Madeline Crabb
What America needs most? Righteousness, repentence, and revival, Part 3
By Madeline Crabb
While We the People have been busy living our lives, and having our fun, America has been decaying from within and without. We may have taken time from our busy schedules to vote, but otherwise, we've pretty much delegated responsibility for our nation to others. More often than not, even in our most basic of duties, voting, we have been both blind and uninformed when selecting people to "govern" us. We have failed to safeguard the precious gifts of liberty and freedom given to us by God, taking them for granted instead. Now, supernatural intervention is needed to save our nation. As we have been discussing, three things are needed in America: Righteousness, repentance, and revival. This final message addresses revival.
We already know righteousness is needed in our private and public lives. We know we MUST select righteous people to serve in our government, particularly at the national level. We also know that America is suffering from spiritual atrophy, which causes us to make poor choices when choosing people to run our government. Godly people pick righteous people. But as Christians have lost some of their spirituality and commitment to God, we have been making wrong choices. Instead of picking godly people who believe in and obey God's commandments and precepts, we have chosen far too many people who push ideological views that are at enmity with God. God has been deemed irrelevant. Our constitution is ignored. And our nation has begun the downward decline and path taken by all the other once great nations. But, as we have discussed, everything started with individual Americans — with us.
In an article written in the 1800's, a professor, Alexander Tytler, stated that the average age of world civilizations is 200 years, and that these civilizations and empires tend to progress through the following sequence:
To return to our spiritual faith, we must repent. We must stop doing things our own way, do an "about face," and start doing things God's way. For God to intervene and fix the colossal messes we've made in our personal and corporate lives, we must repent. Please note that all this begins with Christians.
Scripture says: "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land." (2 Chron. 7:14 NLT)
The Bible holds Christians accountable first, not those who don't know Him. Scripture also tells us judgment begins in the Church. And since nearly 80 percent of Americans claim to be Christians, wouldn't this indicate a whole bunch of us are being held responsible for America's problems?
Christians are called to be "salt and light" (Matt. 5:13) in the world. Christians are supposed to affect the world; worldliness and ungodliness are not to affect us. But the further we have stepped away from our faith, or pushed God out of our lives, the more worldly Christians have become. Like the proverbial frog that got comfortable in the pot of water, even as the temperature increased, slowly boiling him to death, we too are being boiled to death while sitting in our own "pots of plenty," not protecting the gifts God gave us. Through our complacency and laziness, we have allowed a far-left, anti-God ideology to infiltrate our schools, churches, government, and the workplace. We've allowed ourselves to be brainwashed, thinking we have done great and marvelous things on our own, without a need for God. Sadly, we never realized the forces we've allowed to slowly take over our lives have also been stealing our rights and freedoms from us. We've just happily sat in our pots as the temperature of the stove has been raised.
We the People have the power to turn our nation back toward God — to spiritual faith. All it takes is for us to repent of our sins, and seek God's ways. The Bible tells us we are blessed when we obey God. The following Scripture explains:
Hopefully it isn't too late for America to turn back to its Christian heritage, and to God. For America to turn, individuals must turn. When we each begin to break free of the unrighteous ties that have been binding us, and begin to follow God, we will begin to see revival erupt across this land. And the three things needed most in America are righteousness, repentance, and revival. To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
June 7, 2012
While We the People have been busy living our lives, and having our fun, America has been decaying from within and without. We may have taken time from our busy schedules to vote, but otherwise, we've pretty much delegated responsibility for our nation to others. More often than not, even in our most basic of duties, voting, we have been both blind and uninformed when selecting people to "govern" us. We have failed to safeguard the precious gifts of liberty and freedom given to us by God, taking them for granted instead. Now, supernatural intervention is needed to save our nation. As we have been discussing, three things are needed in America: Righteousness, repentance, and revival. This final message addresses revival.
We already know righteousness is needed in our private and public lives. We know we MUST select righteous people to serve in our government, particularly at the national level. We also know that America is suffering from spiritual atrophy, which causes us to make poor choices when choosing people to run our government. Godly people pick righteous people. But as Christians have lost some of their spirituality and commitment to God, we have been making wrong choices. Instead of picking godly people who believe in and obey God's commandments and precepts, we have chosen far too many people who push ideological views that are at enmity with God. God has been deemed irrelevant. Our constitution is ignored. And our nation has begun the downward decline and path taken by all the other once great nations. But, as we have discussed, everything started with individual Americans — with us.
In an article written in the 1800's, a professor, Alexander Tytler, stated that the average age of world civilizations is 200 years, and that these civilizations and empires tend to progress through the following sequence:
> From bondage to spiritual faith
> From spiritual faith to great courage
> From great courage to liberty
> From liberty to abundance
> From abundance to selfishness
> From selfishness to complacency
> From complacency to apathy
> From apathy to dependence
> From dependence to bondage
To return to our spiritual faith, we must repent. We must stop doing things our own way, do an "about face," and start doing things God's way. For God to intervene and fix the colossal messes we've made in our personal and corporate lives, we must repent. Please note that all this begins with Christians.
Scripture says: "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land." (2 Chron. 7:14 NLT)
The Bible holds Christians accountable first, not those who don't know Him. Scripture also tells us judgment begins in the Church. And since nearly 80 percent of Americans claim to be Christians, wouldn't this indicate a whole bunch of us are being held responsible for America's problems?
Christians are called to be "salt and light" (Matt. 5:13) in the world. Christians are supposed to affect the world; worldliness and ungodliness are not to affect us. But the further we have stepped away from our faith, or pushed God out of our lives, the more worldly Christians have become. Like the proverbial frog that got comfortable in the pot of water, even as the temperature increased, slowly boiling him to death, we too are being boiled to death while sitting in our own "pots of plenty," not protecting the gifts God gave us. Through our complacency and laziness, we have allowed a far-left, anti-God ideology to infiltrate our schools, churches, government, and the workplace. We've allowed ourselves to be brainwashed, thinking we have done great and marvelous things on our own, without a need for God. Sadly, we never realized the forces we've allowed to slowly take over our lives have also been stealing our rights and freedoms from us. We've just happily sat in our pots as the temperature of the stove has been raised.
We the People have the power to turn our nation back toward God — to spiritual faith. All it takes is for us to repent of our sins, and seek God's ways. The Bible tells us we are blessed when we obey God. The following Scripture explains:
You will be blessed in your towns and in the country.
You will be blessed with many children and productive fields.
You will be blessed with fertile herds and flocks.
You will be blessed with baskets overflowing with fruit, and with
kneading bowls filled with bread.
You will be blessed wherever you go, both in coming and in going.
(Deut. 28: 3-6 NLT)
You will be cursed in your towns and in the country.
You will be cursed with baskets empty of fruit, and with
kneading bowls empty of bread.
You will be cursed with few children and barren fields.
You will be cursed with infertile herds and flocks.
You will be cursed wherever you go, both in coming and going.
(Deut. 28: 16-19 NLT)
Hopefully it isn't too late for America to turn back to its Christian heritage, and to God. For America to turn, individuals must turn. When we each begin to break free of the unrighteous ties that have been binding us, and begin to follow God, we will begin to see revival erupt across this land. And the three things needed most in America are righteousness, repentance, and revival. To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
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