Michael Bresciani
American youth caught by the tail?
By Michael Bresciani
May 3, 2013

Over 80K showed up for Denver 4–20 to celebrate the new freedom to smoke marijuana in Colorado. Tens of thousands of young liberal thinkers show at gay pride rallies and parades around the nation and some bring their youngest children with them.

Although college tuition has climbed to the skies in many schools, Barack Obama has made it easier to get aid than ever before. What he has yet to do is provide an economic stability for the future of the nation to insure that those now borrowing can repay their loans, much worse is the shrinking job markets. By 2020, if the nation can last that long, people with graduate degrees will be standing in unemployment and welfare lines or simply standing on the corner – jobless.

Not to worry. Jimmy Fallon will soon be number one on the tube and grass is available by the ton. There are no major wars going on, sex is open and free and the government will step in if anything goes wrong to pay for your abortion if needed.

Bobby McFerrin's lyrics, "Don't Worry – Be Happy" is the anthem of youth in old Columbia the gem of the ocean, it is their day, who would dare interfere with cool?

How can lean rugged young men with five o'clock shadows attired with the latest mix of faux street rags and Gap garb – be faulted for anything except looking cool? Young women are slick, chic and sleek, idly eyeing their next paramours for the next tantalizing tryst in twinkle land.

Obsessive 24/7 preoccupation with everything carnal is now vogue and vital since it has been re-packaged and labeled as – sensuality. They are all 'intelligent,' articulate and fast witted without prejudice or avarice. It's all just a breath of fresh air. So why does it stink?

American youth have carefully unpacked the tens of thousands of little wooden horses provided by liberals and progressive professors, media moguls and Hollywood celebs who would never mislead the little darlings. The little liberal wooden ponies came bearing gifts of freedom, license, fancy, fun, fashion, foolishness and farce. The party is without end.

There are among them no evolutionary revolutionaries as they are content not so much as to peek at the voluminous new findings of creation science. The billions of missing links for Homo sapiens don't seem to bother them. They are not inclined to laugh at the science fiction of Uncle Charlie's (Darwin) amazing rise of the 'giraffazelles' to becoming the towering lanky giraffes roaming around the African continent.

Indoctrinated? How about paying up to $1,000.00 to hear a lecture given by a man in a wheel chair that assures them they all came from a lightning bolt on a dirty pond in Madagascar or somewhere in the Euphrates River Valley.

They have decided that religion is for the mystified, yet they are willing to take endless courses in Greek and Roman mythology in their respective colleges and universities. When religion is allowed, they are also sure that the generic 'comparative religions' courses in the aforementioned schools have nailed it down to one big lump of mystical mistaken mish-mush, out of which, some say, emerged three great religions. God forbid they should stumble on the fact that Christ came to provide salvation and not merely another religion.

They have been collectively and summarily politically corrected, living in a contrived world where, what they don't say has become more important than what they do say, even if happens to be the truth – especially if it is the truth.

Their politics and their choice of political leaders is based on personalities, people and pop-culture figures that loom larger than life even if they are for ending life – abortion, euthanasia et al. Principle, policy, law and constitution are viewed as open to endless interpretation and are all viewed as a glorified anachronisms from the days of yore.

Why bother to note these declines and trends, who is listening, and who really cares? It is here that we must desist from seeking an answer from the moderns and revert to the wisdom of the ancients and the common man.

From the humble farmers of an ancient world Christ provided us with a parable of 'the seed and the sower.' Unique, because even though it is far more rare today, the method of sowing in ancient times was to simply scatter the seeds in all directions and hope for the best, very few crops were planted in furrow and row.

The parable tells of four different situations and how the seed is affected by them. Here we will deal with only one. It is the response that best reflects what is happening to this generation.

Jesus explained the first category by saying, "And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up." (Mt 13: 4)

Is it possible that this hurried generation with its tablets and iPhones in hand scrambling from class to class, experience to experience has had the tiny little seed snatched away? You can count on it.

The Bible has many choice names for Satan or the god of this present world, but one is known by all. He is called a thief. Following that common appellation he is described as a robber, a destroyer and a killer.

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (Jn 10: 10)

Rather than being a charming little Sunday school story this parable is a very serious warning that the God of the kingdom and the kingdom of God are snatched away by the old crow and the cost of his thievery is the future of our own generation.

He does not just grab the understanding of the kingdom of God but he grabs their entire future and sets them on the same course as himself. The 'destroyer' is himself, set for destruction.

"Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." (Mt 25: 41)

This theft dwarfs the 'Italian Job,' or the great 'Train Robbery,' and the 'Boston Armored Car Robbery' all rolled in together. It is the wasting of a precious human soul, and the larger part of a full generation, for all eternity.

While the Protestant ministers are stirring up pictures of endless prosperity for believers and the Catholics are down at the altar saying prayers of penance which end with 'world without end – Amen,' the truth is that this world does come to an end and it is not a fair sight to see.

The expression 'got the world by the tail' is the fop of fools who have been robbed of all discernment, not seeing, that it is the 'god of this world' that has caught them by the tail and he is leading them anywhere he pleases, but ultimately to their own destruction.

Because this truth is so immutable, "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them," (2 Co 4: 4) It would seem there is no recourse or way out.

But alas there is! We have used the ways of the ancient farmer to make a point, now we will resort to the ways of the ancient herder to illustrate the simplicity of getting to the door marked – the way out.

"All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." (John 10: 8-11)

The choices are simple, but everlasting. Foiled and fooled by a feckless fowl or – saved and shepherded by a Savior who leads us to eternal life.

© Michael Bresciani


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