Judie Brown
Abortion propaganda breeds death and sadness
By Judie Brown
Lies repeatedly told will become truth for those not educated in God's truth. We cannot continue to allow the culture of death to seep into the minds and hearts of our children.
It never ceases to amaze this grandmother of 12 that the same arguments we heard in the late sixties when we began the quest to expose the truth about abortion continue to be unchanged. Oh the hyperbole of the pro-abortion death squads has gotten more outrageous, but the apathy among our citizens has matched them at every juncture.
The more America turns a blind eye to truth in favor of political correctness or moral blindness on the question of the reality of the cruelty of abortion, the greater the Pinocchio-style lies from the pro-aborts become. Planned Parenthood tells clients and visitors to its website that three out of every 10 women will have an abortion in their lifetime, opining that abortion is a safe option for the pregnant mother, though obviously the word "mother" is not used. And NARAL Pro-Choice America suggests that pro-life people "warp" scientific facts and, among other things, want to "force" women to have ultrasounds if they are considering having an abortion.
In other words, the rhetoric chosen is designed to make the act of abortion sound not only appealing, but a woman's right, while then painting those of us who disagree as threats to freedom – or even worse!
Perhaps this is part of the reason why young women like Emile Weaver feel such disdain for innocent babies, including their own. Weaver's story is a tragic one. It is the story of a young mother who was charged in 2015 for "allegedly killing her hours-old baby girl and leaving her in a garbage can outside her college sorority house."
In response to this story, Time magazine published the opinion of a psychologist, Dr. Joan Cook, who opined: "In her defense, Emile Weaver said she was in denial about the pregnancy and thought the child was already dead when she put her in the bag." Yet, one of her sorority sisters actually heard the cries of the dying baby and said in an interview that "it sounded like a dying cat."
So a few questions come to my mind. Was Weaver so enmeshed in the culture of sexual satisfaction without responsibility that her entire pregnancy was lived out in denial? When the baby she had been denying actually appeared on the scene, did Weaver simply reject her as the only outcome she could face after nine months of lying to herself? Had she bought the pro-abortion rhetoric to the extent that she never really saw her child as a human being?
Those who prosecuted her case made an excellent point when they stated to the judge that Weaver may have claimed that she did not "know" she was pregnant, but that she "engaged in risky behaviors – drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana and playing in a dodgeball tournament – because she never intended to keep the baby." That is exactly how the jury and the judge apparently saw it as well, as Weaver was sentenced to life without parole in June of this year. But it does not make the reality of what happened that morning in a bathroom inside a sorority house any easier to understand or any less tragic.
What we do know with absolute certainty is that one young mother is now in jail and her newborn baby is dead. Yet the beat goes on. Life in the world of abortion-speak continues without missing a step, dragging only God knows how many human beings down with it.
We live in an America steeped in a crisis of faith. And as Saint John Paul II wrote in the introduction of his encyclical letter Faith and Reason: "Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth – in a word, to know himself – so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves."
This is the reason we persist in our quest to humanize the preborn baby, to teach the truth that motherhood begins when the baby's life begins, and to celebrate the wonder attached to these truths.
Combat the evil with truth! Join American Life League in defiance of the culture of our day – this culture of death. Through your actions and words, become a part of our movement to build a culture of life. Pray, be informed, and educate others.
For pro-life information, go to all.org.
For pro-life educational tools, visit cultureoflifestudies.com.
To see documented proof of Planned Parenthood's debauchery and to learn ways to stop its spread, go to stopp.org.
To join with youth outreach for a pro-life generation, go to lifedefender.org.
© Judie Brown
September 28, 2016
Lies repeatedly told will become truth for those not educated in God's truth. We cannot continue to allow the culture of death to seep into the minds and hearts of our children.
It never ceases to amaze this grandmother of 12 that the same arguments we heard in the late sixties when we began the quest to expose the truth about abortion continue to be unchanged. Oh the hyperbole of the pro-abortion death squads has gotten more outrageous, but the apathy among our citizens has matched them at every juncture.
The more America turns a blind eye to truth in favor of political correctness or moral blindness on the question of the reality of the cruelty of abortion, the greater the Pinocchio-style lies from the pro-aborts become. Planned Parenthood tells clients and visitors to its website that three out of every 10 women will have an abortion in their lifetime, opining that abortion is a safe option for the pregnant mother, though obviously the word "mother" is not used. And NARAL Pro-Choice America suggests that pro-life people "warp" scientific facts and, among other things, want to "force" women to have ultrasounds if they are considering having an abortion.
In other words, the rhetoric chosen is designed to make the act of abortion sound not only appealing, but a woman's right, while then painting those of us who disagree as threats to freedom – or even worse!
Perhaps this is part of the reason why young women like Emile Weaver feel such disdain for innocent babies, including their own. Weaver's story is a tragic one. It is the story of a young mother who was charged in 2015 for "allegedly killing her hours-old baby girl and leaving her in a garbage can outside her college sorority house."
In response to this story, Time magazine published the opinion of a psychologist, Dr. Joan Cook, who opined: "In her defense, Emile Weaver said she was in denial about the pregnancy and thought the child was already dead when she put her in the bag." Yet, one of her sorority sisters actually heard the cries of the dying baby and said in an interview that "it sounded like a dying cat."
So a few questions come to my mind. Was Weaver so enmeshed in the culture of sexual satisfaction without responsibility that her entire pregnancy was lived out in denial? When the baby she had been denying actually appeared on the scene, did Weaver simply reject her as the only outcome she could face after nine months of lying to herself? Had she bought the pro-abortion rhetoric to the extent that she never really saw her child as a human being?
Those who prosecuted her case made an excellent point when they stated to the judge that Weaver may have claimed that she did not "know" she was pregnant, but that she "engaged in risky behaviors – drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana and playing in a dodgeball tournament – because she never intended to keep the baby." That is exactly how the jury and the judge apparently saw it as well, as Weaver was sentenced to life without parole in June of this year. But it does not make the reality of what happened that morning in a bathroom inside a sorority house any easier to understand or any less tragic.
What we do know with absolute certainty is that one young mother is now in jail and her newborn baby is dead. Yet the beat goes on. Life in the world of abortion-speak continues without missing a step, dragging only God knows how many human beings down with it.
We live in an America steeped in a crisis of faith. And as Saint John Paul II wrote in the introduction of his encyclical letter Faith and Reason: "Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth – in a word, to know himself – so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves."
This is the reason we persist in our quest to humanize the preborn baby, to teach the truth that motherhood begins when the baby's life begins, and to celebrate the wonder attached to these truths.
Combat the evil with truth! Join American Life League in defiance of the culture of our day – this culture of death. Through your actions and words, become a part of our movement to build a culture of life. Pray, be informed, and educate others.
For pro-life information, go to all.org.
For pro-life educational tools, visit cultureoflifestudies.com.
To see documented proof of Planned Parenthood's debauchery and to learn ways to stop its spread, go to stopp.org.
To join with youth outreach for a pro-life generation, go to lifedefender.org.
© Judie Brown
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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