Timothy Buchanan
Has war been declared in the United States?
By Timothy Buchanan
January 11, 2021

A soft and gentle snowfall outside the nation’s capital creates a deceptively peaceful scene in which to consider such a thing as this.

Like so many questions today, the answer depends on how one defines the United States, although it really shouldn’t. If one believes that the far-left lunge espoused by Biden-Harris and Congressional Democrats is representative of the nation, he/she/they would answer one way. Those who understand that the United States is a constitutional republic will immediately know the right answer.

Corporations have bullied Congress and states and threatened both to advance or oppose specific policies many times before. But the widespread censorship of a sitting president and his law-abiding supporters who refuse to accept the imposition of an ideological lie is something new and altogether unacceptable.

Facebook has a years-long history of shutting down free speech in the name of “community standards” (a fabricated metric that represents the personal left-wing radical views of the social media company’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg). Twitter joined the junta when President Trump used that platform so effectively to defeat the abominable hell-beast, Hillary Clinton. Both have now blocked or suspended the president’s accounts and are quickly silencing his supporters in order to monopolize public opinion.

In response, millions of Trump’s supporters fled to other social media platforms that do not impose the diabolical political views of their dictatorial founders with gulag-style rigor. Those who haven’t, should. Parler, Gab, and MeWe are growing rapidly because these platforms still respect free speech within broad and reasonable limitations.

But evil is never satiated until all opposition is eliminated. So it’s no surprise that Parler is now being bullied by Apple, Amazon and Google to join with Facebook and Twitter in squashing the president’s messages and those of the patriots who support him in the advancement of truth.

America’s enemies in Washington DC, in media and corporate thugs, have zero tolerance for the truth. This domestic evil empire will attack and silence anyone who refuses to accept the monolithic left-wing version of events, which are being rewritten almost as they occur.

Those who have not yet forfeited their sanity, understand that objective truth is superior to subjective feelings and opinions. These noble men and women who embrace the higher principles established by the U.S. Constitution and recognize that words have definable meanings that are stable, are now engaged in a war we did not seek, but which we must win.

Today, the last and most essential liberties enshrined in the First Amendment are now at risk of being seized. Once gone, they cannot be recovered without violence.

Many of the remaining public voices of reason seem ready to accept as inevitable, a counterfeit Biden-Harris presidential administration. I’m not one of them. Why? Because an illegitimate Biden presidency will usher-in an incalculable slaughter of the unborn and the unwanted. It would mean gun confiscations, the end of freedom of speech, religion, assembly and redress, finally stripping people of the last means of casting off a reprobate government.

Over the past decades, we have seen each successive Democrat administration bring an exponential increase in the number and severity of wicked tyrannical policies. By-and-large, we accepted them with secret hopes that they might be reversed in later days. That has not been the case.

Not only was the presidential election stolen from President Trump, but countless Congressional races were also perverted by the same means—tampering with vote tallies through voting machine weighting and late-night election fixing. If the steal succeeds with the installation of Joe Biden in the White House, America will not survive. Freedom as we have known it will be nothing more than a nostalgic memory to warm the hearts of a future generation of children.

Certainly, no one could fault President Trump if gave up and quit. He’s been a fearless and tireless warrior for American exceptionalism, has engaged countless powerful armies that unjustly and treacherously attacked him and defended the rights of law-abiding citizens who supported and twice elected him without taking a salary or benefit. But he’s a flesh-and-blood man like the rest of us.

The first American Revolution was won with tiny army that was not well-funded, trained or supplied. Under the godly, righteous leadership of George Washington, the world’s greatest superpower was soundly defeated. Today’s patriots do not require overwhelming power or numbers, although we have them. What we seem to lack is steadfast devotion to the righteous cause of God-given freedom that the first generation of patriots possessed.

Three thousand years in the past, when Israel was similarly divided into two camps: the followers of Saul and those of David, I Chronicles 12:32 tells us, “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.” Do we understand the times in which we live?

The conflict between Trump-supporting Americans and demonic Democrats is nearing a conclusion. Our future will either be very good, if Trump’s America prevails, or quickly turn very bad if Biden and Harris are installed.

Therefore, let us understand the times as did the men of Issachar and the American Revolutionary patriots and be prepared to pledge our wealth, our lives and our sacred honor for the worthy cause of freedom. Nothing less is at stake today.

© Timothy Buchanan


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Timothy Buchanan

Timothy Buchanan is a US Navy veteran, a former defense contractor and broadcast engineer. He's the author of two published books and a regular contributor to BarbWire.com. Timothy and his wife live among the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia.


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