Michael Bresciani
Obama: RNC in black and white TV? -- DNC in Rainbow, Red and Luciferian black
By Michael Bresciani
September 6, 2012

While campaigning in Iowa last week Barack Obama's spokesmen Jay Carney said he didn't bother to watch the Republican National Convention proceedings in Tampa he did say this. "Despite all the challenges that we face ... what they offered over those three days was more often than not an agenda that was better suited for the last century. It was a re-run. We've seen it before. You might as well have watched it on a black-and-white TV."

Good old days and family values have seen their better day and should be replaced with the nascent, colorful pop-culture trappings and forward thinking of liberal ideology according to Barack Obama. Bloggers, pundits, journalists and everyday Americans have been summarily insulted as responses indicate, but that seems mild when a comparison is made between the recent RNC and the ongoing DNC in Obama-wary Charlotte, North Carolina. To many Americans; the DNC is a horror show in full color.

Western Center for Journalism writer Dr. Kevin "Coach" Collins put together a list, just of the female speakers at the DNC Convention that reads like a 'Who's Who' of family life haters. Virtually everyone on the list is in support of taking the life away from someone, but usually it is an unborn child.

In an article entitled "A 'Who's-Who' Of The DNC's Anti-Family Speakers" the 'Coach' said "The DNC will give us a lesbian, an abortionist, a condom queen, a phony "Catholic" a women who has spent her life smiling while men destroyed the women in her family, an actress best known for promoting adultery, and a woman who thinks "You didn't build that" the coach then provided the following list which I quote here in its entirety.

"Tammy Baldwin, the first speaker: an open lesbian recently separated from her gay partner.

Veterans Affairs Tammy Duckworth, endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice America and EMILY'S List.

Sandra Fluke sees freedom as having others pay for the condoms her dozens of weekly lovers use to please her.

Nancy Keenan, President of NARAL Pro-Choice America: once a Special Education teacher caring for America's most vulnerable children who now supports killing special needs children before they are born.

Lilly Ledbetter will remind viewers that women on Barack Obama's White House staff are paid 18% less than men in violation of the law named after her.

Caroline Kennedy has spent her whole life silently smiling while the men in her family have abused woman, including her own mother; she has called Barack Obama a LIAR.

Eva Longoria, best known for using her acting talents to celebrate adultery on "Desperate Housewives."

Sen. Barbara Mikulski, a putative Catholic with a 100% NARAL rating.

Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, advocates the slaughter of innocent children.

Kamala Harris, the 100% NARAL rated California Attorney General.

Massachusetts Senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren coined "You didn't build that," telling small business people they can't succeed without government."

The roster of women speakers is a very clear reflection of the kind of ideology that doesn't seem to know that it is just brazen immorality posing as today's best ideas in action courtesy of the Democratic Party.

Colors for the DNC? Start with rainbow for the gay activists, and then it's on to red for the blood of unborn children, all slaughtered in the name of "women's rights' now to the tune of 54,000,000 and counting. Now, it's on to the mysterious "Luciferian black."

Teaching Chicago students from the principles found in Saul Alinsky's book on power analysis very few if any students or faculty may have noticed that the book was dedicated to Lucifer! Upon the remote possibility that some reader may not know who Lucifer is, he is the Devil. The Bible calls him many names, the destroyer, the father of lies, the destroyer of nations, the god of this world, but his original name was Lucifer. (Is 14: 12)

Yes Mr. President we would much rather view our values and hear them reiterated on old time black and white TV, as long as they don't cost the innocent their lives or hoist the rainbow flag over the White House. We also like to know that the inspiration for them does not come from the Devil himself.

Finally, for those of us that still see our values as something that made this country great we will always be glad to see our Republican conventions in red, white and blue — and that is exactly what we saw.

© Michael Bresciani


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