Chuck Baldwin
Four for freedom
By Chuck Baldwin
Given the choices for President that the two major parties have given us over the last couple of decades (including this year), it is a truism that it really doesn't matter much whether the Democrat or the Republican nominee is elected. No, it really doesn't. In fact, in many respects, the cause of liberty suffers more under Republican administrations than under Democrat ones. For example, we lost far more liberties under G.W. Bush than we did under Bill Clinton. And as bad as Barack Obama is, John McCain would have been even worse! The same people that control one control the other. The difference is, at least when a Democrat is in the White House, conservatives and Christians actively mount rigorous resistance. However, when a neocon Republican is in the White House, conservatives and Christians say nary a word of protest.
With this in mind, it was extremely disconcerting to me when I heard Senator Rand Paul endorse Mitt Romney last week. Mitt Romney is nothing more than Barack Obama lite! And every true conservative and constitutionalist knows it. Put Romney in the White House and it will be George H.W. Bush and G.W. Bush all over again. Goodbye freedom; goodbye Constitution; goodbye balanced budget; hello more foreign wars; hello more burgeoning police state; hello more surveillance society; hello more deficit spending, etc.
And on a personal note, I cannot express my disappointment in Rand Paul enough! With his father, Ron Paul, stepping down from Congress, we had all hoped that Rand would become the leading voice for constitutional government on Capitol Hill that his father has been for all of these years. In my opinion, Rand forfeited that leadership position when he endorsed Mitt Romney. Of course, we all know why Rand did it. It was the "politically correct" thing to do. Rand is, no doubt, posturing himself for a higher office. But the GOP establishment will never embrace Rand Paul, unless he were to totally recant his constitutionalist ideals. Romney will pick a controlled Vice President. I thought that fellow Bilderberg invitee, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, would be Romney's choice; except it seems now that he is about to become the president of Purdue University.
Ron Paul's star quality is his unwillingness to compromise with the globalist establishment. In fact, in 2008, Ron Paul refused to endorse the neocon, John McCain, and endorsed a constitutionalist third party candidate for President instead. Obviously, Rand is no Ron. That's a shame!
To hear more of my thoughts on the Rand Paul endorsement of Mitt Romney, here is a link to an interview I did with Alex Jones:
The only thing that electing these "lesser of two evils" politicians does is continue the slippery slope into socialism, fascism, corporatism, etc. It is absolutely critical that the American people wake up to this reality!
That doesn't mean that every person we vote for is perfect, or that they have never made a mistake, etc. But what it does mean is that we should be convinced that the people we vote for have a proven track record of commitment to constitutional government and the principles of liberty — and that they are NOT CONTROLLED by the establishment. Say what you want about Ron Paul, the establishment has never controlled him! And for that reason alone, he should be President! (And, no, I do not believe that there is a snowball's chance in hell of Ron Paul endorsing Mitt Romney.)
At the highest levels, anti-freedomists control the establishment political system, the establishment media, and establishment religion. This is why, since Ronald Reagan was President, it hasn't mattered to a tinker's dam whether a Republican or Democrat has been in the White House. And this is why it won't matter to a tinker's dam whether Mitt Romney beats Barack Obama or not.
However, I will tell you what does matter: electing constitutionalists to our State and local governments. As I have said many times in this column, freedom will be won or lost at the State level. Accordingly, I want to introduce you to four men who are running for various positions of State (and in the case of one, national) office. I know each of these men personally and am able to recommend them to you. I am asking that readers will sincerely consider supporting these men by sending them a donation to help their campaigns.
Timothy Baldwin
Tim is my youngest son. He is a constitutional attorney. He has written some monumental books on the subjects of liberty, constitutional government, and Natural Law. He is one of the most learned and studied men on these subjects that one would ever meet.
Many readers already know Tim. Perhaps, you have read one or two of his books. Perhaps, you have heard him speak. He has been on radio interviews from coast to coast and is a prolific writer. His grasp of history, law, and government is truly incredible!
His books, FREEDOM FOR A CHANGE and ROMANS 13: THE TRUE MEANING OF SUBMISSION, are absolutely must-reading. To order these books, go to:
Tim is running for Montana House District 4. If you can help Tim, would you please do so? Here is his campaign website where you can donate:
Jerry O'Neill
Jerry is running for reelection in Montana House District 3. Jerry has a proven record in both the Montana House and Senate as a true champion for freedom, limited government, and adherence to the Constitution. A man is known as much by his enemies as by his friends. Accordingly, Jerry has been a thorn in the side of big-government toadies across the State of Montana ever since he was first elected. And they are working hard to try and take Jerry out of the Montana State House. Can you help Jerry O'Neill? If you can, please send check or money order to:
Jerry O'Neill Campaign Account
985 Walsh Road
Columbia Falls, MT 59912
Charles Key
Charles just might be one of the twenty most important constitutionalist leaders in the entire country. He is commonly referred to as "The Ron Paul of Oklahoma." He is a former Oklahoma legislator who led the investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing. His "Final Report" on that tragedy just might be the most consummate piece of investigative research into the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building ever compiled. He was attacked and impugned mercilessly during that time and stood like a rock for his pursuit of truth. Charles has been in the trenches for over two decades.
