Michael Bresciani
Obama triumphs - - the worst is yet to come
By Michael Bresciani
The day after the general elections the New Orleans Times Picayune ran the headline, "Obama Triumphs — 'The Best is yet to Come.'" The sinking feeling in this writers heart had no place to go, it was already at rock bottom, but the headline managed to create a nauseating pain in my stomach and a deepening sense of foreboding for the nation I love so much.
The etymology of the Creole derived 'lagniappe' (something added) so often used in the New Orleans area, is strained by the idea of the 'best' being yet to come, as suggested in the Picayune's headline. About half of the nation is now firmly convinced that Barack Obama's worst is about to come. It is a case of one man's hope and naiveté being another man's perversion.
We may expect the preachers, prophets and messengers of the nation to read the outcome of the election as a disastrous final sign of doom for the nation. In fact it is not a final sign, but merely a step in an ever changing world that is indeed headed toward the prophesied, 'Battle of Armageddon.' Prophecy is not speculation if it is based on scripture and a reasonable interpretation of eschatology's more obvious declarations. What it is and always will be to the very last day is — pre-written history.
Eight years of publishing articles, like so many seeds, which warn that America will not solve its problems through politics have landed on some good ground, but as the Bible warns, the scattered seed falls mostly on the bad ground and the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches choke it out. (Mt 13: 1-9) Yet, even this is part of prophetic utterance.
The bible speaks of same sex marriage, homosexual pursuits and abortion as perversities that bring nations into direct conflict (judgment) with God, but it doesn't stop there. Perverse thinking is an outcome of reprobation which is also predicted as a serious mind warping scourge in the last days. (Ro 1: 28)
Need examples? On 9/11 Muslims struck at the financial center of American commerce and brought down the Twin Towers. A short time after 9/11, we elect to our highest office a man with a Muslim background. This is not good judgment gone askew, it is obviously — perverse. We ignore his connections to liberals and Marxist ideologues whose ideas are a clear threat to America's founding principles and every revered document in our archives — this too is perversity. We have witnessed his amateurish fiscal policies create immense debt and joblessness but we give him carte blanche to go ahead with his failures for another four years, what else could this be called , but pure unmitigated and wholesale perversity?
Finally after introducing several unwanted changes to the very moral fabric of the nation and implementing executive orders that defy both congress and the constitution and the bible, we give him another four years to continue to rock the nation. This too is not just poor judgment; it is high perversity.
The evangelicals and Protestants in general slept through this election and the Catholics are said to have gone 50 percent for Obama. We don't want to disturb those who are busy with their own little apostasy, but this too, is yet another kind of perversion. It is clear that from this moment and forward, (a favorite term of Mr. Obama) that it will not be about Republicans and Democrats; it is now about 'sowing and reaping.' (Gal 6: 7)
We may call on the bible's predicted worldwide encroachment of moral decline which leads to the rule of the world's last and worst dictator known as 'the antichrist,' but every decline has its doorways, They are the point at which a subtle shift in perception is introduced almost clandestinely, under cover of 'progress' and much needed change. It is here that one of the most dreaded mistakes in our national thinking has immerged. Let's examine.
We have rightly decided that the 'office of the president' comes with certain dignities and respect. What we have failed to understand is that the respect is not automatically transmuted or conveyed to the office holder, he or she must already have respectability and dignity, or at least the barest modicum of it, before they come to the office. The presidency does not make men noble any more than putting them in a strawberry patch makes them a strawberry. It is because this is true that we are forced to say, that in Barack Obama, we have gotten what he is — not what we want him to be.
But this is not a time to be weary, if we love our country we must be ever vigilant and fight for it until we expire. We could resign to the inevitability conveyed in Solomon's sage declaration, to wit: "The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil." (Pr 16: 4)
A far better admonishment comes from both the scriptures and the remarkable courage that has been our heritage in America since we were first a nation. To wit:
"Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed...Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass." (Psalm 37: 1, 2, 3, and 7)
© Michael Bresciani
November 10, 2012
The day after the general elections the New Orleans Times Picayune ran the headline, "Obama Triumphs — 'The Best is yet to Come.'" The sinking feeling in this writers heart had no place to go, it was already at rock bottom, but the headline managed to create a nauseating pain in my stomach and a deepening sense of foreboding for the nation I love so much.
