Michael Bresciani
Obama fooling on Fallon while failing America
By Michael Bresciani
April 26, 2012

It may be that the crowds of youth Obama is appealing to by appearing on Jimmy Fallon's show and interviews in Rolling Stone Magazine are all he has got. Taxpayers, people at the gas pumps, veterans, Solyndra workers, Arizona ranchers and Governors and those who don't want to be forced to buy insurance and almost anyone over thirty five know they need the change Obama promised in 2008 now, more than ever. They see that change as, electing a new president in 2012.

The crowd of high school seniors and college freshmen and sophomores' who are still struggling with grammar school reading problems and who turn out online 50,000,000 strong to vote on American Idol may cheer him on, but this is the crowd that doesn't want a clue. Obama is depending on that, as misinformation, truth twisting and huge lies of omission lacing the rhetoric of Obama's 2012 lame campaign are all that his humor offers.

It is doubtful that many youth even bother to watch liberal TV showmen like Chris Matthews, (Much less O'Reilly) who with all the grace of a pregnant duck attempted to smear Romney for his view about evolution in an interview with former RNC Chairman Michael Steele. Later O'Reilly countered with an explanation of how Romney actually believes in intelligent design as God's means of creating man and our sundry scaled, furred and feathered friends.

Not much intelligence coming from either commentator because the one who came from the creator and was present during the creation (Jesus Christ) indicated that Adam and Eve were in fact historical people not stages in evolutionary development. The Big Bang, my papa was a chimp crowd, has decided that 'theistic evolution' is the best way to help God through an embarrassing spot and not give offense to the politically correct scientific community all at the same time.

A generational long effort to remove all allusion to intelligent design in our academics does not seem to be working, even as more evidence for special creation is discovered daily. But why let a good crisis (the crushing of intellectual honesty, curiosity and truth) go to waste? Chris Matthews who likens anyone who dares to believe in intelligent design as a 'flat earther.' prefers to live a little bit further ahead in time from the flat earth days, he is stuck in 1925 when the Scopes Monkey Trial took place. What is known about creation science and what has yet to be proven in the evolutionary model is actually what is very embarrassing. There will be no repeat of 1925.

American youth are more likely to believe what they see on a TV reality show than what they see or hear in a real non old school media report of what Obama has failed to accomplish in nearly four years of trying. (When he was not on the green) Perhaps a reality show should be created to get the message across. Following the pattern of 'he said — she said' would be a great format to takeoff from. It might be, 'he said — we said'

He said we needed to buy insurance.
We said we don't want government to make us buy anything.

He said he would be transparent.
We said, start by showing us your school grades, dissertations and your real birth certificate.

He said he couldn't control gas prices.
We said, then stop blocking the Keystone pipeline and hold back your green dogs.

He said this is not the time to be raising school tuition.
We said, then why didn't you vote against that when you were a senator in Illinois?

The episodes of this reality show are too numerous to suggest here but the point is clear, stop trying to hoodwink our kids. They are just kids who after all, may not fully know which end is up just yet.

Taking the Obama campaign message on the road will not be so easy when it meets the ire of many Americans who feel betrayed like, Catholics, the jobless, homeowners and taxpayers. But convincing kids is easy, let's get down in the ring with someone who knows business and the economy like Mitt in a good solid debate. This is when the opponents will be more evenly matched.

This writer would have preferred Santorum or Gingrich, but that notwithstanding when Mr. Obama is done fooling the kids let him come full circle and spa with a man who could debate economics with one hand tied behind his back and most likely leave the president in a state of abject embarrassment.

Comedy shows and children are one thing, but we are yet waiting for the rubber to meet the road, when the lies and nonsense are met by true men, statesmen and men of vision who know there is much more at stake here in America than a few laughs on a late night comedy show.

© Michael Bresciani


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