Chuck Baldwin
Strictly personal
By Chuck Baldwin
I celebrated my 58th birthday this past Monday, May 3. Accordingly, it is time for my annual "Strictly Personal" column. I think it only fair that readers should have an opportunity to learn a little something about the person who writes the words they read. Today's column is designed with that goal in mind. And since Charley Reese (one of my favorite columnists) stopped writing, I am the only syndicated columnist that does this, as far as I know. So, here goes.
I was born in a small town in northern Indiana. My father and mother were dedicated Christians. Dad was a welder by trade and a lay jailhouse preacher. The Lord delivered him from a terrible life of alcoholism, and the story of his deliverance is nothing short of miraculous.
Readers should know that I will send a cassette tape or CD of my father's life story, free of charge, to anyone who requests it. If you or someone you know struggles with alcohol or drug addiction, I urge you to obtain a copy of this remarkable story. Go to:
The Baldwins in my clan were all Southern Democrats (from Arkansas), and so I grew up a Democrat. When Ronald Reagan ran for President, however, I registered as a Republican. Of course, I am now an Independent affiliated with the Constitution Party (CP).
I campaigned for Congressman Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican primaries. After it was obvious that he would not be the Republican Presidential nominee, CP leaders strongly encouraged me to seek our party's nomination, believing someone was needed to represent constitutional government in the 2008 general election, because it was clear that neither Barack Obama nor John McCain would do so. After defeating former UN Ambassador Alan Keyes in the CP nominating convention, I became the Constitution Party's nominee for President. I was also very honored to have received Dr. Paul's endorsement during that campaign.
My summary of the 2008 campaign can be viewed at:
I am convinced that, at the national level, the two major parties are virtually two peas in a pod, or as Pat Buchanan calls them, "two wings of the same bird of prey." In my opinion, both parties in Washington, D.C., are willfully surrendering our constitutional liberties, our independence, and our national sovereignty.
Outside of the decision to trust Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, the decision to marry my wife, Connie, is the greatest decision I ever made. She is wonderful! We will celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary next month. She has borne me three terrific children of whom I could not be prouder. All three of them are productive members of our community, and are active, dedicated Christians.
Our oldest child, Sarah Beth, is a dynamic ladies conference speaker and accomplished pianist. She is married to Allan Baker. Allan graduated with honors from the University of Florida (yes, we are proud members of the Gator Nation). He owns his own engineering firm and has clients from all over the country. Allan and Sarah reside in Pensacola, and have three children. Our oldest son, Christopher, owns his own plumbing construction business. Chris is also a certified firearms instructor and gunsmith. He and his wife, Jana, also live in Pensacola, and have three sons. Our youngest son, Timothy, has a law degree from Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. Tim was a felony prosecutor with the Florida State Attorney's office. Along with his wife, Jennifer, he now owns his own law firm here in Pensacola. They are expecting their first baby, a girl, this July. Tim is also a prolific writer and public speaker. He has written an outstanding new book of more than 500 pages entitled FREEDOM FOR A CHANGE. Here is Tim's web site:
I have been privileged to serve as the Senior Pastor of the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, for nearly thirty-five years now. See the church web site at:
Readers should be aware that we live-stream my Sunday morning messages each Sunday at approximately 10:30 a.m., Central Time. Hundreds of people across America cannot find a patriot-pastor in their local communities and, therefore, tune in to watch and worship with us. To watch these messages, go to:
I have hosted my own radio programs for more than thirty years. In fact, this column is the outgrowth of my radio talk show, Chuck Baldwin Live. Here is the web address:
My personal philosophy regarding social/political issues is quite simple: I believe abortion is America's national holocaust. It is the deliberate killing of innocent human life. Furthermore, it is absolutely disgraceful that while the so-called "pro-life" Republican Party controlled the entire federal government (legislative, executive, and judicial) from 2001 to 2006, they did absolutely nothing to overturn Roe v. Wade. All they had to do was pass Ron Paul's Sanctity of Life bill; but instead they squandered 6 years of opportunity — an opportunity that may never come again. The GOP's dereliction in this regard is unforgivable.
