Michael Bresciani
Prez raps while Americans line up as sheep to the slaughter
By Michael Bresciani
December 10, 2015

The Pasadena Star featured a typical headline on December 7, 2015 which read "We will prevail – Obama vows to destroy Isis, calls for better gun control"

Mr Obama's response to the San Bernardino mass shootings, was less than anyone could of hoped for, but while we will never get used to radical Muslim attacks on Americans we will also never get used to the Muslim mitigating President who still claims that the slaughter of Americans, French and others the world over is being done by the few, the radical and the mis-guided Muslims in our world. This old rap that is far from current reality – this is pabulum.

Next, comes the "gun control" rap – let's touch base with reality not rhetoric, every once in a while guns jam, but they have no deep and hidden pathologies, they are not religious, but people often go out of control.

Did the President and the liberals of our nation miss their social science and Psych-101 classes? Must we pay the price for their refusal to come into the real world while we die like sheep led to the slaughter, while they remain in their cliques and cloisters surrounded by paper thin walls of denial and rhetorical obfuscation?

Must good soldiers continue to die in places like Benghazi and ranchers and U.S. Border Patrolmen die along the banks of the Rio Grande, while men in uniform are shot down in their own military bases here at home. We listen to rhetoric and obscene embryonic proposals from the "Don't worry be happy" new global society where nationalism and pride of country have been finally laid to rest?

Is this "prevailing?"

Next, we hear from Attorney General Loretta Lynch warning that she will bring legal fire and brimstone down on anyone who speaks against the middle of the road bunch of Muslims we are supposed to call the "moderates." Here is naiveté in all of its ignorant splendor like so much glittering tinsel on an old and dry Christmas tree that is about to be discarded. Yes, when Obama's year is up; Lynch will also get her pink slip. This is not naiveté – it is a foregone.

Outspoken presidential candidate and frontrunner Donald Trump is next on the record about the San Bernardino slaughter. As expected he shakes up the political constabulary with a brash, but altogether understandable proposal to disallow any more Muslims from entering the country until the problem of terrorism at home is brought under control. While this writer is a staunch supporter of Ted Cruz, even I could see the wisdom in Trump's proposal.

Trump sees that America is still welcoming people into the country, but like most Americans we want only those who respect what we are, and are happy to come to a land where freedom and opportunity are considered good stuff. If you hate the west stay in the east – this is not bigotry or stupidity – it is brilliance wrapped in common sense and the desire for a peaceful existence. Trump may win me yet!

Finally, while comparing headlines, one is more germane, pertinent and potent than all the others combined and it comes from Breitbart. It is an article entitled "Pamela Geller: If Loretta Lynch Wants to Ban 'Violent Talk,' She Should Ban the Quran."

Gellar has been appealing to the truth for years by trying to engage the American public to see that the problem is not that some Muslims are radical, while the vast majority is moderate, but rather it is the source of their inspiration or learning that is the culprit. Both the Quran and the Hadith are full of teachings that call for violence against all who will not bend to Islam.

To discover these simple, but obvious truths, Gellar says we only need to acquaint ourselves with these two sources. The most cursory examination will uncover the fact that she is correct. She offers plenty of quotes from these sources for those who are reticent or too lazy to look for themselves.

The only difference between the radical and the moderate Muslim may be the one morning they awake and decide to take these verses more seriously and act on them. Jihad is inherent in the source and it needs only a simple act of commitment to bring forth its deadly result.

While we foster inclusion, tolerance and the happy notion that Islam is one of the world's great religions it must be noted that when people relieve themselves of any true connection to the true and living God and connect to the meanderings of one who emerged from a mold lined and bat infested cave in Medina with a vision that even he doubted – spiritual discernment is dissolved in an instant.

Those we place in high office, often enter with the discernment of a child as it pertains to religion. It is like asking a three year old to drive the school bus and get the students home in complete safety. This is American liberalism today – feel safe with a three year old driving our bus?

Our Bibles, which Mr. Obama has said we cling to when we are confused or hurt, have no confusion in them at all and they are, in fact, what will keep us from getting hurt if we take the message seriously. America did not get this far, fully protected and empowered, by being Muslim.

The heart of the Bible message is that the world needs a Savior, not another religion, regardless of how old or new it may be. Our bibles also show us the difference between heresies, cults, false prophets and pop notions of what a great religion is supposed to be.

Our bibles show us a Savior who gave his life to redeem us rather than making choices about which wives to add to the harem or which lands to conquer. He did not seek power, fame or fortune and because of this, God was so pleased with him, he intends to give him all three in the end.

"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." (Rev 11: 15)

No Mr. Obama, San Bernardino is far from being just a bad day for the intelligence community; it was a bad day for all Americans who asked you to protect both the constitution and those for whom it was written, from all enemies foreign or domestic.

Your rap is a poor substitute for engaging the full power that was placed in your trust to protect us. Telling us to patiently endure a beating while the world hopefully grows softer by the day – is not a legacy.

We have referred to our past presidents as founders, fathers, statesmen, defenders and protectors, but even in a more tolerant society than ever before, it is doubtful that we will accept the idea of having a "Rapper in Chief."

© Michael Bresciani


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