The etymology of the Creole derived 'lagniappe' (something added) so often used in the New Orleans area, is strained by the idea of the 'best' being yet to come, as suggested in the Picayune's headline. About half of the nation is now firmly convinced that Barack Obama's worst is about to come. It is a case of one man's hope and naiveté being another man's perversion.
We may expect the preachers, prophets and messengers of the nation to read the outcome of the election as a disastrous final sign of doom for the nation. In fact it is not a final sign, but merely a step in an ever changing world that is indeed headed toward the prophesied, 'Battle of Armageddon.' Prophecy is not speculation if it is based on scripture and a reasonable interpretation of eschatology's more obvious declarations. What it is and always will be to the very last day is — pre-written history.
Eight years of publishing articles, like so many seeds, which warn that America will not solve its problems through politics have landed on some good ground, but as the Bible warns, the scattered seed falls mostly on the bad ground and the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches choke it out. (Mt 13: 1-9) Yet, even this is part of prophetic utterance.
The bible speaks of same sex marriage, homosexual pursuits and abortion as perversities that bring nations into direct conflict (judgment) with God, but it doesn't stop there. Perverse thinking is an outcome of reprobation which is also predicted as a serious mind warping scourge in the last days. (Ro 1: 28)
Need examples? On 9/11 Muslims struck at the financial center of American commerce and brought down the Twin Towers. A short time after 9/11, we elect to our highest office a man with a Muslim background. This is not good judgment gone askew, it is obviously — perverse. We ignore his connections to liberals and Marxist ideologues whose ideas are a clear threat to America's founding principles and every revered document in our archives — this too is perversity. We have witnessed his amateurish fiscal policies create immense debt and joblessness but we give him carte blanche to go ahead with his failures for another four years, what else could this be called , but pure unmitigated and wholesale perversity?
Finally after introducing several unwanted changes to the very moral fabric of the nation and implementing executive orders that defy both congress and the constitution and the bible, we give him another four years to continue to rock the nation. This too is not just poor judgment; it is high perversity.
The evangelicals and Protestants in general slept through this election and the Catholics are said to have gone 50 percent for Obama. We don't want to disturb those who are busy with their own little apostasy, but this too, is yet another kind of perversion. It is clear that from this moment and forward, (a favorite term of Mr. Obama) that it will not be about Republicans and Democrats; it is now about 'sowing and reaping.' (Gal 6: 7)
We may call on the bible's predicted worldwide encroachment of moral decline which leads to the rule of the world's last and worst dictator known as 'the antichrist,' but every decline has its doorways, They are the point at which a subtle shift in perception is introduced almost clandestinely, under cover of 'progress' and much needed change. It is here that one of the most dreaded mistakes in our national thinking has immerged. Let's examine.
We have rightly decided that the 'office of the president' comes with certain dignities and respect. What we have failed to understand is that the respect is not automatically transmuted or conveyed to the office holder, he or she must already have respectability and dignity, or at least the barest modicum of it, before they come to the office. The presidency does not make men noble any more than putting them in a strawberry patch makes them a strawberry. It is because this is true that we are forced to say, that in Barack Obama, we have gotten what he is — not what we want him to be.
But this is not a time to be weary, if we love our country we must be ever vigilant and fight for it until we expire. We could resign to the inevitability conveyed in Solomon's sage declaration, to wit: "The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil." (Pr 16: 4)
A far better admonishment comes from both the scriptures and the remarkable courage that has been our heritage in America since we were first a nation. To wit:
"Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed...Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass." (Psalm 37: 1, 2, 3, and 7)
© Michael Bresciani
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