I believe marriage is, by definition, only between a man and a woman.
I believe the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights to be the greatest civil documents ever devised by man. I believe America's Founding Fathers to be the greatest generation of Christian philosophers and patriots to ever live.
I believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
I believe there is a conspiracy by elitists within government, Big Business, and academia to surrender America's independence and national sovereignty to a globalist New World Order. I believe the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderbergers are especially culpable in this regard.
I believe many, if not most, pastors today have become little more than glorified politicians; and I am very disappointed in the way today's national Christian leaders (the so-called Religious Right) seem to grovel before political parties and personalities, which appears to be for the express purpose of obtaining political and financial benefit. In fact, if and when the tombstone is ever laid over the grave of America, the epitaph will read, "Here lies the United States of America: killed by the apathy and indifference of its pastors and churches."
I further believe that the current effort to merge the United States into a North American Community, along with the sister-issues of the NAFTA superhighway and the push to provide amnesty (not to mention billions in federal tax dollars) to millions of illegal aliens, comprises a grave threat to America. I am also convinced that there is a bold and blatant attempt underfoot to turn the United States into a police-state-style surveillance society, in which personal freedoms are being quickly and egregiously sacrificed.
I opposed the preemptive invasion of Iraq, and I continue to oppose the occupation of that country. It is also obvious that the Barack Obama administration is doing nothing — and will do nothing — to change the perpetual war/preemptive war doctrine introduced by George W. Bush.
As to Afghanistan, I strongly supported Ron Paul's Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001, which was (and still is) the constitutional way to resist the efforts of violent terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda.
I opposed the bailouts for Wall Street. I regard the Federal Reserve as a corrupt cabal of international banksters, whose actions are nothing short of criminal. I wholeheartedly support the abolition of the Federal Reserve and a return to sound money. If I had been elected President, many of these Goldman-Sachs types would have traded their penthouses for the Big House months ago!
I believe the American people have more to fear from Washington, D.C., than they do from Baghdad or Tehran. I believe the United Nations is a sinister organization from which the United States should withdraw. I believe the federal government taxes too much, spends too much, lies too much, and snoops too much into the personal lives of the American people.
I believe the federal "war on terror" and "war on drugs" are mostly a cover for power-hungry, Big Government zealots to trample constitutional government and squash freedoms and liberties, which are supposed to be protected by the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.
I fully support the current State sovereignty movements that are sweeping the country. I am personally convinced that the best (and perhaps the only) mechanism freedomists have to counter the incessant encroachment upon liberty by the criminals in DC is to focus our attention on electing and supporting governors, legislators, sheriffs, etc., who have the personal courage and constitutional understanding to resist these would-be tyrants in the central government.
Besides Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, and the Constitution Party, the only other organizations to which I belong are Gun Owners of America (Life Member) and the National Rifle Association (Annual Member). I especially support GOA, as it is the only Second Amendment advocacy group that refuses to compromise for the sake of political correctness.
See GOA's web site at:
In my view, the best news magazine in the country is The New American. I enthusiastically recommend that every American read it. Here is their web site:
If I have any hobbies, they would be hunting and freshwater fishing, although I don't get to do either as much as I would like. I am probably what people would call a workaholic. In addition, I am a firm believer in healthy eating and exercise.
Well, there it is. That is me in a nutshell. At least now you know more about who I am. You can rest assured that everything I write will be faithful to the beliefs mentioned above.
And there is one more thing: during the month of May, I will send a full-size color photograph of yours truly to everyone who sends a financial donation of $25 or more to help me continue to produce these columns and keep this freedom effort afloat. To see the photo that will be sent, go to:
The recession has hurt all of us; and it has affected the income necessary to maintain these columns as well. If you appreciate my work and want to help me continue to advance the cause of liberty and constitutional government, I could really use your help right now. You may use your Visa, Discover, or MasterCard; or you may write a personal check or Money Order. Here is the link to donate:
Thank you for helping me in any way you can, and thank you for reading and passing on my columns.
