Madeline Crabb
What America needs most? Righteousness, repentence, and revival
By Madeline Crabb
America is an overwhelmingly Christian nation. Despite all the work of the Progressive Movement over the past century, we still believe in the God of the Bible. And as a Christian nation, what's missing, and what's needed more than anything else is righteousness, repentance, and revival. This message will address righteousness.
It's another election year, and the political rhetoric is flying. Moreover, everyone is blaming everyone else about the "state of our nation." Politicians blame other politicians; the "have-nots" blame the "haves;" the President blames Congress, George Bush, the rich, and just about everybody else. But in reality, to discover who is to blame for the monumental mess we're in, we need only to look in the mirror. Yes, it is us — each and every last conscious, thinking one of us. And if we are Christians, we carry even more responsibility.
Scripture says, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people." (Prov. 12:34)
Our Founding Fathers were mostly devout, Christian men. In forming our new nation, they relied on God and His Word to shape the founding documents. They were careful and prayerful about the task they had undertaken, and were committed to doing things God's way, not the way of the world. They wrote the U.S. Constitution as a blueprint for how our government should operate, complete with the Bill of Rights to ensure that Americans' God-given rights, as described in the Declaration of Independence, would not be usurped.
They also knew that America would only work if people remained faithful to God. In 1798, John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." But sadly, and for myriad reasons, Americans have allowed immorality to creep into our lives.
Political correctness has become a pseudo-religion being forced on Americans by anti-God forces. Even many Christian pastors preach a diluted version of God's Word in the attempt to not "offend" anyone. Hey, this is what political correctness is all about. We want everyone to feel good about themselves, and we want every form of speech and behavior to be accepted as normal, regardless the religious beliefs of a majority of Americans. Consequently, many people began to acquiesce, not wanting to be mean, or thinking they should be more "accepting" and "tolerant." Not surprisingly, tolerance has played a major role in the steady unraveling of our nation.
In the PC handbook, truly devout Christians must be silenced because their beliefs don't allow for the proposed immorality — stuff like pornography, recreational sex, abortions, adultery, homosexuality, etc. These things used to be called sin when America truly feared God. (For those of you who aren't familiar with the Bible, biblical fear of God is a "healthy respect" or "reverence" for Him.) So now it has become commonplace to "tolerate" the once unthinkable. We even kill unborn children. Our Founding Fathers would never have fathomed fellow Americans killing unborn children, or that government would legalize it. And the longer these once unthinkable things have been practiced in today's society, the more accustomed we've become to them. So now it's not the unthinkable, but the norm. It's no longer sin because the PC police have told us we can't use that word — that we can't make people "feel bad." And the churches have stopped preaching against some of it, like it's a "done deal" they can't change. And finally, the progressives realized they could push the envelope even further.
Now the progressives have worked their way into government at all levels — even the U.S. Supreme Court. The PC police have the government to ensure America will obey, and obey we have. Today, everything is upside down. Our Constitution, the Rule of Law in America, has been disregarded by a majority of those who swore to defend it upon taking public office. It has been shredded by many judges who ignored it, wrote new law, or relied on foreign law. And who is to blame for all of this? We the People want to blame government, when in reality it is our fault the progressives got into office in the first place. Then once these people were in office and misbehaving, we chose to do nothing about it. In fact, all too often we kept voting for the same people, sometimes for multiple decades. We have not been good citizens of what God has given us.
And the cycle continues...As elected officials realized they could do literally anything they wanted without much reaction from the people, they began to have a free-for-all. And when We the People didn't hold them accountable for how they used our money, they spent like a bunch of drunken soldiers on leave, and subsequently led us into crippling debt.
The Founding Fathers knew from Scripture that people cannot govern themselves. In a Representative Republic, we select those we wish to govern us. Therefore, we must select wisely, which is partially why we must be a "moral" and "religious" people, as John Adams instructed — a righteous people.
Righteous people live righteous lives. Righteous people reject sinful behavior. Righteous people select other righteous people to serve in government. Yes, there are still righteous Americans. And yes, there are some righteous men and women currently serving in government. It is simply not PC to talk about them, usually because they still believe in God, the Bible, the Constitution, and behave, well, righteously. Such people are ridiculed by progressives who don't believe in the notion of One Nation Under God. To them, One Nation would suffice.
Consider what Founding Father Noah Webster had to say about our responsibility in selecting God-fearing, righteous leaders:
"When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public
officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to
choose for rulers, 'just [righteous] men who will rule in the fear of God.'
The preservation of government depends on the faithful discharge of
this Duty; if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men
in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not
for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or
incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public
revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the
citizen will be violated or disregarded. If government fails to secure public
prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine
Commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws."
These words are prophetic, a snapshot of today's Federal Government. There are far too many corrupt and incompetent people who currently hold elected positions, all the way to the top spot. They got there because enough people voted for them. Either we voted for them because they were of like mind, or God-fearing people didn't do their due-diligence in vetting the candidates. Which is it?
God has been more than generous to America. Sadly, we haven't done our part. We should be giving Him thanks, and the glory. Instead, we seek mere men to solve our problems, and put them on deified pedestals. But realize that no man deserves praise for the blessings we enjoy. God is not amused. Scripture says, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." (Gal. 6:7)
We the People are only reaping what we have collectively sown. Are you happy with our harvest? To reap a better one, we need to start planting much different seed — the seed of righteousness. To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
May 23, 2012
America is an overwhelmingly Christian nation. Despite all the work of the Progressive Movement over the past century, we still believe in the God of the Bible. And as a Christian nation, what's missing, and what's needed more than anything else is righteousness, repentance, and revival. This message will address righteousness.