Charles has worked hard to expand the national efforts of the Fully Informed Jury Association. He has staunchly supported Tenth Amendment bills in Oklahoma. He has led in the effort to preserve America's sovereignty on matters like the North American Superhighway. And he defied the Romney Republicans in Oklahoma when they tried to break their own rules at the Oklahoma GOP convention. Charles Key is a fighter!
Charles is now seeking the office of the Clerk of the Court of Oklahoma County. This is a key post in the State of Oklahoma, and Charles is the perfect man for the job. Can you help Charles Key? If so, here is the website where you can donate:
Steve Stockman
If patriots are looking for someone to be a voice for constitutionalism, limited government, and freedom in the similitude of Ron Paul, Steve Stockman is the man! Steve is running for a US congressional district seat outside of Houston, Texas, which is very close to Ron Paul's district. I was very happy to fly to Houston a few weeks ago and deliver a campaign speech for Steve. That's how much I believe in Steve Stockman.
Steve beat out a field of candidates, including a host of wealthy big-government toadies, to earn a spot in the run-off election, which will take place on Tuesday, July 31. With the help of fellow conservatives and constitutionalists, Steve has an excellent chance of winning this election! If you want to send someone to Washington, D.C., in the similitude of Ron Paul, help Steve Stockman get elected! Plus, is it a coincidence that Steve is from the same general area as Ron Paul? Maybe not.
Steve's opposition is spending over $300,000 to win this run-off. If Steve is going to win, he will need the help of people like you and me. If you would like to help Steve Stockman win this run-off, please go to this web site to donate:
These are four men for freedom! I'm sure that there are many others across the country who deserve the support of freedom-loving people as well. However, these are men that I personally know and am excited to support. Please help them anyway you can.
P.S. We are currently shipping THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. This is a giant compilation of 50 of the greatest documents of American history in one volume, under one title. This is available nowhere else that I know of. This summer printing is limited, so if you want to get your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, you need to order now! Go to:
© Chuck Baldwin
June 23, 2012
Given the choices for President that the two major parties have given us over the last couple of decades (including this year), it is a truism that it really doesn't matter much whether the Democrat or the Republican nominee is elected. No, it really doesn't. In fact, in many respects, the cause of liberty suffers more under Republican administrations than under Democrat ones. For example, we lost far more liberties under G.W. Bush than we did under Bill Clinton. And as bad as Barack Obama is, John McCain would have been even worse! The same people that control one control the other. The difference is, at least when a Democrat is in the White House, conservatives and Christians actively mount rigorous resistance. However, when a neocon Republican is in the White House, conservatives and Christians say nary a word of protest.
With this in mind, it was extremely disconcerting to me when I heard Senator Rand Paul endorse Mitt Romney last week. Mitt Romney is nothing more than Barack Obama lite! And every true conservative and constitutionalist knows it. Put Romney in the White House and it will be George H.W. Bush and G.W. Bush all over again. Goodbye freedom; goodbye Constitution; goodbye balanced budget; hello more foreign wars; hello more burgeoning police state; hello more surveillance society; hello more deficit spending, etc.
And on a personal note, I cannot express my disappointment in Rand Paul enough! With his father, Ron Paul, stepping down from Congress, we had all hoped that Rand would become the leading voice for constitutional government on Capitol Hill that his father has been for all of these years. In my opinion, Rand forfeited that leadership position when he endorsed Mitt Romney. Of course, we all know why Rand did it. It was the "politically correct" thing to do. Rand is, no doubt, posturing himself for a higher office. But the GOP establishment will never embrace Rand Paul, unless he were to totally recant his constitutionalist ideals. Romney will pick a controlled Vice President. I thought that fellow Bilderberg invitee, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, would be Romney's choice; except it seems now that he is about to become the president of Purdue University.
Ron Paul's star quality is his unwillingness to compromise with the globalist establishment. In fact, in 2008, Ron Paul refused to endorse the neocon, John McCain, and endorsed a constitutionalist third party candidate for President instead. Obviously, Rand is no Ron. That's a shame!
To hear more of my thoughts on the Rand Paul endorsement of Mitt Romney, here is a link to an interview I did with Alex Jones:
The only thing that electing these "lesser of two evils" politicians does is continue the slippery slope into socialism, fascism, corporatism, etc. It is absolutely critical that the American people wake up to this reality!