© Chuck Baldwin
May 8, 2010
I celebrated my 58th birthday this past Monday, May 3. Accordingly, it is time for my annual "Strictly Personal" column. I think it only fair that readers should have an opportunity to learn a little something about the person who writes the words they read. Today's column is designed with that goal in mind. And since Charley Reese (one of my favorite columnists) stopped writing, I am the only syndicated columnist that does this, as far as I know. So, here goes.
I was born in a small town in northern Indiana. My father and mother were dedicated Christians. Dad was a welder by trade and a lay jailhouse preacher. The Lord delivered him from a terrible life of alcoholism, and the story of his deliverance is nothing short of miraculous.
Readers should know that I will send a cassette tape or CD of my father's life story, free of charge, to anyone who requests it. If you or someone you know struggles with alcohol or drug addiction, I urge you to obtain a copy of this remarkable story. Go to:
The Baldwins in my clan were all Southern Democrats (from Arkansas), and so I grew up a Democrat. When Ronald Reagan ran for President, however, I registered as a Republican. Of course, I am now an Independent affiliated with the Constitution Party (CP).
I campaigned for Congressman Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican primaries. After it was obvious that he would not be the Republican Presidential nominee, CP leaders strongly encouraged me to seek our party's nomination, believing someone was needed to represent constitutional government in the 2008 general election, because it was clear that neither Barack Obama nor John McCain would do so. After defeating former UN Ambassador Alan Keyes in the CP nominating convention, I became the Constitution Party's nominee for President. I was also very honored to have received Dr. Paul's endorsement during that campaign.
My summary of the 2008 campaign can be viewed at:
I am convinced that, at the national level, the two major parties are virtually two peas in a pod, or as Pat Buchanan calls them, "two wings of the same bird of prey." In my opinion, both parties in Washington, D.C., are willfully surrendering our constitutional liberties, our independence, and our national sovereignty.
Outside of the decision to trust Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, the decision to marry my wife, Connie, is the greatest decision I ever made. She is wonderful! We will celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary next month. She has borne me three terrific children of whom I could not be prouder. All three of them are productive members of our community, and are active, dedicated Christians.
Our oldest child, Sarah Beth, is a dynamic ladies conference speaker and accomplished pianist. She is married to Allan Baker. Allan graduated with honors from the University of Florida (yes, we are proud members of the Gator Nation). He owns his own engineering firm and has clients from all over the country. Allan and Sarah reside in Pensacola, and have three children. Our oldest son, Christopher, owns his own plumbing construction business. Chris is also a certified firearms instructor and gunsmith. He and his wife, Jana, also live in Pensacola, and have three sons. Our youngest son, Timothy, has a law degree from Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. Tim was a felony prosecutor with the Florida State Attorney's office. Along with his wife, Jennifer, he now owns his own law firm here in Pensacola. They are expecting their first baby, a girl, this July. Tim is also a prolific writer and public speaker. He has written an outstanding new book of more than 500 pages entitled FREEDOM FOR A CHANGE. Here is Tim's web site:
I have been privileged to serve as the Senior Pastor of the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, for nearly thirty-five years now. See the church web site at:
Readers should be aware that we live-stream my Sunday morning messages each Sunday at approximately 10:30 a.m., Central Time. Hundreds of people across America cannot find a patriot-pastor in their local communities and, therefore, tune in to watch and worship with us. To watch these messages, go to:
I have hosted my own radio programs for more than thirty years. In fact, this column is the outgrowth of my radio talk show, Chuck Baldwin Live. Here is the web address:
My personal philosophy regarding social/political issues is quite simple: I believe abortion is America's national holocaust. It is the deliberate killing of innocent human life. Furthermore, it is absolutely disgraceful that while the so-called "pro-life" Republican Party controlled the entire federal government (legislative, executive, and judicial) from 2001 to 2006, they did absolutely nothing to overturn Roe v. Wade. All they had to do was pass Ron Paul's Sanctity of Life bill; but instead they squandered 6 years of opportunity — an opportunity that may never come again. The GOP's dereliction in this regard is unforgivable.
