Timothy Buchanan
How to steal a nation (or not)
By Timothy Buchanan
December 23, 2020

How do you eat an elephant? South Africa’s Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu once declared, "There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time." Tutu’s nation was facing the task of ending the long-standing practice of racial segregation. It would appear that radical liberalism has applied the bishop’s counsel to stealing the United States of America.

Democrats have busy, but on the wrong things. Rather than addressing the best interests of the nation and its people, Democrats subjected the United States to baseless charges of Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 election, an absurd and unjustified impeachment of the president, and inciting violent anarchy in our city streets, surreptitiously disguised as righteous outrage over the regrettable death of George Floyd. These all failed.

Irrational COVID-19 fears, panic and subsequent economy-crushing lock-downs have all been aimed at one goal—removing President Trump. Why? Because Trump proves the moral and ideological emptiness of the Democrat world-view on a daily basis.

Add social media censorship, election tampering, and an unrelenting campaign of belligerent fake news reports of White House lying, and the public becomes disheartened and demoralized. Follow-up with the abuse of insecure, easily hackable Dominion voting machines and, “Bu-bye.” The elephant is just a fond memory. So much for the plan.

There is a flaw in the plan, however. Just as in physics, every action causes and equal and opposite reaction, such is the field of politics. Hence, a great number of sensible people (let’s call them patriots) have refused to forfeit their intelligence to disreputable news and entertainment media. These hearty souls are resistant to leftist propaganda and wary of oppressive Democrat schemes to separate them from their God-given rights and Constitutionally-guaranteed liberty. We will support and honor President Trump so long as he remains committed to the real and noble precepts of the American Republic.

“Unprecedented” has been so overused in recent years that its meaning is slipping away, but the systematic deluding of the masses is certainly a strange new feature of this age. There are many reasons for this. One factor that may be frequently dismissed is intellectual laziness. Despite having access to more information and knowledge than any generation in the history of the world, many people settle for that which is easiest to obtain. These sad sacs accept false implications and fail to question the devious conclusions of mainstream media.

In times of drastic social upheaval, wise men and women logically look back in history for clues and parallels in search of a possible solution. Many inferences have been drawn in recent years to the tumultuous days of the American Revolution, illustrated in part, by the formation of the Tea Party. One fact often neglected is the reliance of the first generation of patriots on God’s divine providence. Even the non-Christian sage Ben Franklin was compelled by known circumstances to acknowledge the “hand of Providence” in the affairs of men, if he would not quite attribute the works to the God of the Bible.

After many Revolutionary War battles, George Washington’s coat was perforated by musket balls although the general himself was not hit. For this reason, superstitious “Indians” considered him a god. Washington’s rag-tag army was not highly trained and remained in desperate need of provisions and supplies for most of the Revolutionary War. By God’s providence and against enormous improbabilities and set-backs, the Continental Army, led by Washington, defeated the well-trained and well-supplied troops of the most powerful nation on earth at that time, Great Britain.

Denial of truth is as dangerous as it is foolish. Systematic election fraud is being uncovered in state after miserable state at levels impossible to ignore. This diabolical betrayal of the public trust has the fingerprints of both political parties all over it. By design or by neglect, the effect on the American people is the same. Many are planning for the end of the American experience and perhaps, the world. Is all lost? Has evil finally conquered good?

God’s faithful people can take heart in humble expectation of the final outcome. A brief commentary on Exodus 14 provided in the Geneva Bible reminds us that God does not speedily deliver his people out of danger for the purpose of causing us to exercise our faith. In fact, he may increase our troubles just as he did with Israel, so that we are in less hope than ever before. But then, when danger becomes greatest, his hand of Providence is most ready to relieve our distress so that there is “no way left to escape to man’s judgment.”

Any Republican other than President Trump would likely have accepted the results of a rigged election and conceded, as did John McCain and Mitt Romney before him. But President Trump is not a typical Republican, and in this case, that’s a good thing. Despite a relentless four-year onslaught of unwarranted attacks and contrived crises culminating in a fake election pronouncement, President Trump battles on, fully committed to saving the United States from a hostile takeover.

America’s future may still look grim. But hold on. The hand of Providence may yet again spare the United States from a greater empire than 18th century Britain—the 21st century global axis of disloyal Democrats and foreign money interests. As the Protestant reformers understood, the greater the threat, the more glorious the deliverance of God’s providence.

Turning America back to her God is a far more desperate need than our ease and comfort. Therefore, “Rejoice, for Christ the King has come!”

Merry Christmas!

© Timothy Buchanan


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Timothy Buchanan

Timothy Buchanan is a US Navy veteran, a former defense contractor and broadcast engineer. He's the author of two published books and a regular contributor to BarbWire.com. Timothy and his wife live among the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia.


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