Michael Bresciani
We can almost see the race coming down to the wire. Except, unlike any political contest before it, this race has the judges standing on the sidelines. They are so tired of the failures of the one who already had a chance to win and did nothing – so tired. So they have pulled out their bullhorns and are shouting to the runner who has yet to cross the finish line, "You have already lost."
Coming across the finish line, Kamala and her liberals come heaving, dragging, spewing lies, and disdain dragging a gargantuan load called the Biden/Harris administration behind them.
For the first time in the history of the nation, we have a person who will lose even if they happen to win.
The spectators who have of late been re-named "the garbage" know that, if the Dem’s win this time, there will be no rematch.
But wafting back on the breeze all around the voting stations across the nation is a stench of garbage. The Democrats with the help of the submissive media have managed to make even the garbage to be angry. Another American first.
They know that, even though Jesus beat the money changers out of the Temple, he did not go on beating them for days and weeks (Jn 2:12-17).
American people have been beaten and whipped for almost four years now. They have been asked to give up their children to abortion doctors and trans-genderists, who want to mutilate their offspring in the name of perversion and infanticide hiding itself under the guise of healthcare.
They have had their wealth plundered with taxes, green deals, billions for foreign nations, and a war chest with a big hole in the bottom.
For those financially challenged, it is getting frightening. It is on the brink of absurdity. It seems you may need a bank loan to fill the tank with gas, if you can find some.
They have been incessantly pushed into pigeon-holes called, the blacks, the whites, the Latinos, the immigrants, the gays, the men, the women – the idea of being just "an American" is fading into obscurity, like the last scene in a terrible movie.
They have been told that their best bet is to vote for a woman who has accomplished absolutely nothing.
Her most oft repeated answer to interviewers has been, “I came from a middle-class family.”
In fact, Kamala would have fared better if she had borrowed the famous line from Groucho of the famous Marx Brothers.
When asked what she accomplished or what she actually has done, she could reply like Groucho:
“I didn’t do it – I didn’t do it, and if I had to do it all over again – I wouldn’t do it again.”
If this seems just a little silly to you, imagine how silly it seems to vote for a candidate who has already produced nothing, and then expect her to do everything for the next four years.
That could be the new definition for silly.
Photo: blogspot
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