Michael Bresciani
Obama says: don't listen to anyone but me!
By Michael Bresciani
October 21, 2013

It had to happen.

After every victory Barack Obama not only gloats, but in very vindictive and overt ways he rubs it in the face of those he thinks he has trumped. He has gone above and beyond just ridiculing those who wanted to defund ObamaCare with advice for all Americans to stop listening to other Americans!

In a very Hitlerian kind of admonishment, he said we should all stop listening to radio hosts, bloggers and talking heads and just help him to get on with his plan to save the economy, jobs et al.


It is abundantly clear that Mr. Obama has been skipping the blogs and most likey not tuning in Savage or Rush. He also has probably not visited one of the sites that keep the ongoing record of his open and public lies.

No doubt he missed WND's article of October 18, 2013 by Joseph Farah entitled simply, 'The Lies of Obama.' No doubt he missed the video at examiner.com called 'Top 25 'laws of the land' under attack by Obama' or Examiner's even more scathing piece called, 'Top 50 reasons people keep comparing Obama to Hitler.'

Should the 'Audacity of Hope' have been titled "The Audacity of Listening to Someone Else Besides Me" Should all the trusted voices, all the opposing sides just be ignored? Should we ignore our preachers and prophets, politicians and pundits, and financial analysts who are predicting a financial Armageddon?

Will we now join with the Chinese government that warns and arrests bloggers for creating alleged 'rumors' about the communist leaders or their policies? How long will it be before we can simply round up all the opposing voices and have them all disappear into internment camps or worse? Sound impossible? Have you watched the video?

Are those articles about Obama's narcissism and megalomania that once seemed extravagant and a bit too extreme, coming home to roost in the land of reality?

When will a full scale crackdown begin? Can we expect that soon Sean Hannity will be pulled off his TV set and slapped in handcuffs for disagreeing with the 'anointed one?'

Is it a Biblical principle at work? In the bible evil rulers were allowed to go on for a very long time, Pharaoh, Ahab, Jezebel and others were oppressive for longer than most people wanted to believe. The principle is simple, the leader's judgment is sure but time is needed to gather together the followers. Those of like mind are pulled together for the final outcome of their decline and foolishness, and then they are all thrust into the same confusion at once.

Elijah the prophet had to flee from the antics of both Jezebel and Ahab, but when their end came all those who followed them and their trusty prophets (mouthpieces) were dealt with just as severely. (2 Kings 9: 1f)

When the financial collapse of America comes will the left leaning media come to Obama's side with help? Don't count on it – they will abandon him like the plague and the voices that we were told not to listen to will return to favor overnight. Although by then it may be far too late.

Men and women with integrity and love of country are all calling for reason to prevail – Obama is calling for them to be silenced. He is asking us to willingly ignore those voices and hear only his – yes this does sound very much like that German man who tore both his own nation and the entire world to pieces before anyone could see that his voice was the last one anyone should have been heeding.

When the last and final despot (Antichrist) comes to rule the emerging and long awaited New World Order, the great harvest comes all at once. An entire chapter of Revelation is engaged to describe that final harvest of souls. It is not a pretty site, but it is universal. Leaders and followers are gathered together, to wit:

"And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God." (Rev 14: 18, 19)

How this crowd got to the dreaded place of judgment described in this passage was simple, they listened to the wrong voices. It started with enthusiasm for a new leader, went to a call for political correctness and then capitulated to strong enforcement, fear and intimidation. Soon it became the law the rest is history.

Is the U.S. about to become history?

© Michael Bresciani


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