Michael Bresciani
Revival in America? - - Not an option, it is a necessity
By Michael Bresciani
Writing of the moral decline in the US has become almost a guarantee that my articles will be tucked away in the faith section or used as filler during days of religious observances.
Noting the backward slide into every prurient, perverted and libidinous behavior Americans can conger, is largely treated like scolding and rebuke rather than a call to return to the faith of our fathers.
Perverse thinking and behaviors are not constrained to our sexual pursuits as recent headlines attest. The bar has been lowered or removed completely for some activities that in times past would have been unthinkable – how about these for example.
Veterans slam New York Times piece linking vets to hate groups
Obama Admin Will Consider Pardons for Thousands of Drug Offenders; Networks Ignore?
Harry Reid Calls Bundy Ranch Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'
Obamaland: Where Cowboys are Villains and Race-Baiters, Gay Radicals and Marxists are Heroes
Most news headlines do not include what goes on in the realms of churches and religion but that too has become almost unbelievable. For the first time in our history one African based denomination has decided to send missionaries to the U.S. to help us pull out of our rapid decline.
In England, the Anglicans are being sued to force their church to recognize and perform gay marriages.
Who could have seen the day when the words of the beloved hymn 'Faith of Our Fathers' penned by famous Anglican minister and lyricist Frederick Faber would serve to mock both the British and the Americans.
Bill O'Reilley shrugs off the plunge into the gay "marriage" battle as social inevitability due to emergent acceptance of it into the fabric of our nation and yet, he still dares to refer to himself as a "culture warrior."
Take a hint from your noble friends in the Wounded Warrior Project Bill – real warriors never give in or give up!
Bill is typical of right wingers and conservatives who today value the vote and the popularity more than the future of the nation. To concede – assures their future – it threatens ours more than they may ever know.
Actor, Tommy Lee Jones is seen in a TV commercial asking the question – "Will your money outlive your retirement." Then along comes William Devane urging us to secure our future by purchasing big silver and gold, with a nice safe to store it in if you will make a minimum purchase.
The best preachers and faithful voices of the gospel are gladly stepping up to announce that silver and gold will fail and your money will not secure your future in today's powder keg of worldwide unrest, even those poorly equipped to handle eschatology (second coming doctrine) are resounding the call to return – yes, to the faith of our fathers!
We wait upon the mid-term elections of 2014 with bated breath and yet we know that if the people don't stand up and turn away from the path they are now traveling, it will be a mere band aid on an open wound.
It will take a national revival to call God back to our side. First to forgive us, second to renew our commitment to righteousness and lastly to show our resolve to a world that is plunging in unison to what we now well know will lead to – Armageddon.
Academics are assuring our children that they are the progeny of monkeys who are now on the cusp of conquering the stars. Yet, even the monkeys have not blurred gender distinctions nor do they indiscriminately destroy their young on a daily basis. They exist without hoarding gold and silver or prepare for retirement. Is it time to tell the Darwinists that acting like monkeys is not proof of evolution?
Revival is not a gathering of those who love nostalgia, or the wistful memory of better days of yore. It is the re-grouping and the re-commissioning of the calling and purposes first given to us by God as revealed through the vision of our founding fathers.
Revival is a return to following only the voice of the Good Shepherd. We are not the children of O'Reilly; we are not the dung under the feet of Barack Obama and his horrible notion of 'Change.' We are not the dupes of indoctrination for academic fools who soothe themselves with tenure, turpitude and depravity masquerading as classical formal education.
To accomplish this –
Faith of our fathers, holy faith!
We will be true to thee till death
We must return to this –
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." (John 10: 27-29)
Returning to the faith of our fathers is acknowledging that God not only gave us our founding fathers, but his Father gave us, this entire nation to abide in his guiding hand. Let's stay in his hand, let's return to his hand.
