Timothy Buchanan
A new year ordinarily brings great hope for a better one ahead, but 2021 may prove to be a turning point. For the past few weeks, voices all across the country have bid goodbyes to 2020 with variable joy, eagerness, optimism, and contempt as if changing a calendar had some strange power to alter circumstances. Can we honestly expect better days ahead?
The last year began with the U.S. Senate voting to acquit President Trump of baseless impeachment charges in what amounted to a political lynching attempt. Fortunately, the coup was foiled. Tragically, the party-line vote failed to sufficiently rebuke Democrat accusers in the House of Representatives for their abuse of constitutional power.
Tariffs imposed by President Trump on imports from the People’s Republic of China for engaging in unfair trade practices continued to benefit U.S. businesses. Coincidentally or by design, the COVID19 pandemic was soon after declared. Americans were advised to isolate in homes, practice oxymoronic “social distancing,” and avoid public gatherings including church services. Medical professionals warned us to wear porous paper or cloth face masks even though these offer no real protection from any airborne virus, which, we were told, the Chinese Coronavirus is.
In an earlier time, we might have expected skeptical national and local news media to investigate COVID infection rates and death tolls and to challenge the effectiveness of recommended precautions in order to dispel fear and anxiety. But not today. Instead, news media largely adopted and even exaggerated the severity of the Coronavirus. Why? Is there a compelling reason to keep people on edge? Or do news media periodically forsake their truth quest in favor of a preferred political agenda?
We might have expected the civil libertarians at the ACLU to wage law-fare against specious state and local lock-down orders on principle alone. But they didn’t. Now, countless small businesses are ruined. Thanks to the several federal relief packages, the already-crushing national debt has taken a “Great Leap Forward.”
Despite state and local restrictions on public gatherings, President Trump held campaign rallies while Joe Biden ran his campaign through sympathetic news outlets aided by surrogates in assorted anti-Trump special interest groups. Ambiguous and false allegations against the president were lodged repeatedly with hardly a notice. Then, it began.
As voting day approached and with Coronavirus fears as justification, many states expanded absentee voting policies and eliminated previously-held restrictions. Pennsylvania even extended its voting deadline. The unruly Pennsylvania action was brought to the U.S. Supreme Court. The justices failed to strike it down, proving once again that the American people are deprived of confidence that the nation’s highest court will objectively uphold the U.S. Constitution.
The fix was in and swiftly came. Midnight and early morning vote-dumps and tally changes purported that former Vice-President Joe Biden won the election. Evidence of election rigging immediately poured in, involving Dominion voting machines changing votes, deleting others, and modifying ballot counts. Video evidence from Georgia appears to show that boxes and suitcases full of ballots were mysteriously “found” in the early morning hours following election day.
It is now left to President Trump’s legal team headed by Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, and Lin Wood to expose what the crack teams of investigative journalists at major news networks have been unable to detect—a coordinated attempt to steal the presidential election. Despite mountains of evidence and reams of witness testimony, fake news organizations ignore and dismiss the caper, stubbornly denying voter fraud as “an urban myth.”
The dirtiest political trick in U.S. history may have been successful against any other Republican, but President Trump is not a politician. While it’s an open secret that Democrats have used fraud schemes to pad vote tallies for over 60 years, the longest-running conspiracy against the people may now be coming to end.
As anyone in law enforcement knows, criminals are often caught because their greedy ambitions incite them to commit bigger, more audacious and risky crimes. In Virginia, ballot dumps totaling nearly one million votes were suddenly found at 2:17 am on the day after the election, which showed two glaring faults.
The first is that over 80% of the newly-injected ballots were for Joe Biden, which represents an implausible proportion for any Virginia city. The second is that the batches were not whole numbers, indicating weighting. Dominion voting machines can be “weighted” to favor any particular candidate.
We might expect that Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress and state GOP lawmakers would have reacted with indignation and outrage to the national scandal, unless, of course, some of them have benefited from the flexibility of Dominion voting machine features themselves.
In an age of nobler men, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “There is only one force in the nation that can be depended upon to keep the government pure and the governors honest, and that is the people themselves. They alone, if well informed, are capable of preventing the corruption of power, and of restoring the nation to its rightful course if it should go astray.”
The COVID19 crisis and the election are far from over. America is losing an intense, coordinated information war as a consequence of irrational public fear, chosen ignorance, and blind cynicism. It’s been well said that freedom is on the ballot in every election. Today, the decision to be free must be renewed daily. Once our precious liberties are gone, it will be no consolation how they were lost since we will all bear the blame.
© Timothy BuchananThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.