Michael Bresciani
2013 the year of hypocrisy and really big lies
By Michael Bresciani
January 1, 2014

Gold Medalist Barack Obama in 2013

Hands down the number one lie of 2013 has to be Barack Obama's promise that Americans can keep their healthcare plans if they like them. It was a promise made years prior to the implementation of the Affordable Healthcare Act, but it slid into home plate as the biggest lie of the year just in time for the New Year.

The full complement of Obama lies has reached a peak this year 2013 and confidence in the President is now at an all-time low. For those of us who never believed him from the start there are no new surprises.

Black is Not a Political Party – This is no Little White Lie

Some of the biggest lies and worst hypocrisy didn't originate this year, but like Obama's lies they may have peaked out and their dubious refinements have effervesced to the surface in 2013.

Hypocrisy has made history in 2013, in what might be called the biggest setback to the civil rights movement in over half a century. Dr. Martin Luther King's dream has taken its biggest hit, not from white racists who want to see more segregation, but from blacks who segregated themselves in a full rally for Barack Obama regardless of his broken promises, attacks on tradition, religion and morality and a whole lot of false promise about a nanny state utopia for the poor.

The best way to describe the collective lie being accepted and promulgated by the black community is to understand that since the candidacy of Barack Obama was announced Blacks have ceased to be a people with two party affiliations. With rare exceptions there are no more democrats or republicans among the blacks – there are only Obama followers.

Over a half century of civil rights advances has been stymied by the candidacy of one black man. White people have spent the last five decades laboring against the idea that skin color means much of anything. Integrity, character, contribution, talent, service and servant hood were all that mattered until 2008. What a shock to discover that most of our black citizens never saw it that way after all!

Educators and Academics Still Trying to Sell Us the Big Bang

If you don't believe in God, you will have to do with the big bang theory to explain the origin of all things. Sadly, 2013 saw no new proof of the big bang theory, but only glitches and setbacks. The preponderance of big bang being taught in our schools along with atheist's mis-use of "separation" doctrines has all but destroyed the careers and livelihoods of creationists. The theory of evolution has spawned the theory of educational discrimination against anyone who doesn't buy the idea that everything came from nothing.

In 2013 the big bang looks more like a big lie when considering we have no more of the amazing missing links to bolster the idea of inter-species evolution than before, and the second law of thermodynamics has all but been dismissed even though it cries against the big bang expostulation.

In less scientific language, what right has the big bang crowd to dismiss those who believe in a young earth, created in only seven days, when they believe in the much larger universe being created in only a few seconds. Duh!

In ten years of reading and writing on the subject of creationism versus the idea that some vast sea of gases came together to form the universe, not one scientist, or academic has even tried to explain where those gases originated in the absence of a creator.

Even in 2013 the only answer for the big bang theorists is that their god – must be a real gas.

The big bang and the theory of evolution are the norm of the day, but reason and logic along with what attempts to look like intelligence are making it ever more obvious that while science has an ample supply of confidence and curiosity, it has no mechanism for containment.

Science is contained or limited by its own definition. Empiricism is the gaining of knowledge by means of repeatable and observable phenomena. Can science repeat the big bang? Was anyone there to observe it? Is the big bang scientific – at all?

In 2013 it may be that by comparison to the old scientific mistake of bloodletting to relieve illness; the big bang and sister evolutionary theory are merely brain letting, fueled by prior philosophic postulation. Big bang qualifies for a big lie award this year as it has for many years to date, not because it can't be ruled out, but because it has given cause to the indoctrinated to not allow anything else to be ruled in.

That's not science, that's not thinking and above all that's not a truth you can stand on in 2013. It is indoctrination created by wishful thinking. Can you hear the distant refrain of 'When you wish upon a star?'

'Change We Can Believe In' – Morphs from a slogan to a lie in 2013

I would be the last person to believe that I might try to mitigate for Barack Obama. After considering what makes our president tick a thousand ways to Sunday, I have theorized that after all he may the victim of his own political theories.

Many have tried to explain Obama doctrine as the result of his attraction to Alinskyism, communism or socialism. In fact; Barack Obama is simply a 'believer.' He believes in what he espouses and has no doubt he is right. He may be dead wrong about what he believes, but he is only standing on what he thinks is perfectly right. Sadly it must be noted that many of the worst tyrants in history also believed they were right.

In 2013 pragmatism and practicality finally met with, or crashed against the extravagant promises and wishful thinking of a full blown believer. Does that make him wrong? Indeed it does and it makes the promise of a change we can believe in a complete lie.

The Universality of the Homosexual Message Becomes the Other Biggest Lie of 2013

2013's greatest collision was when GLAAD and LGBT met Duck Dynasty, but let's not get pompous because that's largely an American phenomenon.

The truth is the gay message is failing elsewhere in the world as well. Dozens of Muslim countries will not tolerate the gay lifestyle and have severe penalties in place for dealing with it. Russia, Uganda and now India have re-instituted laws that curtail the spread of the gay agenda.

The idea that it is only those who adhere to the bibles message about homosexuality that are resisting the gays is simply – not true.

I have warned for over 40 years that if you are preaching a gospel message that cannot be universally accepted in every country in the world, it probably is not the true gospel.

The prosperity gospel so loved in America falls like a lead filled dirigible in third world countries where a piece of bread is a premium. Over emphasis on the rapture doctrine also sinks like the Titanic in nations where Christians are being slaughtered by Muslims.

The message of God's saving grace in its purest and most fundamental form is still accepted completely all over the world, even in these last days.

The gay message is failing for the same reasons twisted versions of the gospel fail. It is not universally acceptable. It presents moral issues, wars against both nature and tradition and in some countries that are struggling with upheavals and economic problems it is an outright nuisance.

It may be time for the LGBT to realize that first amendment rights are there so minorities will not be stifled, but they do not exist as a weapon to club the majority into submission to every nascent pop culture compunction of the day.

A Year of Lies Balanced by a Single Truth

Lots of bad news and barely comprehensible changes have come down the pike in 2013, but we still hope for some good to be announced that might balance or stabilize our retrospective of the year.

In our world, truth may have remained forever relative and open to endless debate. Pontius Pilate's famous question, "what is truth," might still be unanswered to this day except that God decided to incarnate or place the truth into one single man for all eternity.

The worst of 2013 with all its lies and social upheaval have done nothing to lessen the radiance that the incarnation of truth has provided. It is a candle in the dark and a city on the hill. In this year of the lie, here is the truth that can balance it all, including your life.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14: 6)

© Michael Bresciani


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