© Michael Bresciani
April 23, 2014
Writing of the moral decline in the US has become almost a guarantee that my articles will be tucked away in the faith section or used as filler during days of religious observances.
Noting the backward slide into every prurient, perverted and libidinous behavior Americans can conger, is largely treated like scolding and rebuke rather than a call to return to the faith of our fathers.
Perverse thinking and behaviors are not constrained to our sexual pursuits as recent headlines attest. The bar has been lowered or removed completely for some activities that in times past would have been unthinkable – how about these for example.
Veterans slam New York Times piece linking vets to hate groups
Obama Admin Will Consider Pardons for Thousands of Drug Offenders; Networks Ignore?
Harry Reid Calls Bundy Ranch Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'
Obamaland: Where Cowboys are Villains and Race-Baiters, Gay Radicals and Marxists are Heroes
Most news headlines do not include what goes on in the realms of churches and religion but that too has become almost unbelievable. For the first time in our history one African based denomination has decided to send missionaries to the U.S. to help us pull out of our rapid decline.
In England, the Anglicans are being sued to force their church to recognize and perform gay marriages.
Who could have seen the day when the words of the beloved hymn 'Faith of Our Fathers' penned by famous Anglican minister and lyricist Frederick Faber would serve to mock both the British and the Americans.
Faith of our fathers, we will strive
To win all nations unto Thee;
And through the truth that comes from God,
We all shall then be truly free.
Faith of our fathers, holy faith!
We will be true to thee till death
Bill O'Reilley shrugs off the plunge into the gay "marriage" battle as social inevitability due to emergent acceptance of it into the fabric of our nation and yet, he still dares to refer to himself as a "culture warrior."
Take a hint from your noble friends in the Wounded Warrior Project Bill – real warriors never give in or give up!
Bill is typical of right wingers and conservatives who today value the vote and the popularity more than the future of the nation. To concede – assures their future – it threatens ours more than they may ever know.
Actor, Tommy Lee Jones is seen in a TV commercial asking the question – "Will your money outlive your retirement." Then along comes William Devane urging us to secure our future by purchasing big silver and gold, with a nice safe to store it in if you will make a minimum purchase.
The best preachers and faithful voices of the gospel are gladly stepping up to announce that silver and gold will fail and your money will not secure your future in today's powder keg of worldwide unrest, even those poorly equipped to handle eschatology (second coming doctrine) are resounding the call to return – yes, to the faith of our fathers!
We wait upon the mid-term elections of 2014 with bated breath and yet we know that if the people don't stand up and turn away from the path they are now traveling, it will be a mere band aid on an open wound.
It will take a national revival to call God back to our side. First to forgive us, second to renew our commitment to righteousness and lastly to show our resolve to a world that is plunging in unison to what we now well know will lead to – Armageddon.
Academics are assuring our children that they are the progeny of monkeys who are now on the cusp of conquering the stars. Yet, even the monkeys have not blurred gender distinctions nor do they indiscriminately destroy their young on a daily basis. They exist without hoarding gold and silver or prepare for retirement. Is it time to tell the Darwinists that acting like monkeys is not proof of evolution?
Revival is not a gathering of those who love nostalgia, or the wistful memory of better days of yore. It is the re-grouping and the re-commissioning of the calling and purposes first given to us by God as revealed through the vision of our founding fathers.
Revival is a return to following only the voice of the Good Shepherd. We are not the children of O'Reilly; we are not the dung under the feet of Barack Obama and his horrible notion of 'Change.' We are not the dupes of indoctrination for academic fools who soothe themselves with tenure, turpitude and depravity masquerading as classical formal education.
To accomplish this –
Faith of our fathers, holy faith!
We will be true to thee till death
We must return to this –
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." (John 10: 27-29)
Returning to the faith of our fathers is acknowledging that God not only gave us our founding fathers, but his Father gave us, this entire nation to abide in his guiding hand. Let's stay in his hand, let's return to his hand.
© Michael Bresciani
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