, today's media is re-programming the masses with the ultimate goal of bringing-down civilization. If it is on regular/traditional media, assume it is untruth. (Yes, even some of what we see on Fox News is tainted. Sorry, Fox is big business, run by people who simply want to make money.) There are only a few programs I now watch on Fox. And even with these, the rule is trust but verify. It takes discernment and wisdom to sort through the minefields before us.
Recently, after reaching a high level of frustration over the current state of world affairs, and the fact that the Church often appears either oblivious, incapable, or unwilling to act, I attended a conference in Ohio – Occupy 2018. While I have my "marching orders" and totally understand the "what's and why's," it was refreshing to be around others who are awake – or are awakening – and to hear fresh insights from fellow soldiers in God's army. Hats off to Coach Dave Daubenmire who organized the event!
Excited about attending this conference, I told other professing Christians about it. Amazingly, I needed to explain to these folks the meaning of the term: occupy. Dear friends, if we don't even understand this basic principle, then we've got some homework to do with God's Instruction Book, the Holy Bible.
The reference scripture is, "And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come." (Luke 19:13 KJB) Each of us can read the whole account, and even commentaries on the subject. The passage specifically mentions giving the servants money with which to attend to their master's business. However, like the parable of the talents, it also refers to the various "giftings/abilities" God gives to each of us. The point is that whether money or abilities, God expects us to use whatever He has given us to do his work until Jesus returns. We are to occupy.
Part of occupying means that we also need to honor one of the very first directions from God: to go and tell. "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15 KJB) This is one of the most elementary commandments that scores of professing Christians refuse to do. The reason given, one that most of us have heard, is that "my faith is a private thing." Really? First of all, if we know the Lord of ALL, how could we NOT tell everyone about His awesomeness? Second, if we don't want to tell everyone, aren't we being selfish? (and disobedient?) Could it be that if we don't want to share Jesus with others that we don't really know Him? Hey, I'm not judging, just posing the question.
No, we don't have to become missionaries who travel around the world. We can be missionaries for Christ within our own homes and neighborhoods. At the grocery...drugstore...our children's ball games...
So, it is easy to understand that if we aren't willing to fulfill the most basic of commandments, then there is no way we can occupy.
Just this week, I heard a teacher speaking about areas around our nation where huge revivals took place in the past. He explained that if one looks at these areas now, they are mostly deep blue (as in political) areas, often rampant with poverty and crime.
Hopefully during revivals, the Church is claiming territory previously occupied by the devil. Revival is meant to restore/revive Christians, but will also draw new people into God's family. A newly "revived" church should be able to nurture and grow the new converts. Then the Church is better equipped to "occupy" the territory. But, if the people /Church are improperly equipped, the devil simply comes back and retakes the area. This happens in real war zones. Consider what we have witnessed happen in the Middle East with Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
We have to contend for our faith. (Jude 1:3) We are the resistance! If an intruder comes to your home with the intent of stealing from, or harming you or your family, are you just going to let him do so? Or are you going to defend your home and family? The Bible tells us that the devil is an intruder. He comes to "steal, kill, and destroy." (Jn. 10:10) Satan knows he is condemned to hell for all eternity. In his remaining days roaming the earth, he's gathering people to take with him. Ever hear that misery loves company? Don't let him take you or your loved ones. We shouldn't want him to take anyone with him. So, what are we going to do about it?
In preparing to write this column, the Lord brought to my memory a song from one of my favorite psalmists of the 90's, Gary Oliver. Here are some of the lyrics to Taking Authority:
Do we want to sit back and let the enemy trample everything we hold dear? Or are we going to become the resistance movement God called us to be? Are we indeed going to fulfill the role of the Church? To occupy until Christ returns? To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
May 12, 2018
Newsflash: If we proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are part of the Church. What is the role of the Church? It is to occupy until Christ returns.
Despite what some man-pleasing preachers tell us, we are not alive to enjoy "our best lives now." If we are part of the Church, we are here to obey God, and demonstrate Christ-like lives to the unsaved so that they, too, might choose to become disciples of Him.
But alas, it appears the Church has succumbed to the "what will be will be" mantra. Yes, it is true that most of what we see happening must indeed come to pass before Jesus returns to redeem mankind. However, We-the-Church are not supposed to sit back without a whimper and let the devil destroy God's creation, and take more prisoners with him to eternal damnation – hell.
We are supposed to fight back! We are supposed to warn people of the eternal consequences of our life choices. We are supposed to be God's emissaries to a lost world. We are supposed to OCCUPY until Christ returns!
Instead of the Church doing our job, much of society is taught about life from today's media sources. Everything is about being fed information, or being entertained. And I submit that even MSM news is meant more for entertainment than enlightenment. You see, the enemy doesn't want us to be informed. People armed with truth foil the enemy's plans. Duh!
