Michael Bresciani
What does America see in 2010 and beyond?
By Michael Bresciani
August 11, 2010

It is clear that a major shift has occurred in the American way of life in the last two years. For over 230 years we were involved in the question of how we could best make our mark in the world. Much more than mere foreign policy we had to "let our light" shine because the entire world was watching.

Few Americans in today's political and moral climate have any doubt that our light has seriously dimmed. At no time in our history more than now does it appear that we have brought on an administration that seems to think that it has been given a mandate to make its mark on America. More than a "change" we can believe in, this has become a change we can hardly endure.

We have taken to reeling instead of standing as an example to the rest of the world. This administration is spending like a drunk out on the town all the while blaming the former administration for the deficits it is incurring. Liberal's dimmest minds have conspired to advance their long awaited agenda on a citizenry that was always suspicious of it and of late has begun to cringe at its application.

Missouri has emphatically declared that being forced to buy insurance coverage from the fed under Obamacare is an idea whose time must not be allowed to come. Arizona remains defiant under the brave leadership of Jan Brewer even as that state is nearly under siege from a foreign power. Seven million people in California have been upstaged by one homosexual judge who thinks their carefully placed votes have no voice at all in the will of the people.

Attorney General Holder has decided that America has never faced up to its racism but it is apparent that he has never faced up to the fact that he missed basic colors in grade school. America is more concerned with green and red than with black and white at this juncture in our history. We know the green of our dollars is not a bottomless pit of wealth that cannot be exhausted. We also know that the red blood of many Americans shed throughout the world was to preserve individualism and free enterprise, not big government, socialism or ideologies not set forth by our founding fathers.

What is being done to America is as hard to believe as what is being proposed, as in placing a Muslim Mosque across the street from one of the most sacred sites in the entire United States known as "Ground Zero."

Now there's the plan to spend 4.3 billion dollars to ensure kids have a more healthy lunches in our schools. Feeding them twisted history, Godless claptrap and socialistic philosophies can be overlooked for a few wholesome veggies on their plates.

We have a liberally biased media that has done everything but sign a contract in which they promise to tell us everything but the truth. Hollywood takes up the cause of socialisms twin, the moral decline, as it always has, to blast our children with fantasy, sleaze and violence all in the name of that high holy and sacred pastime we call, entertainment.

It is hard to impress the world with our moral stand if we are seen to be always staggering from the weight of the much touted "change we can believe in."

But wait, America it seems is about to make some changes that it can believe in, or at the least can live with. The one party system in the hand of this administration has been making its mark but it turns out to be more of a whipping. This unrestrained beating seems to be facing an angry citizenry that is now approaching close enough to the tormentor in the upcoming midterm elections to be able to snatch the whip right out of the hand of the administration. This would be a start but not a complete solution. There are many who are not sure we can survive the damages already done to our fiscal well being. The moral decline is another matter.

Preachers of the gospel who have not sold out to the apostasy of the hour are still proclaiming that one inalterable truth, that a nations well being is always inextricably linked to its morality. It may be hard to convince someone in Hollywood who spends 800 million dollars to produce a movie that by even the weakest moral codes may not be worth fifty cents. It is even harder to convince an administration that has laden trillions of dollars of future debt on our children that someday the bill will come due.

The day is finally here when those with a prophetic calling must admit that anyone, even politicians, newsmen or pundits that have opened their eyes and are proclaiming that the nation is turning the wrong way, are our compatriots in the noblest cause of all. One thing is sure in the business of prophetic warnings, seeing is step one in the process. Long before they were called prophets they were called "seers." (1 Sam 9:9) They were gifted with unrestrained, unbiased and accurate sight. Those who "see" are still the last best resort in times of deep trouble.

The only difference, according to the scriptures, between the average man and the prophet is that God allows some people to see, but he commands the prophet to see. The best example of this is seen in the eighth chapter of the book of the prophet Ezekiel.

Ezekiel was commanded to go and actually observe what the priests and civil authorities were engaged in and then prophesy to them in a stern call to repentance. Should they object to his prophecies he was armed with the eyewitness reports that God had arranged for him to have in hand.

Did they repent? Sadly, we must report that they did not and it resulted in the demise of their nation. That demise has lasted for centuries and not until the British mandate of 1948 has it seen a remedy. Only now that Israel is once again a free and independent nation has God begun again to deal with her in a favorable way.

Prophets of old were like the ancient mariner's chart, compass and sextant. Today they can be likened to radar, sonar and GPS tracking systems that tell us where we want to go but more importantly they tell us, where we don't want to go. It would seem that a nation willing to dismiss the scriptures, the constitution and its own history so readily would not pay much heed to a few vociferous prophets. This dismissal could result in our own demise and can only be done at our own peril.

What happens at the polls in 2010 may be the first sign of whether anyone is listening to her prophets or anyone else for that matter. It will only be a first step, but it will be a welcomed step for those who want to see America continue to make a mark in the world rather than being marked up with the bruises and gashes from an unwanted ideology that has left other countries in utter ruin.

Subjectivism and sensationalism is never allowed in the mindset of a real prophet otherwise they could not start any proclamation with the familiar "thus saith the Lord." The result of unheeded prophecy is known by all but it is never because the prophecies were not known. It was always because the prophecies went unheeded.

So what happened to Israel in Ezekiel's day? It is not a pretty sight, even though it was completely avoidable. The warnings in Ezekiel eight capitulated to the judgments seen in chapter nine. Ezekiel exclaimed, "Then said he unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The Lord hath forsaken the earth, and the Lord seeth not. And as for me also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, but I will recompense their way upon their head." (Eze 9: 9, 10)

Rather than "change we can believe in" we had better shift to "change we can't afford not to make" in 2010 and 2012 respectively in order to avoid the same fate as our ancient counterpart and modern ally known as the nation of Israel. May God help us!

© Michael Bresciani


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