Timothy Buchanan
The age of anti-truth
By Timothy Buchanan
One of the longest running television programs was the popular BBC science fiction adventure series, Doctor Who. At the height of its success, actor Tom Baker played the inter-galactic time traveler. "The Doctor," as Baker often introduced his character, traveled through space and time in his tardis, seeking to help civilizations solve deadly problems and defeat oppressive influences throughout the universe.
In one bizarre episode entitled "Planet of Evil," Doctor Who and his associates are summoned to assist alien beings who are being tormented by a queer malignant force called anti-matter. Special effects artists portrayed anti-matter as a curious sort of transparent, pulsating, semi-visible but incomprehensible force, as spirits might be envisioned. With the help of the Doctor, anti-matter is ultimately defeated by using its power, energy and strange inviolable characteristics against it.
In a similar way, the United States is being plagued, oppressed and wasted by anti-truth. This invisible force takes on human form speaking lies in human languages through human beings. Anti-truth has been growing slowly, unseen and largely undetected. But now, anti-truth openly accomplishes its devastating purposes throughout the western world.
The Law of Entropy ensures that nothing in the physical world remains unchanged. It has a parallel in the ideological domain. The prevailing framework of thought within a culture or region is ever undergoing change for good or for bad.
Just as postmodernism was the shift from rationalism to skepticism and subjectivism, anti-truth is the full-blown, odious and vile opposition to rational objective truth and reality. Its effects are readily seen throughout daily life in the belligerent denial of truth.
Our political leaders, our educational systems and our news media are major sources of anti-truth in America today. They are highly duplicitous, increasingly hostile and violently irrational. Anti-truthers claim that virtue exists in vulgarity, steadfastly refusing to acknowledge excellence in righteousness. While falsely proclaiming the power and importance of man in word, they contemptuously demean him in deed, in his character and his nature, to the peril of humanity.
Through anti-truth, millions are coerced to believe self-contradictions. On the one hand, while human progress is preserving and prolonging human life, mankind is simultaneously blamed for destroying the planet. Although a child is born into one of two specific and definable genders, the child is told he or she can choose the other. And while the doctrine of anti-truth esteems inherent goodness to man's character, his intrinsic value is not permitted to exceed that of an elephant, tiger or an ape, none of which has a soul.
Like anti-matter, anti-truth cannot be seen or grasped but we observe its effects in a thousand ways. Activist judges pervert the U.S. Constitution in order to subvert constitutional law. Elected leaders promote policies that bind some and kill others under the guise of compassion. Public school teachers and college professors use their freedom of speech to advance tyranny of thought and preach that tolerance of evil is the highest form of good.
These are the days of woe when great numbers of mindless people call good "evil" and call evil "good." All of human history and personal experience belies the professions of anti-truthers. The retrogressive Left stridently promotes immorality, claiming a moral imperative for so doing. They call those things that are, what they are not; those that are not, as if they were.
President Trump and his courageous supporters are all that stand between anti-truthers and total collapse of freedom and sanity in the United States. The Democrat party of historic unbridled bigotry and racism, now casts accusations of its own crimes upon the innocent and the right. It demands accountability of others, shirking any scrutiny of itself or its bloodthirsty allies. As it was in the years before the American Civil War, our nation is rushing headlong toward a crucial crossroad.
Abraham Lincoln said in his House Divided speech, "I believe this Government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved – I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided." Three years later, the deadliest war in U.S. history would commence.
Neither can America remain divided between truth and anti-truth and endure as a free people. Anti-truth cannot long survive. It is antithetical to all of human experience and reality. But it may well be that a turbulent and violent chapter of history lies directly ahead once again.
From the beginning of time, man has sought truth and understanding about himself, his world and his future. Truth gives us value and purpose. Truth creates progress, health and felicity. Anti-truth sucks humanity into an inescapable vortex of ruin, confusion and despair.
"The Doctor" cannot help us to defeat anti-truth. But Christ the Lord – The Great Physician – can and will see us through safely to end if we are His. He is the Truth, and against Him, anti-truth and anti-truthers cannot stand.
Jesus is the beginning and the end of all things. He is the "way, the truth and the life" and the antidote to confusion, death and despair. Safety and security cannot be found apart from Him. Every man and woman, boy and girl will trust in something or someone. In whom shall we trust? In life or in death? In Truth or a lie?
