Madeline Crabb
America: One nation under God? Part 2
By Madeline Crabb
Are we, or are we not, still one nation under God? The term, one nation under God, is used a lot by Americans, particularly Christians. As discussed in my last column, it is used by millions of schoolchildren when they recite the Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge contains the words "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Let's discuss the importance of these words.
As stated last week, we are a nation that has been divided by powerful forces – mostly political – many from within our own elected government. We have been divided through class warfare, fear, hate-mongering, race-baiting, and myriad other devices. So scratch the indivisible part.
As for liberty and justice for all, let's just say that Americans are in serious jeopardy of completely losing both. We have a federal government that has been consumed with stripping Americans of their freedoms through new laws, some massive and monstrous, that supersede The Law of the Land – the U.S. Constitution. These lawmakers regularly operate outside their area of authority that is specifically designated in our Constitution. And the courts regularly re-write that same Constitution. It is now liberty and justice for those the powers-that-be deem worthy. So scratch liberty and justice for all.
So what remains from the Pledge is one nation under God. And fellow Americans, rest assured that we are still one nation under God. How do we know? The Bible tells us, "For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him." (Col. 1:16 NIV) We are told that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb. 13:8) Additionally, God said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Heb. 13:5) And Isaiah said, "The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth." (Is. 40:28NIV) So folks, we can't scratch one nation under God – ever.
Yes, the enlightened and smarter-than-everyone-else crowd says that either there is no God, or that he is dead. There will always be someone trying to get us to abandon our beliefs. In fact, ever since America's founding, there has been a war waged against God. But that war has been particularly brutal over the past 100 years. While Christianity has suffered, today there are still enough Christians in America who believe in the Bible and the God it represents to pray us through every trial and tribulation. The Bible says that the Lord is far from the wicked but He hears the prayer of the righteous." (Pr. 16:4) The righteous are His children, those who have believed in Jesus Christ.
One of the reasons our Founding Fathers wanted to come to America was to have freedom of worship. Instead of being forced to belong to, and accept the practices of the "state-sanctioned" church in England, they had various denominations through which they practiced their faith. Most of these denominations remain today. To emphasize the importance of their faith to them, the First Amendment to the Constitution says:
Christians have become second-class citizens. We can't pray publicly, or pray in Jesus' name. The Ten Commandments are taboo because they might offend somebody. But while Christians have less freedom, Muslims seem to be granted greater freedoms. Freely criticize Christians and their God, but don't try it with Muslims. The PC police, and maybe the government, will be knocking at your door. Say good-bye to both freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
The point of all of this is that there are powerful forces at work trying to remove the God of the Bible, and His Son Jesus Christ, from all conversation. Again, these forces have divided our nation, and have been systematically destroying our liberty and justice. Faith in God must be totally destroyed for them to succeed. The question is: will we let them?
We all know that God is real. The Bible says that the truth of God is known to us instinctively, that God put this knowledge in our hearts. (Rom. 1:19) French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal said, "There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus."
To destroy America, we must be divided. The Bible says that a house divided cannot stand. (Mt. 12:25) If we don't unite under the common cause of saving our nation, our nation will fall. The leftist/communist/Marxist/ progressive forces that have been tearing down our foundations for decades want to control us. Dear friends, every handout we take from government gives them more control over us. Do not be deceived that government actually cares about us. If they did, they would not be spending us into oblivion. Our debt is so great that it can never be paid. Is that caring for you, or your children and grandchildren? All that most of these people care about is POWER. And they will lie, cheat, and steal to get and keep it. And the longer we keep voting for these people to retain their positions, the more powerful they become. One day they won't need us any longer – the head tyrant will simply rule by proclamation. Oh...I think this is already happening with King Obama.
Our only salvation is God. And what have We the People done towards Him. We have allowed the evil forces to mock and marginalize Him. For far too long, even many Christians have been afraid to stand up for their faith and their God. This is our God, our Creator, and our help in times of trouble. (Jer. 16:19) We need to run to Him and plead for His help – not cower in fear of mortal men.
The fact remains that God still sits on, and rules from His thrown, regardless what tyrant, dictator, or wannabe king holds a leadership role in our government. God is still God, whether we accept or deny Him. Therefore, we ARE still one nation under God. He is our only protection, and without Him, we will cease to exist. And there is a point, even for our gracious God, that He will turn His back on us. Do we dare let the destructive forces continue to silence us from giving God the respect, obedience, and glory He deserves? It is our choice. We'll discuss consequences next time. To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
July 24, 2013
Are we, or are we not, still one nation under God? The term, one nation under God, is used a lot by Americans, particularly Christians. As discussed in my last column, it is used by millions of schoolchildren when they recite the Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge contains the words "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Let's discuss the importance of these words.
