Timothy Buchanan
Can we please just stop lying?
By Timothy Buchanan
The West is swimming in an endlessly roiling sea of gross political dishonesty, fake news, fake science, and phony feelings. Every new season seems to bring another fabricated scandal from do-nothing Democrats. Can it be any wonder that there is no unity or peace among the American people?
There once were sanctuaries from the endless barrage of fallacies that plagued the secular world. We called them churches. They shared the common language of truth. But today, even houses of worship have become infected with lies, euphemisms, and false implications. Increasingly, members of liberal, mainline, and evangelical churches speak the native tongue of their sworn Adversary.
Whenever Alexander the Great conquered a nation, he required the vanquished people to speak only Greek. Why? Language is a unifying influence which helps to establish peaceful civil order even among subjects hostile to a foreign power. Also, efforts to overthrow governments are more easily detected once a common language is imposed. This same strategy was adopted by the Romans and others.
Submission to the enemy's language in America's churches is being imposed by leaders and members alike. God has described homosexuality as very grave sin, and yet, we usually hear these miserable souls mischaracterized as gay and their chosen form of sexual depravity as an orientation, lifestyle, or gender preference. To the shame of many, sodomite – a descriptive biblical word – is viewed as a vulgar denigrating smear punishable by public condemnation of the offender. Sodomy is not a vile word; it is a vile act. No court of men can alter that fact.
Public policies that advocate for government-coerced theft are among the celebrated tenets of social justice, but social justice is merely economic tyranny mislabeled with a more pleasing moniker. The callous barbarism of abortion is widely defended as reproductive choice, and selfish suicide is deceitfully shrouded as death with dignity. Meanwhile, pastors and priests either fail to notice or choose not to engage the corruption within their own ranks.
How could America fall so far and so fast that we now permit same-sex marriage, the casual killing of infants, and endless swells of baseless hoaxes cast against a duly-elected president? Many are asking this question. And while there are a variety of contributing causes, one that must be acknowledged is that we have foolishly adopted a deceptive foreign language that values subjective feelings above objective truth.
Gross sin is redefined in endearing terms and dangerous policies are embraced by America's heart and soul. Naively, a population of dullards looked away as bitter and determined spiritual and ideological enemies entered into the centers of government, industry, and academia reproducing after their kind.
In a single generation, our culture skidded from pleas for tolerance of homosexuality and lesbianism to "we're here; we're queer; get used to it," to Democrat presidential candidate, Beto O'Rourke promising to punish churches that refuse to endorse wickedness by removing their tax-exempt status.
If there is one thing made clear in human history, it's that evil is never benign. Weeds grow faster in the full sun of openness than when confined, and evil reproduces more swiftly than select crops of goodness. Failure to expose them early ensures multiplied death and destruction in the future.
But just as one generation brought radical negative changes, another one can sweep them away. A good place to begin is to determine not to submit to the language of the Enemy for any reason, in any venue, at any time.
Man has no legitimate right other than to seek the welfare of himself and his community. President Trump has demonstrated that there is enormous power in taking a firm stand for what is right in government and to battle the lies, senseless hate, and criminal corruption that oppose him. His example has inspired millions to follow him.
Those of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ can do nothing less than stand high upon the rock of Truth and proclaim Him. If ever there was a time for righteous people in America to tell the truth, surely this is such a time.
© Timothy Buchanan
October 11, 2019
The West is swimming in an endlessly roiling sea of gross political dishonesty, fake news, fake science, and phony feelings. Every new season seems to bring another fabricated scandal from do-nothing Democrats. Can it be any wonder that there is no unity or peace among the American people?
There once were sanctuaries from the endless barrage of fallacies that plagued the secular world. We called them churches. They shared the common language of truth. But today, even houses of worship have become infected with lies, euphemisms, and false implications. Increasingly, members of liberal, mainline, and evangelical churches speak the native tongue of their sworn Adversary.
Whenever Alexander the Great conquered a nation, he required the vanquished people to speak only Greek. Why? Language is a unifying influence which helps to establish peaceful civil order even among subjects hostile to a foreign power. Also, efforts to overthrow governments are more easily detected once a common language is imposed. This same strategy was adopted by the Romans and others.
Submission to the enemy's language in America's churches is being imposed by leaders and members alike. God has described homosexuality as very grave sin, and yet, we usually hear these miserable souls mischaracterized as gay and their chosen form of sexual depravity as an orientation, lifestyle, or gender preference. To the shame of many, sodomite – a descriptive biblical word – is viewed as a vulgar denigrating smear punishable by public condemnation of the offender. Sodomy is not a vile word; it is a vile act. No court of men can alter that fact.
Public policies that advocate for government-coerced theft are among the celebrated tenets of social justice, but social justice is merely economic tyranny mislabeled with a more pleasing moniker. The callous barbarism of abortion is widely defended as reproductive choice, and selfish suicide is deceitfully shrouded as death with dignity. Meanwhile, pastors and priests either fail to notice or choose not to engage the corruption within their own ranks.
How could America fall so far and so fast that we now permit same-sex marriage, the casual killing of infants, and endless swells of baseless hoaxes cast against a duly-elected president? Many are asking this question. And while there are a variety of contributing causes, one that must be acknowledged is that we have foolishly adopted a deceptive foreign language that values subjective feelings above objective truth.
Gross sin is redefined in endearing terms and dangerous policies are embraced by America's heart and soul. Naively, a population of dullards looked away as bitter and determined spiritual and ideological enemies entered into the centers of government, industry, and academia reproducing after their kind.
In a single generation, our culture skidded from pleas for tolerance of homosexuality and lesbianism to "we're here; we're queer; get used to it," to Democrat presidential candidate, Beto O'Rourke promising to punish churches that refuse to endorse wickedness by removing their tax-exempt status.
If there is one thing made clear in human history, it's that evil is never benign. Weeds grow faster in the full sun of openness than when confined, and evil reproduces more swiftly than select crops of goodness. Failure to expose them early ensures multiplied death and destruction in the future.
But just as one generation brought radical negative changes, another one can sweep them away. A good place to begin is to determine not to submit to the language of the Enemy for any reason, in any venue, at any time.
Man has no legitimate right other than to seek the welfare of himself and his community. President Trump has demonstrated that there is enormous power in taking a firm stand for what is right in government and to battle the lies, senseless hate, and criminal corruption that oppose him. His example has inspired millions to follow him.
Those of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ can do nothing less than stand high upon the rock of Truth and proclaim Him. If ever there was a time for righteous people in America to tell the truth, surely this is such a time.
© Timothy Buchanan
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