That doesn't mean that every person we vote for is perfect, or that they have never made a mistake, etc. But what it does mean is that we should be convinced that the people we vote for have a proven track record of commitment to constitutional government and the principles of liberty — and that they are NOT CONTROLLED by the establishment. Say what you want about Ron Paul, the establishment has never controlled him! And for that reason alone, he should be President! (And, no, I do not believe that there is a snowball's chance in hell of Ron Paul endorsing Mitt Romney.)
At the highest levels, anti-freedomists control the establishment political system, the establishment media, and establishment religion. This is why, since Ronald Reagan was President, it hasn't mattered to a tinker's dam whether a Republican or Democrat has been in the White House. And this is why it won't matter to a tinker's dam whether Mitt Romney beats Barack Obama or not.
However, I will tell you what does matter: electing constitutionalists to our State and local governments. As I have said many times in this column, freedom will be won or lost at the State level. Accordingly, I want to introduce you to four men who are running for various positions of State (and in the case of one, national) office. I know each of these men personally and am able to recommend them to you. I am asking that readers will sincerely consider supporting these men by sending them a donation to help their campaigns.
Timothy Baldwin
Tim is my youngest son. He is a constitutional attorney. He has written some monumental books on the subjects of liberty, constitutional government, and Natural Law. He is one of the most learned and studied men on these subjects that one would ever meet.
Many readers already know Tim. Perhaps, you have read one or two of his books. Perhaps, you have heard him speak. He has been on radio interviews from coast to coast and is a prolific writer. His grasp of history, law, and government is truly incredible!
His books, FREEDOM FOR A CHANGE and ROMANS 13: THE TRUE MEANING OF SUBMISSION, are absolutely must-reading. To order these books, go to:
Tim is running for Montana House District 4. If you can help Tim, would you please do so? Here is his campaign website where you can donate:
Jerry O'Neill
Jerry is running for reelection in Montana House District 3. Jerry has a proven record in both the Montana House and Senate as a true champion for freedom, limited government, and adherence to the Constitution. A man is known as much by his enemies as by his friends. Accordingly, Jerry has been a thorn in the side of big-government toadies across the State of Montana ever since he was first elected. And they are working hard to try and take Jerry out of the Montana State House. Can you help Jerry O'Neill? If you can, please send check or money order to:
Jerry O'Neill Campaign Account
985 Walsh Road
Columbia Falls, MT 59912
Charles Key
Charles just might be one of the twenty most important constitutionalist leaders in the entire country. He is commonly referred to as "The Ron Paul of Oklahoma." He is a former Oklahoma legislator who led the investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing. His "Final Report" on that tragedy just might be the most consummate piece of investigative research into the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building ever compiled. He was attacked and impugned mercilessly during that time and stood like a rock for his pursuit of truth. Charles has been in the trenches for over two decades.
Charles has worked hard to expand the national efforts of the Fully Informed Jury Association. He has staunchly supported Tenth Amendment bills in Oklahoma. He has led in the effort to preserve America's sovereignty on matters like the North American Superhighway. And he defied the Romney Republicans in Oklahoma when they tried to break their own rules at the Oklahoma GOP convention. Charles Key is a fighter!
Charles is now seeking the office of the Clerk of the Court of Oklahoma County. This is a key post in the State of Oklahoma, and Charles is the perfect man for the job. Can you help Charles Key? If so, here is the website where you can donate:
Steve Stockman
If patriots are looking for someone to be a voice for constitutionalism, limited government, and freedom in the similitude of Ron Paul, Steve Stockman is the man! Steve is running for a US congressional district seat outside of Houston, Texas, which is very close to Ron Paul's district. I was very happy to fly to Houston a few weeks ago and deliver a campaign speech for Steve. That's how much I believe in Steve Stockman.
Steve beat out a field of candidates, including a host of wealthy big-government toadies, to earn a spot in the run-off election, which will take place on Tuesday, July 31. With the help of fellow conservatives and constitutionalists, Steve has an excellent chance of winning this election! If you want to send someone to Washington, D.C., in the similitude of Ron Paul, help Steve Stockman get elected! Plus, is it a coincidence that Steve is from the same general area as Ron Paul? Maybe not.
Steve's opposition is spending over $300,000 to win this run-off. If Steve is going to win, he will need the help of people like you and me. If you would like to help Steve Stockman win this run-off, please go to this web site to donate:
These are four men for freedom! I'm sure that there are many others across the country who deserve the support of freedom-loving people as well. However, these are men that I personally know and am excited to support. Please help them anyway you can.
P.S. We are currently shipping THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. This is a giant compilation of 50 of the greatest documents of American history in one volume, under one title. This is available nowhere else that I know of. This summer printing is limited, so if you want to get your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, you need to order now! Go to:
© Chuck Baldwin
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)