Clenard Childress
Raphael Warnock is an African American male currently running for the US Senate and is the Senior Pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church of Atlanta. Rev. Warnock, during his run for the Senate, was asked a question that needs to be posed to many African American clergy in America, but most certainly to such a high profiled clergyman as Rev Warnock. In an interview with WGAU host Tim Bryant on his “Mission Timpossible” podcast, the discussion of the high abortion rates in the African American community, focusing on the racial disparities among women who have abortions, Warnock doubled down on his support for abortion and his friendship with Planned Parenthood. When asked, ‘how does he reconcile his call as a clergyman and his affiliation with Planned Parenthood?’ …
Let it be here noted: Planned Parenthood is the leading killer of African Americans. Over 1,300 African American babes are killed each day by abortion. 52% of all African American pregnancies end by abortion. As you will see, this fact doesn’t resonate with Rev. Raphael Warnock …
… The reverend told Bryant that his advocacy on behalf of those issues was “consistent with” his view as a Christian minister! “Do you think it’s consistent with God’s view, that God endorses the millions of abortions we’ve had in this country since Roe v. Wade?” Bryant asked. Warnock responded: “I think that human agency (Planned Parenthood) and freedom is consistent with my view as a minister.” That romantic expression of affirmation of “love” between Planned Parenthood and Raphael Warnock says a lot about the “love” he has for African Americans and the public he represents at large. The romance is further seen on Planned Parenthood’s website www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/elections/races/georgia-special. This time She (Planned Parenthood) declares her love for him.
“Rev. Raphael Warnock is a champion for reproductive health (abortion) rights who will fight passionately for equitable access to health care. Rev. Warnock is the senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, the church once led by Martin Luther King, Jr. Before joining the clergy, Rev. Warnock worked as a sexual health educator in his community. Throughout his career, Rev. Warnock has been a passionate advocate for reproductive rights. He has called for greater access to birth control and safe, legal abortion — and will fight abortion bans and restrictions in the U.S. Senate.”
Notice as She expresses her “love” for him, the real reason of her pursuit of this relationship is clearly seen! Planned Parenthood chooses to exalt the fact that he is the Pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, which the greatest social activist of our time, Martin Luther King, pastored. Planned Parenthood is following the script of founder, Margaret Sanger, to seduce and recruit the “colored minister” to take away the suspicions of any African Americans that would see through their diabolical eugenic plot. In her letter to Clarence Gamble, the heir of Proctor and Gamble, she stated this,
“The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” In her autobiography she proudly recounts her address to the women of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, N.J., in 1926.”
So, it would seem, for political expediency, Raphael Warnock is having an illegitimate relationship with an institution that deliberately targets African American people for sterilization and abortion. An institution that sells baby body parts for profit, as well as, pushes carcinogenic contraceptives that harm women. I would love to publicly have Raphael Warnock, and the congregation of Ebenezer Baptist Church, “reconcile” endorsing an institution, as well as, a political party, which legislates the killing of babies, even when they survive an abortion! Planned Parenthood does endorse such barbarity but I believe the American People certainly do not.
In the day of continual sensitivity to racism and bigotry, I would like the Pastor to explain his romance with Planned Parenthood, particularly after learning of their own admittance of racism and detrimental acts against people of color, of which he is one, while he continues courting the vote of people of color.
“The removal of Margaret Sanger’s name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color,” said Karen Seltzer, Board Chair at PPGNY. “Margaret Sanger’s concerns and advocacy for reproductive health have been clearly documented, but so too has her racist legacy. There is overwhelming evidence for Sanger’s deep belief in eugenic ideology, which runs completely counter to our values at PPGNY. Removing her name is an important step toward representing who we are as an organization and who we serve.”
Yet, Planned Parenthood is determined to continue practicing eugenic schemes upon people of color and removing the founders name is the same strategy used when they originally changed their name from “The Birth Control League” to Planned Parenthood. When the heat was on globally after the eugenic side of the Third Reich was exposed, Margaret Sanger – who tutored Adolf Hitler’s genocide of Semitic people in Germany, and in all the nations they conquered during their twelve years in power, known also as the holocaust – attempted to distance herself from the human atrocities of which she was part of by changing the name of her organization to something more innocuous: Planned Parenthood … The names and affiliations may change but the goal is always the same: The systemic targeting of people of color for the purpose of diminishing their populations through vaccination, sterilization, and abortion.
Rev. Raphael Warnock is the minister Margaret Sanger spoke of recruiting in her plan to deceive the Negro into accepting her eugenic schemes of birth control, sterilization, and abortion. We cannot allow persons in the pulpit to espouse such doctrines, and I wonder how the congregation of Ebenezer Baptist Church can abandon the principles of Martin Luther King who clearly opposed abortion. In his letter from a Birmingham Jail he declared, “The early church put an end to such evil as infanticide.”
Once again, I ask: if Martin called it evil, why does Raphael Warnock call it good? If Martin taught the Ebenezer Baptist congregation it was evil, why now does Raphael Warnock teach the congregation it is good?
© Clenard ChildressThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.