Madeline Crabb
In whom can we trust?
By Madeline Crabb
In what appears to be a world gone mad, the question being asked by the multitudes is: In whom can we trust? Sadly, we must ask this question for ALL areas of life because the foundational pillars of our society are not just crumbling any longer; the proverbial house is almost totally obliterated. So, the answer as to whom we can trust is baffling to most people, but shouldn't be to professing Christians.
With each passing year, it gets increasingly frustrating, and frightening, to watch as everything good about our society is replaced by corruption, greed, and all forms of evil. For me, I have researched, studied, and then written in depth about these things. At God's direction, I have instructed, warned, and encouraged. Everything needing said by me was said...I thought! Ha! Apparently, there's a whole passel of things that still require discussion! My work isn't done...
The Father has reminded me that just as He isn't yet finished with me, neither is He finished with the rest of humanity. I'm also reminded that if He still wants to instruct, direct, and encourage, and yes, even chastise us, there is hope for us both individually and collectively.
While the whole world is in chaos, my purpose is to address America's problems, specifically related to Christian responsibility. While we were founded on Christian principles, by people who, for the most part, honored God and Jesus, we have fallen far from those principles. In general, we no longer honor the Father and Son. Everything once considered sacrosanct, whether our Founding documents or the Bible, has been trampled upon or shredded. Everything that defined morality is now considered obsolete and comical, and has been replaced with humanism. But this isn't news to any of us who are even somewhat awake and concerned for our disintegrating society. What should concern us most is what we can do about it. Or do we even care to do something about it?
In November 2016, we elected Donald J. Trump to the presidency. Oh, we have debated this event at length! Many within the Christian community still do not support him. Other professing Christians have placed all their hopes on President Trump to fix what's ailing our nation. Both groups are wrong! (Yes, I'm going to make some people mad. Good. Perhaps it's time for a reality check.)
If we are Christians – not just in name only – but people who believe in the Bible, and practice what it says, then we need to support our president. The least we can do is pray for him. The Bible tells us to "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." (1 Tim. 2:2 NAS1977) Could it be that we have failed in the directive of prayer and thanksgiving, because it appears most Americans do not live tranquil, quiet lives of godliness and dignity? (Such has become the exception, not the rule.)
Our last president was perhaps the most ungodly, un-American man ever holding that office. Although it was difficult at times, many of us prayed for him – for eight long years. We need to understand that God allowed Mr. Obama to have that office. Scripture tells us that God removes kings and establishes kings. (Dan. 2:21) The Father had a plan. I believe He wanted to wake us up as a nation, and to bring us back to Him. Instead, we chose to move further away, and to reject almost all that is considered holy and righteous.
This brings us back to President Trump. He may hold the highest elected office in the land, but he is just a man. He is not God. He does not have all the answers. Yet, far too many people expect him to undo every evil and wrong thing done to our nation, our laws, our schools, our economy, our borders, all of it! Then he does something we don't like and we quickly and viciously criticize him. Yes, even so- called Christians.
Ever since the disastrous "Omnibus" spending bill, there have been scores of Christians vowing not to vote for Mr. Trump in 2020. They are simply going to stay home. (Really? That's a grown-up response.) Granted, I'm not happy with him signing that bill. But let's consider that there are at least 535 other people (representatives and senators) responsible for this and every other disaster that comes from our federal government. All the garbage and largesse in that bill was put in it by people WE elected to make important decisions for us...to represent us. So perhaps we should be a little less critical of one man! In the end, we are ALL responsible.
Furthermore, we do not know what is happening behind the scenes. Our first response to all of this should be to dig in and pray for our president, not abandon him. He has an enormous amount of responsibility on his shoulders, and is not a career politician that is well versed in lies, obfuscation, and deception. He is not "one of them" that's in office to make a name for himself, or get enriched. He already made his name and riches. Any reasonable person can see that since the whole "establishment" is out to destroy him, both in America and around the world, that he might actually have the average Americans' best interests at heart. Then perhaps he needs even more prayers?
Could it be that it is We the People who are at fault and need to examine and criticize ourselves? Didn't we have a part in creating the swamp? Could it be that we have abdicated our own responsibility in "governing" ourselves? This doesn't just mean regarding our obedience to the laws of the land, but in our everyday, personal lives. If we can't manage ourselves and our children in the little things, how can we possibly dictate to the President what he should be doing? Further, if we don't think we should be accountable to our Holy Father, how can we demand that our elected officials be accountable to us? Who do we think we are?
We have turned into a nation of grumblers and complainers, whiners and excuse-makers. Wah...wah...wah – we need our pacifiers. And guess what? God is not pleased. Perhaps we should remember that the Israelites continually grumbled about Moses and God while on the way to the Promised Land. Because of all their discontent, the Lord finally canceled the trip for all the adults. Even God has His limits.
Instead of heeding lessons and instructions from the Bible, we have decided we are smarter than God. Consequently, for the most part, He has been kicked out of our nation. In His place we have exalted mere mortals to rule over us. (Notice I said rule, not represent. It's the end result of doing things our way.) Dear friends, when will we awaken and realize that mere men cannot be trusted?
Then in whom can we trust? There is only one answer: God the Father. Scripture tells us, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." (Pr. 3:5 NAS1977) Again, look at where our own understanding has led us!
