Michael Bresciani
Covid-19, crisis or a crossroads – when defiance becomes a delusion
By Michael Bresciani
May 8, 2020

Like blind men stumbling around in the dark, daily we hear more about the great efforts to beat back the Covid-19 pandemic. While President Trump sends a hospital ship to New York and the Javits Center field hospital opens up for treating patients – endlessly vociferous Gov. Cuomo keeps sending people to nursing homes – to die.

State governors are violating every part of the constitution they can think of and are feeling the backlash and the wrath of the people in some states. Who is not now aware of a Texas woman sent to jail and fined $7K for opening her salon?

In another big helping of dumb, are the reports of people suffering and dying even while a known drug (hydroxychloroquine), used now for 70 years, is being withheld in some cases for treatment.

While President Trump has shown that he can well handle himself by responding to this pandemic, others have made fools of themselves in various ways, but the most obvious mistake is thinking that so-called “experts” can identify and deal with this crisis all quite on their own.

Scientists and healthcare experts are doing their best, and some are to be heralded and commended, but the beat goes on and so does the disease.

Then along come the preachers and prognosticators, scrambling to tell us what God is doing in all of these events, and why.

This author is fully acquainted with God’s willingness to send calamities, pandemics, and disasters as wake-up calls and judgments, in full accordance with biblical precedents – and I've had inclinations to see this as a fulfillment of messages from my own past. To wit:

Prophecy and the American Economy by Rev Michael Bresciani, July 21, 2008

Coronavirus, the Economy and the Great Eschaton – Fair Warning Michael Bresciani March 10, 2020

Some of the messengers insist that a great revival of faith will sweep America at the close of this pandemic. In fact, that would depend on our full reaction to the pandemic, rather than our own ability to knock it down to size.

Our ability to chase a pandemic into oblivion by sheer will seems wholly inadequate in the light of our failures to deal with other causes of death and destruction.

There are still more humans dying from abortion everyday than from Covid-19. What have we done to stop that pandemic since its inception in 1973? We have accepted this kind of murder for so long that some states have declared abortion an “essential service” during the coronavirus pandemic.

Yet, these same states would argue that God would never find it “essential” to drop the hammer on our country for our depraved and twisted viewpoint about the sanctity of human life.

Other causes of death are also way ahead of the virus, and as they all race beyond the quarter pole, no one has found a way as yet to significantly slow down the daily death toll from cancer, heart disease, suicide, smoking, and a host of other hearty problems like crimes, murders, hurricanes, floods, and natural disasters. These all have been man’s traveling companions through life since time began.

To be fair, warfare also wants some credit. There have been hundreds of wars since the last world war, and this powder keg we call our world has not figured it out as yet. War still looms!

If God is indeed waiting to see our reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic, we must remember what God wants first is repentance, not revival. While revival may well follow our turning from our gross collective and national sins, it is not a promise. This becomes rudimentary in view of what Christ said about doing only what we are supposed to do in the first place:

“So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.” (Lk 17:10)

We were never supposed to kill 60 million babies, or let men marry men, or teach our children that God could not possibly have made men in his own image, rather than the image of a common beast of the jungle.

Christ has told us that men should marry one woman, but we have chosen to believe someone who marches down the street in their underwear (or less) waving a rainbow-colored flag.

Common sense is insulted and holiness is blasphemed – but the perv-party goes on as scheduled. And this they call “pride.”

Those who believe and trust the biblical message that God provided for all mankind will never apologize to the abortionists or the LGBT activists for saying they are on a demonically driven path to their own ultimate and final destruction. God is waiting for them to apologize to him and choose another way to live – that is what repentance means.

To think that no disease, calamity, or any other kind of judgment would befall us is an act of pure denial or total defiance. One is born of ignorance, the other of arrogance.

If we continue with our perversions and killing our own offspring, we will run headlong into a loving, but righteous God, who will not tolerate these behaviors unendingly.

Has our pay day arrived in the Covid-19 virus?

It may be a little too soon to say, but it is not too soon to remind ourselves that we will one day have to step up to the pay window for what we have earned. It cannot be changed.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Ga 6:7)

This is not the voice of doom, but of caution. Leave revival to the future, repentance is for today.

We are at this crossroads today!

© Michael Bresciani


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