It's another election year, and the political rhetoric is flying. Moreover, everyone is blaming everyone else about the "state of our nation." Politicians blame other politicians; the "have-nots" blame the "haves;" the President blames Congress, George Bush, the rich, and just about everybody else. But in reality, to discover who is to blame for the monumental mess we're in, we need only to look in the mirror. Yes, it is us — each and every last conscious, thinking one of us. And if we are Christians, we carry even more responsibility.
Scripture says, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people." (Prov. 12:34)
Our Founding Fathers were mostly devout, Christian men. In forming our new nation, they relied on God and His Word to shape the founding documents. They were careful and prayerful about the task they had undertaken, and were committed to doing things God's way, not the way of the world. They wrote the U.S. Constitution as a blueprint for how our government should operate, complete with the Bill of Rights to ensure that Americans' God-given rights, as described in the Declaration of Independence, would not be usurped.
They also knew that America would only work if people remained faithful to God. In 1798, John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." But sadly, and for myriad reasons, Americans have allowed immorality to creep into our lives.
Political correctness has become a pseudo-religion being forced on Americans by anti-God forces. Even many Christian pastors preach a diluted version of God's Word in the attempt to not "offend" anyone. Hey, this is what political correctness is all about. We want everyone to feel good about themselves, and we want every form of speech and behavior to be accepted as normal, regardless the religious beliefs of a majority of Americans. Consequently, many people began to acquiesce, not wanting to be mean, or thinking they should be more "accepting" and "tolerant." Not surprisingly, tolerance has played a major role in the steady unraveling of our nation.
In the PC handbook, truly devout Christians must be silenced because their beliefs don't allow for the proposed immorality — stuff like pornography, recreational sex, abortions, adultery, homosexuality, etc. These things used to be called sin when America truly feared God. (For those of you who aren't familiar with the Bible, biblical fear of God is a "healthy respect" or "reverence" for Him.) So now it has become commonplace to "tolerate" the once unthinkable. We even kill unborn children. Our Founding Fathers would never have fathomed fellow Americans killing unborn children, or that government would legalize it. And the longer these once unthinkable things have been practiced in today's society, the more accustomed we've become to them. So now it's not the unthinkable, but the norm. It's no longer sin because the PC police have told us we can't use that word — that we can't make people "feel bad." And the churches have stopped preaching against some of it, like it's a "done deal" they can't change. And finally, the progressives realized they could push the envelope even further.
Now the progressives have worked their way into government at all levels — even the U.S. Supreme Court. The PC police have the government to ensure America will obey, and obey we have. Today, everything is upside down. Our Constitution, the Rule of Law in America, has been disregarded by a majority of those who swore to defend it upon taking public office. It has been shredded by many judges who ignored it, wrote new law, or relied on foreign law. And who is to blame for all of this? We the People want to blame government, when in reality it is our fault the progressives got into office in the first place. Then once these people were in office and misbehaving, we chose to do nothing about it. In fact, all too often we kept voting for the same people, sometimes for multiple decades. We have not been good citizens of what God has given us.
And the cycle continues...As elected officials realized they could do literally anything they wanted without much reaction from the people, they began to have a free-for-all. And when We the People didn't hold them accountable for how they used our money, they spent like a bunch of drunken soldiers on leave, and subsequently led us into crippling debt.
The Founding Fathers knew from Scripture that people cannot govern themselves. In a Representative Republic, we select those we wish to govern us. Therefore, we must select wisely, which is partially why we must be a "moral" and "religious" people, as John Adams instructed — a righteous people.
Righteous people live righteous lives. Righteous people reject sinful behavior. Righteous people select other righteous people to serve in government. Yes, there are still righteous Americans. And yes, there are some righteous men and women currently serving in government. It is simply not PC to talk about them, usually because they still believe in God, the Bible, the Constitution, and behave, well, righteously. Such people are ridiculed by progressives who don't believe in the notion of One Nation Under God. To them, One Nation would suffice.
Consider what Founding Father Noah Webster had to say about our responsibility in selecting God-fearing, righteous leaders:
"When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public
officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to
choose for rulers, 'just [righteous] men who will rule in the fear of God.'
The preservation of government depends on the faithful discharge of
this Duty; if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men
in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not
for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or
incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public
revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the
citizen will be violated or disregarded. If government fails to secure public
prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine
Commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws."
These words are prophetic, a snapshot of today's Federal Government. There are far too many corrupt and incompetent people who currently hold elected positions, all the way to the top spot. They got there because enough people voted for them. Either we voted for them because they were of like mind, or God-fearing people didn't do their due-diligence in vetting the candidates. Which is it?
God has been more than generous to America. Sadly, we haven't done our part. We should be giving Him thanks, and the glory. Instead, we seek mere men to solve our problems, and put them on deified pedestals. But realize that no man deserves praise for the blessings we enjoy. God is not amused. Scripture says, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." (Gal. 6:7)
We the People are only reaping what we have collectively sown. Are you happy with our harvest? To reap a better one, we need to start planting much different seed — the seed of righteousness. To anyone willing to hear....
© Madeline Crabb
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