Through Jesus and the Holy Scriptures, God has given us all we need to live our lives. None of it is hard. He asks that we repent of our sins, and then trust and obey Him. Isn't it way past time to place our trust in the Lord? What say you? To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
April 18, 2018
In what appears to be a world gone mad, the question being asked by the multitudes is: In whom can we trust? Sadly, we must ask this question for ALL areas of life because the foundational pillars of our society are not just crumbling any longer; the proverbial house is almost totally obliterated. So, the answer as to whom we can trust is baffling to most people, but shouldn't be to professing Christians.
With each passing year, it gets increasingly frustrating, and frightening, to watch as everything good about our society is replaced by corruption, greed, and all forms of evil. For me, I have researched, studied, and then written in depth about these things. At God's direction, I have instructed, warned, and encouraged. Everything needing said by me was said...I thought! Ha! Apparently, there's a whole passel of things that still require discussion! My work isn't done...
The Father has reminded me that just as He isn't yet finished with me, neither is He finished with the rest of humanity. I'm also reminded that if He still wants to instruct, direct, and encourage, and yes, even chastise us, there is hope for us both individually and collectively.
While the whole world is in chaos, my purpose is to address America's problems, specifically related to Christian responsibility. While we were founded on Christian principles, by people who, for the most part, honored God and Jesus, we have fallen far from those principles. In general, we no longer honor the Father and Son. Everything once considered sacrosanct, whether our Founding documents or the Bible, has been trampled upon or shredded. Everything that defined morality is now considered obsolete and comical, and has been replaced with humanism. But this isn't news to any of us who are even somewhat awake and concerned for our disintegrating society. What should concern us most is what we can do about it. Or do we even care to do something about it?
In November 2016, we elected Donald J. Trump to the presidency. Oh, we have debated this event at length! Many within the Christian community still do not support him. Other professing Christians have placed all their hopes on President Trump to fix what's ailing our nation. Both groups are wrong! (Yes, I'm going to make some people mad. Good. Perhaps it's time for a reality check.)
If we are Christians – not just in name only – but people who believe in the Bible, and practice what it says, then we need to support our president. The least we can do is pray for him. The Bible tells us to "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." (1 Tim. 2:2 NAS1977) Could it be that we have failed in the directive of prayer and thanksgiving, because it appears most Americans do not live tranquil, quiet lives of godliness and dignity? (Such has become the exception, not the rule.)
Our last president was perhaps the most ungodly, un-American man ever holding that office. Although it was difficult at times, many of us prayed for him – for eight long years. We need to understand that God allowed Mr. Obama to have that office. Scripture tells us that God removes kings and establishes kings. (Dan. 2:21) The Father had a plan. I believe He wanted to wake us up as a nation, and to bring us back to Him. Instead, we chose to move further away, and to reject almost all that is considered holy and righteous.
This brings us back to President Trump. He may hold the highest elected office in the land, but he is just a man. He is not God. He does not have all the answers. Yet, far too many people expect him to undo every evil and wrong thing done to our nation, our laws, our schools, our economy, our borders, all of it! Then he does something we don't like and we quickly and viciously criticize him. Yes, even so- called Christians.
Ever since the disastrous "Omnibus" spending bill, there have been scores of Christians vowing not to vote for Mr. Trump in 2020. They are simply going to stay home. (Really? That's a grown-up response.) Granted, I'm not happy with him signing that bill. But let's consider that there are at least 535 other people (representatives and senators) responsible for this and every other disaster that comes from our federal government. All the garbage and largesse in that bill was put in it by people WE elected to make important decisions for us...to represent us. So perhaps we should be a little less critical of one man! In the end, we are ALL responsible.
Furthermore, we do not know what is happening behind the scenes. Our first response to all of this should be to dig in and pray for our president, not abandon him. He has an enormous amount of responsibility on his shoulders, and is not a career politician that is well versed in lies, obfuscation, and deception. He is not "one of them" that's in office to make a name for himself, or get enriched. He already made his name and riches. Any reasonable person can see that since the whole "establishment" is out to destroy him, both in America and around the world, that he might actually have the average Americans' best interests at heart. Then perhaps he needs even more prayers?
Could it be that it is We the People who are at fault and need to examine and criticize ourselves? Didn't we have a part in creating the swamp? Could it be that we have abdicated our own responsibility in "governing" ourselves? This doesn't just mean regarding our obedience to the laws of the land, but in our everyday, personal lives. If we can't manage ourselves and our children in the little things, how can we possibly dictate to the President what he should be doing? Further, if we don't think we should be accountable to our Holy Father, how can we demand that our elected officials be accountable to us? Who do we think we are?
We have turned into a nation of grumblers and complainers, whiners and excuse-makers. Wah...wah...wah – we need our pacifiers. And guess what? God is not pleased. Perhaps we should remember that the Israelites continually grumbled about Moses and God while on the way to the Promised Land. Because of all their discontent, the Lord finally canceled the trip for all the adults. Even God has His limits.
Instead of heeding lessons and instructions from the Bible, we have decided we are smarter than God. Consequently, for the most part, He has been kicked out of our nation. In His place we have exalted mere mortals to rule over us. (Notice I said rule, not represent. It's the end result of doing things our way.) Dear friends, when will we awaken and realize that mere men cannot be trusted?
Then in whom can we trust? There is only one answer: God the Father. Scripture tells us, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." (Pr. 3:5 NAS1977) Again, look at where our own understanding has led us!
Through Jesus and the Holy Scriptures, God has given us all we need to live our lives. None of it is hard. He asks that we repent of our sins, and then trust and obey Him. Isn't it way past time to place our trust in the Lord? What say you? To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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