Chuck Baldwin
Liberal/neocon domination killing America
By Chuck Baldwin
October 30, 2015

Can America survive another eight years of liberal/neocon domination of Washington, D.C.?

The past seven presidential administrations (Bush, Sr. – Obama) and congresses (Republican and Democratic) have taken the United States to the brink of oppression – and maybe destruction. That's 28 years (counting 2016) of continuous domination by liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans. And make no mistake about it: there is virtually NO DIFFERENCE between liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans. They work in tandem. Best buds. Same agenda. Twins. Same parties. Same golf outings. Same clubs. Same money-grubbing. Controlled by the same people. Ad infinitum.

Under these liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans, the United States has become the most spied on country in the history of mankind. The brute-force of Washington, D.C., has all but expunged the Natural Law principles that founded this nation. Pulpit and pew; people and priest; magistrate and citizen; professor and student; newscaster and viewer: for the most part, they have all fallen in lockstep with the establishment Democrat and Republican parties. Hardly anyone understands the principles upon which our Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights were founded – including, and especially, the miscreants in Washington, D.C.

Beyond that, liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans have taken America into a perpetual state of war. Take down those yellow flags, folks, because our troops aren't EVER coming home.

Not only have the liberal/neocon miscreants in D.C., made enemies out of virtually every country on the planet, they seem determined to make enemies out of the American citizenry. Just listen to the things our FBI and Justice Department spokesmen are saying about US – We the People. They seem to consider US more of an enemy than our enemies. Just like in banana republics, our prisons are filled with people who should be regarded as political prisoners. At the same time, sure-enough real criminals such as G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton enjoy the lifestyle of kings and queens.

Add tens of millions of illegal aliens who have absolutely no understanding of constitutional government, who respect nothing but raw power, and who see government as nothing more than something to give them stuff, and the problem is exacerbated exponentially. Yet, both liberal Democrats and neocon Republicans are facilitating this invasion of illegal aliens that is taking place – and will continue to take place if Paul Ryan and most of the Republican and Democrat leadership have their way (which they probably will).

In addition, the vast majority of our elected representatives and senators in D.C., appear drunk with power and personal ambition. It truly seems that hardly any of them give a hoot in hell what the Constitution says. They are in it for themselves – the country be damned!

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives had an opportunity to do something truly significant to reverse the power of the neocons over politics in D.C., by electing a genuine anti-establishment conservative. Sadly, they chose instead to elect another royal neocon, Paul Ryan, as Speaker. Republican House members could not have made a WORSE choice.

Paul Ryan has a Cumulative Freedom Index Score of 58% by the New American Magazine – which offers one of the more accurate assessments of a congressman or senator's voting record.

Ryan voted for TPA, the horrific jobs-killing NAFTA-type trade bill – also called Obamatrade. He voted for Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act, which repealed the requirements for Country of Origin labeling (which keeps Americans in the dark about where their food is coming from) and ceded authority over food-related regulations to the World Trade Authority (WTO).

Ryan voted for the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act (NCPA). Rep. Justin Amash (R-Michigan) rightly warned, "These bills violate the Fourth Amendment, override privacy laws, and give the government unwarranted access to the personal information of potentially millions of Americans."

Paul Ryan voted against a bill that would have prevented U.S. taxpayer dollars from being given to "Syrian rebels." Those Syrian rebels, of course, are ISIS terrorists. Ryan is simply another warmongering neocon like Dick Cheney, John Boehner, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain.

Ryan voted against a bill that would have prevented the further militarization of our local and State police agencies by prohibiting the U.S. military from supplying local police departments with combat military equipment, such as drones, armored vehicles, grenade launchers, and bombs. These military utensils are more fitted for the military occupation of a hostile territory – which apparently is the way Paul Ryan and his fellow liberal/neocons in Washington, D.C., must view the American homeland.

Paul Ryan voted against an amendment that would have prevented the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens. "Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) introduced an amendment to prohibit the indefinite military detention of any person detained under the Authorization for the Use of Military Force authority in the United States, its territories, or possessions by providing immediate transfer to a trial and proceedings by a court. It also would strike language that would provide for mandatory military custody of covered parties.

"The House [with John Boehner and Paul Ryan's leadership] rejected Smith's amendment. Indefinite military detention is a blatant violation of the Sixth Amendment, and an executive who can wield such powers is akin to a monarch or dictator. As Rep. Smith said during consideration of the amendment: 'That is an enormous amount of power to give the Executive: to take someone and lock them up without due process. It is an enormous amount of power to grant the Executive, and I believe places liberty and freedom at risk in this country.'"

See Ryan's record here:

Freedom Index: Congressional Scorecard For Paul Ryan

The Conservative Review also gives Paul Ryan an "F" grade on their scorecard. They note that Ryan voted to fund Planned Parenthood. Ryan also voted against killing Obama's amnesty deal for illegal aliens.

See the scorecard here:

Conservative Review: Scorecard Paul Ryan

Amnesty for illegals is one of Ryan's priorities. He "promised" conservatives in the House that he would delay amnesty until 2017 (BIG DEAL), but everyone knows Ryan will most definitely ram an amnesty deal through the House. On this issue, Ryan is WORSE than Boehner.

"On Monday the Remembrance Project, a group which honors the memory of Americans killed by illegal aliens, hosted a press conference. Breitbart News spoke exclusively to many of the victim's family members about their thoughts on House Republican leadership.

"'We don't want Paul Ryan whatsoever. He's worse than Boehner. We've seen what he will do [if he's elected Speaker]' said the Remembrance Project's founder, Maria Espinoza.

