Bruce Deitrick Price
A CONSERVATIVE PODCAST ABOUT EDUCATION?? Yes, check it out. Episode 100 just published.
When I was seventeen, my girlfriend gave me a book of cartoons called Now here's my Plan. On the cover, two emaciated guys wearing rags are chained to the wall of a godforsaken dungeon.
Their predicament could not be more hopeless. One of the doomed guys says: "Now here's my Plan.” (Connoisseurs will recognize Shel Silverstein’s dark humor.)
A comparable challenge is trying to improve our public schools. Talk about hopeless! Our schools are in the death grip of an Education Establishment that no longer believes in education. Spend another billion each year, add another 10,000 people to the bureaucracy, nothing will change. Why? Because our hard-left educators want mediocrity. Why?? They think Americans will be easier to control if they are semi-literate, can’t do math, don’t know much, and prefer to leave thinking to their government.
Analyzing K-12 education is much more intellectually fascinating than most people realize. There's a lot of make-believe and trickery. Many alleged experts pretend to care about education when they're actually engaged in what Charlotte Iserbyt called “the deliberate dumbing down of America.”
Two years ago I created a podcast named Let's Fix Education. Yes, that's my plan. Although quite damaged, K-12 could be easily fixed. It's a question of whether the people in charge will stop sabotaging the country.
For the last 20 years I’ve argued that there are no good ideas left in our public schools. My thesis is that left-wing professors systematically eliminated all the good ideas. First they discredit the proven winners and then little by little they insinuate nonsense that doesn't work. For example, sight-words for phonics, New Math for real math, Constructivism for direct instruction, many kinds of Common Core instead of what we should use, and dozens of other examples that cunningly made the last century an ever more ignorant place..
Each episode of Let's Fix Education (published on Wednesdays) focuses on a particular problem, explains how the schools are broken and how they could be fixed. There is no order or sequence. Episodes remain timeless because K-12 has been stagnant for decades.
Read some episodes at random to find out if this podcast is for you. Here are typical titles:
Episode 53: Taking the education out of education
Episode 84: Replace top educators. Fire the Education Establishment
Episode 81: Teacher reveals how dysfunctional K-12 really is
Episode 36: Do you care that public schools have been dumbed down?
Episode 10: Max Efficiency: How To Study A New Subject
Episode 5: What's Missing In Education??
Episode 3: Hey! Teach Those Kids To Read
Episode 2: How I Became An Education Reformer
The most popular episode (#86) explains why Chris Stapleton's rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl was so acclaimed.
I'm probably the country’s most prolific and aggressive writer on education. I have written roughly 1,000,000 words on how we can save K-12. I try to create materials that parents and community leaders can use in their own battles. Enter my full name in quotes (“Bruce Deitrick Price”) + any education topic. Google will probably find something interesting.
I can't always promote my work the way I would wish. So I started a fundraiser called Support Education Reform Please see this for links to my various platforms, and a discussion of why I got into this work.
© Bruce Deitrick PriceThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.