Michael Bresciani
Public opinion morality -- the shifting sands of a sinking nation
By Michael Bresciani
March 30, 2013

Florida it seems is not the only state where the ground suddenly shifts sucking in everything above. America has become a land of sink-holes from coast to coast. Frameworks, foundations and long accepted means of constructing and governing a nation have been hit with liberalism's big guns of immorality, perversion, unbridled prurient pursuits and general last day's pabulum.

Yesterday was noted as the 15 year anniversary of "Viagra: The little blue pill that could" by news outlets and across the internet. The focus on sex here in the U.S. includes birth control, sexual dysfunction medicines, gay marriage, pedophilia, bigamy and your guess is as good as mine. No one would dare say that Americans have their sights on the stars or their heads in the clouds – we have to look a lot lower than that.

God's trumpets (messengers) tried and true, have tried to tell us that last day's prophecies have well warned us of this day. But to the spiritually challenged it is seen as a failure of politics or something far more visible and debatable. Some think it's a combination of a Senate frozen and taken hostage under the leadership of Harry Reid. Still others see it as a beleaguered Congress at war with the Obama administration and weakened by a bevy of RINO's and do nothings.

To some, there is no doubt that the fall into immorality is being spearheaded by Barack Obama.

That is an argument hard to disagree with for the most obvious reasons. When Obama is not on the back nine or spending huge sums of taxpayer money on lavish vacations, he takes up the cause for gay's vociferously to the obvious exclusion of producing a budget, developing a coherent foreign policy and just about anything else that actually helps the nation to function as it once did. Is this the 'change' so many people banked on – can anyone spell 'bankrupt?'

Want to get Hated Anyone? – Just Resist the Promulgation of the Gay Agenda

News anchor Contessa Brewer of MSNBC spoke at a "gay journalist" fundraising event and declared that any media outlet that gives time to those who oppose gay marriage are providing "fair coverage to racists"

It used to be enough to tell those who think gay is unnatural and those who see it as immoral to just go away and leave the gays alone. Now it seems it is politically correct to call them racist or worse, haters and those who would 'infringe' on the civil rights of others.

Infringing or Cringing – Liberalism's Death of Discernment

When Christ came upon a demon possessed man in the synagogue the demon cried out and said "Let us alone." (Mk 1: 24) The great King Solomon said, "Nothing is new under the sun." (Ec 1: 9)

We see that every demonically inspired behavior, everything derived from the doctrines of devils (1Tim 4: 1) and just about anything man's imagination can conger still elicits the same response or its equivalent – "let us alone."

It is impossible to imagine walking in on child molestation, a murder or a robbery where the perpetrator says "glad to see you – pull up a chair and sit down." Of course they want to be "left alone."

The gay agenda is a plea and a form of social activism that asks us to leave them alone. They ask us to suspend our faith in the words of the bible which says that homosexuality is the reason entire cities were destroyed and will also be part of the reason entire nations will fall in the last days prior to Christ's return to judge the earth.

They ask us to suspend not only nature's God but also natures naturally occurring warnings. We are asked first, not to cringe, and secondly, not to infringe.

Some people will always cringe at the sight of two men kissing and if most people would be honest, the idea of two men engaged in sex that is the physical equivalent of loving a connection to a sewer system also makes them cringe. Are they to be insulted and labeled as racists or haters for these common responses or for holding to their faith in scriptures? According to Contessa Brewer, they are!

Then along comes Time Magazine with its recent cover photo of two men kissing and the headline, "Gay Marriage Already Won. – The Supreme Court Hasn't Made Up Its Mind – But America Has." Floating high on the perception that the gay agenda has a lasting victory is the height of presumption, but little else. This battle may seem won but America is losing the entire war.

Accepting morality created by public opinion is well prophesied in scripture for the last days. Put simply that means that every victory acquired by the gay agenda is a step closer to the judgment.
    Scripture saw this generation coming – "There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness." (Pr 30: 12)

    Scripture warns this generation – "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment." (Ex 23: 2)

    Scripture declares the outcome of this generation – "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." (Pr 16: 25)
In case the reader cannot grasp Old English renderings we will simplify – morality based on public opinion will always come up short because of the sinful nature of man. You can count on it.

This is proof incontrovertible that while stupidity has been courted by the RINO right – bigotry has moved lock stock and barrel to the left. Being 'politically correct' no longer means that you stand for something, (if it ever did) but now it has morphed to mean, that you will stand for just about anything.

Is Morality Only for the Religious – Does God Separate Himself from National Life?

If the only example we have is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah then we might want to tone down the rhetoric, but that is not the case. The Word against homosexuality covers the writing of scripture over nearly a 5,000 year period – it is fully established for all time.

It is part and parcel to all that causes nations to fall into judgment and to suggest that God changes his view of it, as men change their view, is absurd. God's word is the rock we stand on and quite clearly the emergent social changes of the last days is the shifting sand that leaves mankind in a state of reprobation and open to direct intervention with a God who will not be mocked.

Proof for this position is overwhelming because other than a mention of an apostate church being judged in the last day, all judgment is aimed at the nations for their collective involvement with prurient and sinful practices. If his guide to morality was only for religion, what business does he have holding the nations accountable for their sins and mistakes?

Here is where we find that the atheist's, agnostics, scoffers, mockers and all high level sinners including the gays have an idea of God that is far too small. King and Prophet David summed it up in a word.

"The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." (Ps 24: 1)

© Michael Bresciani


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