I don't know about you, but the more I watch on TV, read from various sources, or observe with my own eyes, the more upset I become over the state of humanity. Someone has commented that if what we see doesn't infuriate us, we aren't awake. Today, most of what passes for entertainment is downright vulgar and definitely unsuitable for mixed company. There's no need to try and explain this. If just this statement doesn't resonate with you, nothing else I say will make sense.
Many commercials make me angry. The new ones from AT&T teach people how to behave very badly. But, it's "your thing." Trying to sell cars, one company asks a couple if a particular model would be good to help them move in together. What?!
Of course, most of us who are awake understand that what passes for news is nothing more than propaganda. Ha! Some people might say that there ought to be a law about this. WelI, there actually is a propaganda law that was part of the National Defense Authorization Act passed during Mr. Obama's tenure in the White House. There is a portion of the bill that basically legalizes the use of propaganda against the American people. It would essentially "neutralize two previous acts – the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987 – that had been passed to protect U.S. audiences from our own government's misinformation campaigns." (vigilantcitizen.com and multiple other sources)
In short, today's media is re-programming the masses with the ultimate goal of bringing-down civilization. If it is on regular/traditional media, assume it is untruth. (Yes, even some of what we see on Fox News is tainted. Sorry, Fox is big business, run by people who simply want to make money.) There are only a few programs I now watch on Fox. And even with these, the rule is trust but verify. It takes discernment and wisdom to sort through the minefields before us.
Recently, after reaching a high level of frustration over the current state of world affairs, and the fact that the Church often appears either oblivious, incapable, or unwilling to act, I attended a conference in Ohio – Occupy 2018. While I have my "marching orders" and totally understand the "what's and why's," it was refreshing to be around others who are awake – or are awakening – and to hear fresh insights from fellow soldiers in God's army. Hats off to Coach Dave Daubenmire who organized the event!
Excited about attending this conference, I told other professing Christians about it. Amazingly, I needed to explain to these folks the meaning of the term: occupy. Dear friends, if we don't even understand this basic principle, then we've got some homework to do with God's Instruction Book, the Holy Bible.
The reference scripture is, "And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come." (Luke 19:13 KJB) Each of us can read the whole account, and even commentaries on the subject. The passage specifically mentions giving the servants money with which to attend to their master's business. However, like the parable of the talents, it also refers to the various "giftings/abilities" God gives to each of us. The point is that whether money or abilities, God expects us to use whatever He has given us to do his work until Jesus returns. We are to occupy.
Part of occupying means that we also need to honor one of the very first directions from God: to go and tell. "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15 KJB) This is one of the most elementary commandments that scores of professing Christians refuse to do. The reason given, one that most of us have heard, is that "my faith is a private thing." Really? First of all, if we know the Lord of ALL, how could we NOT tell everyone about His awesomeness? Second, if we don't want to tell everyone, aren't we being selfish? (and disobedient?) Could it be that if we don't want to share Jesus with others that we don't really know Him? Hey, I'm not judging, just posing the question.
No, we don't have to become missionaries who travel around the world. We can be missionaries for Christ within our own homes and neighborhoods. At the grocery...drugstore...our children's ball games...
So, it is easy to understand that if we aren't willing to fulfill the most basic of commandments, then there is no way we can occupy.
Just this week, I heard a teacher speaking about areas around our nation where huge revivals took place in the past. He explained that if one looks at these areas now, they are mostly deep blue (as in political) areas, often rampant with poverty and crime.
Hopefully during revivals, the Church is claiming territory previously occupied by the devil. Revival is meant to restore/revive Christians, but will also draw new people into God's family. A newly "revived" church should be able to nurture and grow the new converts. Then the Church is better equipped to "occupy" the territory. But, if the people /Church are improperly equipped, the devil simply comes back and retakes the area. This happens in real war zones. Consider what we have witnessed happen in the Middle East with Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
We have to contend for our faith. (Jude 1:3) We are the resistance! If an intruder comes to your home with the intent of stealing from, or harming you or your family, are you just going to let him do so? Or are you going to defend your home and family? The Bible tells us that the devil is an intruder. He comes to "steal, kill, and destroy." (Jn. 10:10) Satan knows he is condemned to hell for all eternity. In his remaining days roaming the earth, he's gathering people to take with him. Ever hear that misery loves company? Don't let him take you or your loved ones. We shouldn't want him to take anyone with him. So, what are we going to do about it?
In preparing to write this column, the Lord brought to my memory a song from one of my favorite psalmists of the 90's, Gary Oliver. Here are some of the lyrics to Taking Authority:
We are here to take over
Not here to take sides
We are here to take over
No room for compromise
(It's a) Whole new way of living
Whole new way of life
Walking in the spirit
Walking in the light
Taking authority
(we're taking over)
Kingdom authority
Taking authority
(we're taking over)
Kingdom authority
Do we want to sit back and let the enemy trample everything we hold dear? Or are we going to become the resistance movement God called us to be? Are we indeed going to fulfill the role of the Church? To occupy until Christ returns? To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)