Michael Bresciani
Pope addresses lawmakers two days after they allow abortion after twenty weeks
By Michael Bresciani
September 30, 2015

In the PC climate of today any correction or allusion to truth either dies in the face of cultural trends or is construed as bashing, hatred or some new phobia. It is the new byzantine way of saying, just shut up and go away.

The reasons 950 million Protestants who have not fallen into apostasy believe the scriptures alone are authoritative and not the Pope have always been known, but the world is both prone and prophetically driven to choose the path of religious dogma rather than accept the authority of scripture.

An amateur or a first year student of the Greek language knows that Christ was referring to himself as the Rock upon which the church would be built and not Peter.

Now, 1700 years after the start of Catholicism the error is bringing forth its fruit.

It will not end well, and there is no time left for apologies – only fair warning can be made at this point. The error of 1700 years of encyclicals, Vatican councils, patristic teachings and false authority will actually help to lead nations to the antichrist and the sudden destruction of the city of Rome itself. (Rev 17: 1-18)

This week we witnessed an anomaly and a full plethora of examples of nonsense, misguidance and brazen hypocrisy during the Pope's visit to the United States.

The nonsense was the uncontrolled sycophantic exuberance for a mere man that crowds displayed.

The misguidance was everywhere. Not once did the Pope say the name "Jesus Christ" in his address to the joint house, and only once did he say anything that may remotely address the fact that only two days before his visit the senate squashed the bill to stop abortions beyond twenty weeks.

Leaving the all-important issue of what humans may live versus those who may not, the Pope went on to the UN to warn of the dangers of global warming.

Hypocrisy reigns in the U.S.

I am a prophecy preacher and have almost a half century of study in prophecy to my credit. I offer no apology and I would accept any challenge that could disprove one very clear fact. This world will not suffer a great cataclysm or be brought to its destruction by global warming.

The world will, according to prophecy, see the intervention of the Lord Jesus Christ and he will bring with him the destruction of all man's infrastructure and political systems before he begins a 1,000 year rule on earth.

Until the complete fulfillment of these prophecies is seen around the world one fact remains unquestioned. No one is dying from man's carbon footprint, but around the world some 160 million unborn children have been discarded by the abortion footprint of mankind.

Hypocrisy reigns throughout the rest of the world as well as in the U.S.

I have a great love and respect for the 1.2 billion Catholics of our world because it is not intransigence that keeps them from the final, immutable and infallible truths of the scriptures. It is the massive, burgeoning, complicated and fully restricting overlay placed on the Bible that Catholic leaders have produced and subsequently laid upon their followers.

Just as nothing can be added to the simple faith in Jesus Christ to make it more effective – nothing can be added to it to make it – not work. Catholics are saved by their faith alone in Christ even if they think the additions are also needed. Christ is not limited by their dogma.

The best way to explain this enigma is simple – Many Catholics are saved – not by their religion, but in spite of it.

Suffice it to say, both Protestant and Catholic people are after all just people, sheep of the pasture and not always spiritually adept. They are like the people of ancient Nineveh who narrowly escaped judgment only because God's primary desire was to show them mercy.

In the most unflattering terms God declared that they barely could discern between their left and right hands, but he loved them. (Jonah 4: 11)

In this day of intellectualism, broad education and self-assurance little has changed. In the U.S. it is also apparent that we get our left and right hands mixed up – rather regularly.

Can it be that only two days after our offspring were condemned in the halls of the senate, the assumed leader of 1.2 Billion people comes to, speak of all, to speak of nothing?

Must we bow to pop religious figures and celebrity but fail to notice the marriage of perversity and diversity? Can the preponderance of lies put forth in religious plurality actually go un-noticed only to be replaced with a fear of polluted air?

Has no one noticed that after getting accolades for meeting and greeting children, in America, the Pope happily returns to the Vatican, but almost 4,000 children a day are still dying at the hands of abortionists?

Do we dare to pose the question: why aren't the thousands of little souls wasted every day given either the choice to see a religious icon – or a chance to live?

Such gross and brazen hypocrisy is what will bring our nation into direct conflict with an understandably angry God – in the very near future, papal visits notwithstanding.

The bottom line is this. It does not matter what the Pope says or what he does not say. We will be held accountable only by the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is what Christ says about children, or marriage and all else that will meet us in the last day, to wit:

"He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day." (Jn 12: 48)

© Michael Bresciani


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