Michael Bresciani
CNN's Town Hall: Searching for a savior for climate change cultists
By Michael Bresciani
September 6, 2019

Like the screech of the fingernails on the blackboard, the Gore-ish narrative plods on for seven grueling hours at CNN's climate crisis town hall on Wednesday night.

Indifferent to the warnings of science to the contrary, even the NOAA was ignored after recently disclosing that there has been no temperature increase in the last 12 years, but the preponderance was on the propaganda – as usual.

The climate change sycophants would not be deterred.

Some of the candidates said, we must hurry to ban plastic straws and yet others quoted the UN report that there is but a very few years to get it right or, the world will face a cataclysmic event much like the Bible's Armageddon.

The call to vegetarianism was loud and Pete Buttigieg said that global warming is a greater challenge than winning World War II.

But no one could beat the "Bern" who declared that we had to do a China thing and cut down the population growth of the world. One would think that after 60,000,000 abortions since 1973 that America had already done its part. But these are Democrats – what else do they have?

For many Americans, not just conservatives, climate change is a hoax and with exaggerations, falsified data and hype that defies better science it has truly become delusional.

There is one way to totally discredit all warming hype and it has to do with biblical prophecy. With over one quarter of the bible proclaims that our world will not end, or is even threatened by global warming, it is clear that this is much more than a hoax – it is a first class lie.

How could the most literate generation in history get caught up in such a lie?

The familiar adage is that one lie leads to another and it is the bible's description of this generation that says when we choose to believe lies that we are totally overcome by the myriad of lies that follow. To wit:

"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." (2Thess 2:11)

Neither force nor farce of men has any chance against the prophetic, not because it is biblical alone, but because all prophecy is pre-written history. It is not what may happen – it is exactly what will happen.

So what will happen?

After over a half century of study in the prophetic I could not possibly describe all that is coming down the pike in one article, but what I can say is that when all the signs culminate and are completely underway in one single generation – that is the generation.

Christ said it this way: "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." (Mt 24: 33)

In fact, what happens to our world will be far more devastating than the effects of global warming because it is the time of judgment for all the nations. But the world clearly does not end because Christ returns and re-starts things and he alone is Lord of all things.

What are the signs?

Take a look at the top ten.


The cult like exuberance of today's warming enthusiasts is giving global warming a religious feeling as it progresses. Now, it has elements that seem to mock the bible. It has high priests and prophets in scientists and politicians, but the latest addition to warming hype comes from those who dare to name dates. Now there is a doomsday element to the religion. AOC gave us 12 years and others say we may not last that long.

The warning that the bible gives also says that something is going to warm up in the last days, but it is the wrath of God come to visit a planet caught up in perversion, abortion, warfare and unbelief.

"And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Rev 6: 15-17)


Don't Let Climate Change Alarmism Ruin Your Future

Climate Change: The Sky is Falling, the END is Coming and We Have "Mommy Issues"

Pete Buttigieg Adds New Sin To God's List; It's A Real Eye Roller

© Michael Bresciani


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