Timothy Buchanan
Talk is cheap, but action proves a profession.
On a daily basis from the first announcement of the COVID19 outbreaks in March, Americans have been inundated with death tolls, reports of new cases, and predictions of doom from medical experts. Challenges to the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic came swiftly. Even before many facts were known, politicians and news media personalities weighed in with wild speculations and baseless accusations. Such is political theater these days.
Almost immediately, and under the banner of safety and security concerns, churches closed throughout the nation. Most moved to virtual services on Facebook, YouTube, and Skype, others performed outdoor services. Some ceased worship and teaching altogether.
Caution is certainly warranted, but have we gone too far to the point of fear and faithlessness? When does legitimate concern for personal and public safety become irrational state intrusion and manipulation? We are now finding out as paranoia leads to hysteria and violent confrontation.
Has the Church misplaced its faith in government mandates and CDC guidelines instead of the Savior? Jesus asked, “When the Son of man returns, will He find faith on the earth?” Is Coronavirus a test of divine appointment?
Over the past months, Dr. Don Boys has published several articles outlining disturbing facts about Dr. Fauci, the CDC, the NIH, and the World Health Organization which raise serious doubts about information released to the public and hint at sinister motives. Nevertheless, most people seem willing to be submit to the dire warnings and questionable civil restrictions.
Faith and commitment require risk. Not unreasonable risk to the point of reckless abandon, but total confidence in the One who “works all things out for good to those who love Him, the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
This is a time of unrelenting deception and cruel manipulation. Disciples of hell in both political parties betray their oaths, overrule the U.S. Constitution, and violate the public trust on a massive scale. In just the past month, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, joined with capricious liberals in betrayals of the public trust. For the most part, Christians and conservatives remained silent and unmoved.
Meanwhile, U.S. cities are ablaze once again with violence, rioting, and looting attributed to racial injustice. Predictably, political scoundrels and their media allies fan the flames of hate offering empathy to the instigators who do their bidding. But where is the Church? A skeptical world has a right to ask.
Unscrupulous politicians and media manipulators can and will use every tragedy and divisive conflict for destructive self-serving purposes. They will fabricate many more. Today, that should be expected. But if we believe that massive government programs cannot and will not provide real and lasting solutions to racial problems and if we claim, “In God We Trust,” action and personal involvement will either validate or contradict our declarations. Those who fail to exercise their legitimate rights in America today, seldom keep them.
Historically, Christians rushed into the epicenter of every major disaster and brought divinely-inspired resolutions to civil crises for the glory of God and the benefit of man. In lovely paradoxical fashion, the man who trusts in God, though he may appear to fail, always succeeds, while others who trust in mankind, though appearing to win, lose everything.
Amidst the chaos and violence of the day, the Church has a rare opportunity to demonstrate the power of faith and the wisdom of God, but that gift is being squandered. Perhaps it’s time to stop cowering behind masks in the face of threats and intimidation and prove that genuine faith in an unstoppable God will conquer any problem if we boldly follow Him.
© Timothy BuchananThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.