Michael Bresciani
"Make America great again" -- a promise Donald Trump cannot keep
By Michael Bresciani
August 25, 2015

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" – Anon.

After entering Ladd-Peebles Stadium in Mobile, Alabama, Friday August 21, 2015, what followed were a personal pronoun fest and the now familiar story of the conversion of a government building to a plush hotel. Trump used the pronouns I, me, and my, about 300 times (give or take), but nothing much new was offered or any different than previous speeches.

After bashing China, Mexico, democrats and a good number of republicans the rest of the speech took on the nature of a road to riches rally led by a financial guru who verily promises that everyone will emerge rich and prosperous if they only follow the plan – and the leader.

The crowd cheered to the promise of a mighty revival of military might and the oft repeated campaign slogan and promise to – "Make America Great Again."

It is here that I am forced to start with a paragraph from my last article; it is a statement that undoubtedly I will have to make for the next year and a half until the election period is finished

"God never separates our economy and our morality – they are inextricably linked forever. We are at our all-time low in morality, what is concomitant is an economic crash – you can count on it!"

What is our definition of greatness? – What is God's definition?

Let's start with a passage that applies to both individuals and nations and work out from there.

"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Mt 16: 26)

If increasing wealth and producing jobs were all it would take to make America "great" again, I would be the first person to vote for Donald Trump.

What is not on the list of any democrat running for president is what is on the bottom of the list for the republicans running for president. The two issues that Trump refuses to face are at the top of God's list for the future survival of the nation.

God will never judge this nation because of a bad relationship with China or Mexico; he also will not cause our economy to fail because of oil, outsourced jobs, taxes, or any other problems imagined or real.

Our insistence on perverted "gay marriage" and our continuance in the slaughter of unborn babies will bring us to a reckoning day we will all rue.

Trump has skirted and coped-out on these issues.

What's the best you've got, Donald?

Trump has offered no more than democrats Hillary or Sanders on both issues.

On abortion, Trump has declared that he will stop abortions after twenty weeks.

Not good enough, Donald!

It is still murder or genocide at one day or twenty weeks, this Divine rule was in place before you drew your first breath, and the arbitrary assignment of time limits for when an abortion can legally, or morally, be performed is not yours to make.

On "gay marriage" Trump has resigned to the "it's the law of the land' nonsense that all those who have given up resort to.

As a nation, the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling is what may be safely referred to as the last straw in God's patience.

Greatness is not what follows such a ruling, but only judgment and a long, intense series of national difficulties, otherwise known as judgments; campaign slogans notwithstanding.

It is a hundred times more likely that America will be facing an economic fall rather than a Trump-led windfall for everyone.

In Trump's America, the borders are sealed, the military is big, and the economy is booming, even while the nation becomes the playground for perverts and the slaughter capital for unborn human beings. This is naiveté, and absurdity all rolled together, and to use one of Trump's favorite words – it is stupid.

We don't need a degree in divinity to understand the basic theology of the biblical law of reciprocation (reap and sow). God is not going to allow the Trumpian vision of America – it is a veritable impossibility.

When does a simple scriptural admonition become a prophetic warning?

Two major prevailing conditions have converged in America – one is our economic might; the other is our moral decline. We are at the height or the extreme of both, but they cannot coexist together for long.

God simply will not allow it!

The rule for individuals and for nations is the same, to wit:

"And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?" (Luke 12: 19-20)

I submit with a sense of great urgency and conviction that the soul of our very nation is about to be required – the choices are, for the moment, still up to us. The time is short.

Mr. Trump can promise us "greatness," but leaving these two issues alone will render his promise so much dust in the wind.

© Michael Bresciani


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