Michael Bresciani
Best advice for DNC conventioneers -- watch out for cloud to ground lightning
By Michael Bresciani
September 8, 2012

Ministers and preachers will have tons of good material for a long time after watching the entire DNC Convention in Charlotte, even without the now infamous "God vote." Before those comments and evaluations start coming like a flood, a look at the best advice offered by one young guest writer for Fox News would be appropriate, if not definitive.

On September 6, 2012 Fox News guest writer Dalton Glasscock posted a scathing piece about the mountain of lies told at the DNC Convention. While it was all good; the only thing that went higher in scope and bravura than the mountain of DNC lies is Dalton's conclusion to an article entitled "Fluke, Fornicators and Fabricators." Dalton hosts a blog called "A Teen's Take on Politics."

Dalton said, "What fundamental transformation occurred in the Democratic Party that when the words "God and Jerusalem" were added back to the platform boos and jeers could be heard throughout the stadium. — Here's some advice for the Democrats — watch out for cloud to ground lightning."

Calling speakers and the president liars for things spoken at the DNC is already common across the journalistic front, but it is hardly new. Several websites were long ago established for that purpose. One well edited site complete with cartoon offerings and hyperlinked documentation is Obama Lies.net. It is not mean spirited, but seeks only to inform the public that all that we hear is not all that there is.

No doubt, Dalton will be getting fireballs and poison darts flung at his blog by the perennial Obama-rite worshippers and sycophants, but he is in good company. As we close in on the final weeks of the 2012 campaign season, no one needs to engage the old idiom of 'calling a spade a spade' to cover what they say, because there has been all too much fuel laid at the conservative's front door. Terms like liar and fabricator are passive at this advanced point.

Objections aimed at those who use names and labels, especially those that seem a bit harsh, are usually leveled at Christians, faith websites and ministers under the banner of the love of God. The view of liberals is that preachers, prophets and evangelists should be standing on the sidelines telling everyone to be nice and stop calling each other names. Oh really!

The last time someone blasted me for telling the truth about liars got my usual but always civil response but it doubled by making me search myself and the Bible to see if I was being extravagant, unkind or out of character as a Christian. What I found surprised me.

Engaging the idea of WWJD (What would Jesus do) fell short because Christ never asked us to guess at how he might act or react to people and situations in real life. He did tell us to submit to the power of his Holy Spirit and the words he spoke, so that our very nature would be changed to resemble his. We are to be like him and not just guess what he might do.

Christ said, "It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master..." (Mt 10: 25) On the subject of how gently or strongly Jesus addressed people, the surprise comes when it is seen that he tolerated no defense of sin, lying, foolishness or nonsense of any kind. Let's review.

Religious leaders and those who tried to entangle him with silly arguments and self-justification were all treated equally. He called them hypocrites — Mt 15: 7, vipers — Mt 23: 33, thieves — Lk 19: 46, robbers — Jn 10: 8, murderers — Lk 11: 48, liars and lustful sons of the devil — Jn 8: 44.

Perhaps the strongest rebuke fell upon one of his disciples. When the Apostle Peter decided to chide with Jesus about the sufferings he was about to endure, Christ turned to Peter and sharply replied, "...Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men." (Mt 16: 23)

It should be noted that those who Jesus called liars and sons of the devil were people who quoted and used the scriptures everyday of their lives. Using the Bible to influence others while you live like the devil and spout lies like Old Faithful is why Christ used the word hypocrite so often. Asking Americans to continue to cling to hope and quoting from the Prophet Jeremiah on the subject of hope (Jeremiah 29: 11) does not absolve him nor does it make his promises of the future any less a lie than his promises of the past.

Quoting an encouraging and positive scripture passage can hardly be depended upon to wash away the obviously anti-biblical practices of murdering unborn children, encouraging same sex perverted marriage and spending American tax payers money faster than they can say April 15th. Yes we will continue to hope — we will hope that Barack Obama fails as much at re-election as he has at everything else he has attempted.

I am no disciple of Barack Obama and he is no disciple of mine, but the bottom line is that he has told too many lies for me not to call him a liar. No disrespect intended, but neither will I disrespect the truth for Mr. Obama.

Before we end our perusal about DNC lies and Convention behavior, there is one truth that must not go untold. It is for the days far ahead. In fact according to scripture Christ returns and rules this planet for a solid 1,000 years before he removes sun, moon and stars and carries his people to their final dwelling place.

The place is called the "new heaven and a new earth." (Rev 21: 1) There will be one major city on that planet whose dimensions are 1500 miles long, wide and high. It is a city where night will never come and everything that makes this world undesirable will not exist, including death. (Rev 21:1f) Entrance into this great city is secured now, on this planet, it is called being "born again."

No vote will be taken to see if each inhabitant will be allowed to enter. There will be no convention floor from which to decide if the builder and maker of that city will be allowed on the premises. Christ and faith in him and obedience to his gospel are the only entrance requirements. But it is also very clear who will not be there.

The list of those who are refused entrance sounds a lot like those who attended, spoke at, and voted to see if God would be allowed into the DNC platform. If I or any other minister used these names alone to describe people, we would no doubt offend every PC indoctrinated minion across the nation. The same gentle Jesus, whose words some people attempt to use to shut the mouths of his prophets and firebrands, is the very one who spoke these words. To wit:

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie." (Rev 22: 13-15)

Put simply, the most important question is not whether God will be allowed on the DNC plank, but whether we will be allowed into the Holy City.

© Michael Bresciani


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