"A newly-aired PBS documentary shows how that Paul Ryan and Mick Mulvaney labored with Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) to push Rubio's amnesty agenda through the House of Representatives. Rush Limbaugh has warned that if Ryan is Speaker and Rubio is President, 'Then in the first 12 months of the Rubio...administration, first 12-to-18 months, the donor-class agenda is implemented, including amnesty and whatever else they want. That is the objective here.'

"'All of us are against Ryan [as Speaker] and Marco Rubio [for President] because we're against amnesty,' Mary Ann Mendoza told Breitbart News exclusively."

See the report here:

Families Of Victims Murdered By Illegal Aliens To House Republicans: 'No Paul Ryan'

Just recently, the neocon Mitt Romney admitted what most of us knew all along (but what he vehemently denied on the presidential campaign trail in 2012): that he supports Obamacare and proudly helped pave the way for it. And, of course, who did Neocon Romney choose as his running mate? Neocon Matt Ryan.

See the report here:

Mitt Romney Praises Obamacare, Admits He Helped Pave The Way

Just this week, the new incoming House Speaker Paul Ryan is supporting John Boehner and Barack Obama as they collaborate together to remove another debt ceiling limitation for the current federal spending bill. As a report said the deal "effectively writes lame-duck President Obama a blank check to rack up debt."

And, as I have told you before, the Gun Owners of America (GOA) has warned that a Ryan speakership would be "Boehner on Steroids." GOA also said that a Ryan speakership "would be disastrous for gun owners."

See GOA's statement here:

Paul Ryan Would Be "Boehner On Steroids"

Replacing John Boehner with Paul Ryan is like trading a fox for a coyote. Neither one had or has any intention of guarding America's constitutional hen house.

I tell you the truth: the ONLY thing that stands between us and open oppression is tens of millions of gun owners in this country. Our national media (and much of our local media – especially in big cities) is no help. In fact, they are enthusiastic supporters of our demise. Our institutions of higher learning are no help. And our pastors and churches have almost totally capitulated. For the most part, they provide no help for the cause of liberty. NONE.

How long is it going to take for our State governors and legislatures to realize that, like it or not, sooner or later the only way to preserve liberty will be to follow the example of our patriot forebears and separate from an out-of-control, power-mad American Crown – which is exactly the way D.C., is behaving. If an abused wife has the legal and moral right to separate from an abusive husband, abused states certainly have a legal and moral right to separate from an abusive federal government.

Of the current crop of presidential candidates, the only one that I think has a true grasp of the Constitution (even if he doesn't always act like it) is Rand Paul. But his campaign is already on life-support.

For example, I live in what might be the strongest Ron Paul county in America. One still sees Ron Paul bumper stickers all over the place. So far, I have not seen one single Rand Paul bumper sticker. Not one! That is as big a testament to Rand's inability to excite the Ron Paul revolutionaries and constitutionalist/libertarians as one could ever find.

Donald Trump is successfully taking on the establishment unlike anyone is modern politics. I see that as a huge net positive. Frankly, I like a lot of things he is saying. But other things he says concern me greatly. And maybe what I'm concerned about the most is what he is NOT saying – I haven't heard him say anything about the Constitution.

As for the rest of the candidates, I don't trust any of them – including Ben Carson and Ted Cruz.

Ben Carson's emphatic promotion of government-forced vaccinations is anathema to anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge and appreciation for the Constitution and Bill of Rights. His support for forced-vaccinations portrays a vast constitutional ignorance. Plus, I see Carson as extremely weak on the Second Amendment. His initial belief was that people who live in big cities should not be allowed to own semi-automatic firearms. After entering the presidential race, and taking fire for his statements from GOP constituents, he seems to have changed his position. But I don't trust that this is as much him "seeing the light" as it is him "feeling the heat." As brilliant a mind as he has for medicine, I see Carson as constitutionally challenged.

And as good as Ted Cruz is on social issues and immigration, he is just another rabid neocon when it comes to foreign policy. The neocon wars of aggression in the Middle East would undoubtedly continue unabated (and probably even escalate) under a Cruz presidency. No thanks.

Jeb Bush is the neocon's neocon. He is the quintessential establishment insider – and his list of contributors reflects this fact. In spite of the support Bush is receiving from establishment insiders, his campaign is floundering. If Jeb withdraws, establishment support will most likely fall to Marco Rubio's campaign. Rubio is an establishment player through and through. In fact, as noted above, Rubio would be as bad as Barack Obama when it comes to amnesty for illegals. It does appear that the globalists are posturing a Rubio/Ryan team to take America into the New World Order.

Regardless, I am convinced of one thing: when the meltdown, or breakup – or whatever else you want to call it – happens, I am EXACTLY where I want to be. Like Switzerland in the middle of WW II, this region of the country will NEVER surrender its guns or its liberties. If the East Coast and West Coast want to dive headlong into oppression, let them. The Redoubt isn't budging. Our resolve is as fixed as our mountains.

I hope Texas can hold out too.

I ask again: Can America survive another eight years of liberal/neocon domination of Washington, D.C., because that's probably what we are looking at.

Maybe the better question is, Can your State and region survive?

P.S. As I said last week, I am pleased to announce that James Jaeger's brand new film, "Midnight Ride: When Rogue Politicians Call For Martial Law," will be premiered on Friday, November 6, 2015, from 6pm through 11pm Mountain Time. Distinguished luminaries such as Pat Buchanan, Larry Pratt, Ron Paul, G. Edward Griffin, Sheriff Richard Mack, Stewart Rhodes, Edwin Vieira, Jr., and several others are featured in this film. I am honored to also be featured.

I invite readers to go to my website on Friday evening, November 6, and watch the premiere of this outstanding film. And please tell your friends. DVDs of the film will also be available the night of the premiere via my website. Watch the film here:

Midnight Ride: When Rogue Politicians Call For Martial Law

© Chuck Baldwin


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