As stated last week, we are a nation that has been divided by powerful forces – mostly political – many from within our own elected government. We have been divided through class warfare, fear, hate-mongering, race-baiting, and myriad other devices. So scratch the indivisible part.
As for liberty and justice for all, let's just say that Americans are in serious jeopardy of completely losing both. We have a federal government that has been consumed with stripping Americans of their freedoms through new laws, some massive and monstrous, that supersede The Law of the Land – the U.S. Constitution. These lawmakers regularly operate outside their area of authority that is specifically designated in our Constitution. And the courts regularly re-write that same Constitution. It is now liberty and justice for those the powers-that-be deem worthy. So scratch liberty and justice for all.
So what remains from the Pledge is one nation under God. And fellow Americans, rest assured that we are still one nation under God. How do we know? The Bible tells us, "For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him." (Col. 1:16 NIV) We are told that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb. 13:8) Additionally, God said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Heb. 13:5) And Isaiah said, "The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth." (Is. 40:28NIV) So folks, we can't scratch one nation under God – ever.
Yes, the enlightened and smarter-than-everyone-else crowd says that either there is no God, or that he is dead. There will always be someone trying to get us to abandon our beliefs. In fact, ever since America's founding, there has been a war waged against God. But that war has been particularly brutal over the past 100 years. While Christianity has suffered, today there are still enough Christians in America who believe in the Bible and the God it represents to pray us through every trial and tribulation. The Bible says that the Lord is far from the wicked but He hears the prayer of the righteous." (Pr. 16:4) The righteous are His children, those who have believed in Jesus Christ.
One of the reasons our Founding Fathers wanted to come to America was to have freedom of worship. Instead of being forced to belong to, and accept the practices of the "state-sanctioned" church in England, they had various denominations through which they practiced their faith. Most of these denominations remain today. To emphasize the importance of their faith to them, the First Amendment to the Constitution says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging
the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government
for a redress of grievances.
Christians have become second-class citizens. We can't pray publicly, or pray in Jesus' name. The Ten Commandments are taboo because they might offend somebody. But while Christians have less freedom, Muslims seem to be granted greater freedoms. Freely criticize Christians and their God, but don't try it with Muslims. The PC police, and maybe the government, will be knocking at your door. Say good-bye to both freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
The point of all of this is that there are powerful forces at work trying to remove the God of the Bible, and His Son Jesus Christ, from all conversation. Again, these forces have divided our nation, and have been systematically destroying our liberty and justice. Faith in God must be totally destroyed for them to succeed. The question is: will we let them?
We all know that God is real. The Bible says that the truth of God is known to us instinctively, that God put this knowledge in our hearts. (Rom. 1:19) French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal said, "There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus."
To destroy America, we must be divided. The Bible says that a house divided cannot stand. (Mt. 12:25) If we don't unite under the common cause of saving our nation, our nation will fall. The leftist/communist/Marxist/ progressive forces that have been tearing down our foundations for decades want to control us. Dear friends, every handout we take from government gives them more control over us. Do not be deceived that government actually cares about us. If they did, they would not be spending us into oblivion. Our debt is so great that it can never be paid. Is that caring for you, or your children and grandchildren? All that most of these people care about is POWER. And they will lie, cheat, and steal to get and keep it. And the longer we keep voting for these people to retain their positions, the more powerful they become. One day they won't need us any longer – the head tyrant will simply rule by proclamation. Oh...I think this is already happening with King Obama.
Our only salvation is God. And what have We the People done towards Him. We have allowed the evil forces to mock and marginalize Him. For far too long, even many Christians have been afraid to stand up for their faith and their God. This is our God, our Creator, and our help in times of trouble. (Jer. 16:19) We need to run to Him and plead for His help – not cower in fear of mortal men.
The fact remains that God still sits on, and rules from His thrown, regardless what tyrant, dictator, or wannabe king holds a leadership role in our government. God is still God, whether we accept or deny Him. Therefore, we ARE still one nation under God. He is our only protection, and without Him, we will cease to exist. And there is a point, even for our gracious God, that He will turn His back on us. Do we dare let the destructive forces continue to silence us from giving God the respect, obedience, and glory He deserves? It is our choice. We'll discuss consequences next time. To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
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