I believe marriage is, by definition, only between a man and a woman.
I believe the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights to be the greatest civil documents ever devised by man. I believe America's Founding Fathers to be the greatest generation of Christian philosophers and patriots to ever live.
I believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
I believe there is a conspiracy by elitists within government, Big Business, and academia to surrender America's independence and national sovereignty to a globalist New World Order. I believe the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderbergers are especially culpable in this regard.
I believe many, if not most, pastors today have become little more than glorified politicians; and I am very disappointed in the way today's national Christian leaders (the so-called Religious Right) seem to grovel before political parties and personalities, which appears to be for the express purpose of obtaining political and financial benefit. In fact, if and when the tombstone is ever laid over the grave of America, the epitaph will read, "Here lies the United States of America: killed by the apathy and indifference of its pastors and churches."
I further believe that the current effort to merge the United States into a North American Community, along with the sister-issues of the NAFTA superhighway and the push to provide amnesty (not to mention billions in federal tax dollars) to millions of illegal aliens, comprises a grave threat to America. I am also convinced that there is a bold and blatant attempt underfoot to turn the United States into a police-state-style surveillance society, in which personal freedoms are being quickly and egregiously sacrificed.
I opposed the preemptive invasion of Iraq, and I continue to oppose the occupation of that country. It is also obvious that the Barack Obama administration is doing nothing — and will do nothing — to change the perpetual war/preemptive war doctrine introduced by George W. Bush.
As to Afghanistan, I strongly supported Ron Paul's Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001, which was (and still is) the constitutional way to resist the efforts of violent terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda.
I opposed the bailouts for Wall Street. I regard the Federal Reserve as a corrupt cabal of international banksters, whose actions are nothing short of criminal. I wholeheartedly support the abolition of the Federal Reserve and a return to sound money. If I had been elected President, many of these Goldman-Sachs types would have traded their penthouses for the Big House months ago!
I believe the American people have more to fear from Washington, D.C., than they do from Baghdad or Tehran. I believe the United Nations is a sinister organization from which the United States should withdraw. I believe the federal government taxes too much, spends too much, lies too much, and snoops too much into the personal lives of the American people.
I believe the federal "war on terror" and "war on drugs" are mostly a cover for power-hungry, Big Government zealots to trample constitutional government and squash freedoms and liberties, which are supposed to be protected by the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.
I fully support the current State sovereignty movements that are sweeping the country. I am personally convinced that the best (and perhaps the only) mechanism freedomists have to counter the incessant encroachment upon liberty by the criminals in DC is to focus our attention on electing and supporting governors, legislators, sheriffs, etc., who have the personal courage and constitutional understanding to resist these would-be tyrants in the central government.
Besides Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, and the Constitution Party, the only other organizations to which I belong are Gun Owners of America (Life Member) and the National Rifle Association (Annual Member). I especially support GOA, as it is the only Second Amendment advocacy group that refuses to compromise for the sake of political correctness.
See GOA's web site at:
In my view, the best news magazine in the country is The New American. I enthusiastically recommend that every American read it. Here is their web site:
If I have any hobbies, they would be hunting and freshwater fishing, although I don't get to do either as much as I would like. I am probably what people would call a workaholic. In addition, I am a firm believer in healthy eating and exercise.
Well, there it is. That is me in a nutshell. At least now you know more about who I am. You can rest assured that everything I write will be faithful to the beliefs mentioned above.
And there is one more thing: during the month of May, I will send a full-size color photograph of yours truly to everyone who sends a financial donation of $25 or more to help me continue to produce these columns and keep this freedom effort afloat. To see the photo that will be sent, go to:
The recession has hurt all of us; and it has affected the income necessary to maintain these columns as well. If you appreciate my work and want to help me continue to advance the cause of liberty and constitutional government, I could really use your help right now. You may use your Visa, Discover, or MasterCard; or you may write a personal check or Money Order. Here is the link to donate:
Thank you for helping me in any way you can, and thank you for reading and passing on my columns.
© Chuck Baldwin
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)