© Timothy Buchanan
April 28, 2019
One of the longest running television programs was the popular BBC science fiction adventure series, Doctor Who. At the height of its success, actor Tom Baker played the inter-galactic time traveler. "The Doctor," as Baker often introduced his character, traveled through space and time in his tardis, seeking to help civilizations solve deadly problems and defeat oppressive influences throughout the universe.
In one bizarre episode entitled "Planet of Evil," Doctor Who and his associates are summoned to assist alien beings who are being tormented by a queer malignant force called anti-matter. Special effects artists portrayed anti-matter as a curious sort of transparent, pulsating, semi-visible but incomprehensible force, as spirits might be envisioned. With the help of the Doctor, anti-matter is ultimately defeated by using its power, energy and strange inviolable characteristics against it.
In a similar way, the United States is being plagued, oppressed and wasted by anti-truth. This invisible force takes on human form speaking lies in human languages through human beings. Anti-truth has been growing slowly, unseen and largely undetected. But now, anti-truth openly accomplishes its devastating purposes throughout the western world.
The Law of Entropy ensures that nothing in the physical world remains unchanged. It has a parallel in the ideological domain. The prevailing framework of thought within a culture or region is ever undergoing change for good or for bad.
Just as postmodernism was the shift from rationalism to skepticism and subjectivism, anti-truth is the full-blown, odious and vile opposition to rational objective truth and reality. Its effects are readily seen throughout daily life in the belligerent denial of truth.
Our political leaders, our educational systems and our news media are major sources of anti-truth in America today. They are highly duplicitous, increasingly hostile and violently irrational. Anti-truthers claim that virtue exists in vulgarity, steadfastly refusing to acknowledge excellence in righteousness. While falsely proclaiming the power and importance of man in word, they contemptuously demean him in deed, in his character and his nature, to the peril of humanity.
Through anti-truth, millions are coerced to believe self-contradictions. On the one hand, while human progress is preserving and prolonging human life, mankind is simultaneously blamed for destroying the planet. Although a child is born into one of two specific and definable genders, the child is told he or she can choose the other. And while the doctrine of anti-truth esteems inherent goodness to man's character, his intrinsic value is not permitted to exceed that of an elephant, tiger or an ape, none of which has a soul.
Like anti-matter, anti-truth cannot be seen or grasped but we observe its effects in a thousand ways. Activist judges pervert the U.S. Constitution in order to subvert constitutional law. Elected leaders promote policies that bind some and kill others under the guise of compassion. Public school teachers and college professors use their freedom of speech to advance tyranny of thought and preach that tolerance of evil is the highest form of good.
These are the days of woe when great numbers of mindless people call good "evil" and call evil "good." All of human history and personal experience belies the professions of anti-truthers. The retrogressive Left stridently promotes immorality, claiming a moral imperative for so doing. They call those things that are, what they are not; those that are not, as if they were.
President Trump and his courageous supporters are all that stand between anti-truthers and total collapse of freedom and sanity in the United States. The Democrat party of historic unbridled bigotry and racism, now casts accusations of its own crimes upon the innocent and the right. It demands accountability of others, shirking any scrutiny of itself or its bloodthirsty allies. As it was in the years before the American Civil War, our nation is rushing headlong toward a crucial crossroad.
Abraham Lincoln said in his House Divided speech, "I believe this Government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved – I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided." Three years later, the deadliest war in U.S. history would commence.
Neither can America remain divided between truth and anti-truth and endure as a free people. Anti-truth cannot long survive. It is antithetical to all of human experience and reality. But it may well be that a turbulent and violent chapter of history lies directly ahead once again.
From the beginning of time, man has sought truth and understanding about himself, his world and his future. Truth gives us value and purpose. Truth creates progress, health and felicity. Anti-truth sucks humanity into an inescapable vortex of ruin, confusion and despair.
"The Doctor" cannot help us to defeat anti-truth. But Christ the Lord – The Great Physician – can and will see us through safely to end if we are His. He is the Truth, and against Him, anti-truth and anti-truthers cannot stand.
Jesus is the beginning and the end of all things. He is the "way, the truth and the life" and the antidote to confusion, death and despair. Safety and security cannot be found apart from Him. Every man and woman, boy and girl will trust in something or someone. In whom shall we trust? In life or in death? In Truth or a lie?
© Timothy Buchanan
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