Bonnie Alba
Another side of Herman Cain
By Bonnie Alba
Have you heard the name, Herman Cain? Almost a household name, he's the fast-rising star of the Republican campaign trail to the White House. The Republican Establishment and the media are pushing former Gov. Romney or Gov. Perry, depending on what day it is. But Cain is gaining momentum among the Tea Party and Independent groups across the nation and those groups are getting the word out to other citizens.
His 9-9-9 Tax Reform Plan is an idea that chimes like Avon calling ads. It's caught the imagination of citizens — catchy and short like a bumper sticker — recognizable and to the point. Yet there is much more to this man than pursuing an agenda that takes him to the Oval office.
The Las Vegas-CNN debate showed just how much of a threat he is to the other candidates — particularly Romney and Perry — as they directly attacked Cain and his 9-9-9 plan. By mixing state and federal taxes together without noting that hidden corporate taxes would decrease on prices of products, Romney and Perry were aiming to confuse citizens who haven't done their own homework.
For me and many others, the result was that Romney and Perry had not done their homework and came off looking foolish. Add that neither one has offered a plan that cuts government, cuts spending and rids America of the monstrous IRS. Now there's talk that Perry will be raising the "Steve Forbes" Flat Tax Plan which would be an improvement over what we have now, but does not eliminate the IRS, nor hidden corporate taxes.
Having read Cain's recent book, "My Journey to the White House," hearing him speak and reading every article on him I could access, positive and negative, I have reached basic conclusions about this man who seemingly came out of nowhere.
** He is a man of abiding character; one who has retained and has lived by the virtues his parents ingrained and invested in him from his childhood.
** He embodies the Best of America, risking failure many times in his life, yet enjoying a life success beyond his own wildest dreams.
** He believes in the American Dream and has never departed from it, believing that hard work and perseverance are the essence of American life.
** He is a man of potent integrity, a man who loves a challenge. He touts himself as a problem solver and a leader — and heaven knows, America needs such a man at the helm who knows who he is, who America is, how we were shaped from the beginning of our history.
Possibly this is why a wide swath of the population identify with Herman Cain — because he is everyman, one who has seen the lowest pit of poverty and succeeded in rising above it. He is an inspiration to the millions of people who know what he means when he says "hard work and perseverance."
As for the rest of the candidates who are old hands at the political game — we can be sure that they and the Obama machine will attempt to discredit this man — just for who he is, which is not a Washington game player.
Possibly the voters will wake up to this man and put him over the top right into the leadership position of our nation.
We must remember one thing — Congress. Conservatives must work doubly hard to elect conservatives to replace the old-time sitters who have betrayed conservative principles; who have never looked to the U.S. Constitution for guidance; and, who never saw a spending bill they didn't like, despite running American into a debt hole so large, future generations will be paying for it for most of their lives.
As reported by Christian Post, Cain told a crowd of 1,500 people gathered at the Ohio Christian University campus, "I don't know if I'm the leader that this nation needs at this particular point in our history, but I believe God Almighty knows." (Christian Post)
He does keep his spiritual identity separate from the political scene, but it is very much a part of his life. He is quoted by CBS news, "And if I am, it is in the hands of God Almighty. Not a party. Not the media."
Definitely his gifts, talents and abilities are needed and "Who knows? Maybe he is the man for such a time as this..." — not only to save our nation, but to save his people from their own despair.
© Bonnie Alba
October 22, 2011
Have you heard the name, Herman Cain? Almost a household name, he's the fast-rising star of the Republican campaign trail to the White House. The Republican Establishment and the media are pushing former Gov. Romney or Gov. Perry, depending on what day it is. But Cain is gaining momentum among the Tea Party and Independent groups across the nation and those groups are getting the word out to other citizens.
His 9-9-9 Tax Reform Plan is an idea that chimes like Avon calling ads. It's caught the imagination of citizens — catchy and short like a bumper sticker — recognizable and to the point. Yet there is much more to this man than pursuing an agenda that takes him to the Oval office.
The Las Vegas-CNN debate showed just how much of a threat he is to the other candidates — particularly Romney and Perry — as they directly attacked Cain and his 9-9-9 plan. By mixing state and federal taxes together without noting that hidden corporate taxes would decrease on prices of products, Romney and Perry were aiming to confuse citizens who haven't done their own homework.
For me and many others, the result was that Romney and Perry had not done their homework and came off looking foolish. Add that neither one has offered a plan that cuts government, cuts spending and rids America of the monstrous IRS. Now there's talk that Perry will be raising the "Steve Forbes" Flat Tax Plan which would be an improvement over what we have now, but does not eliminate the IRS, nor hidden corporate taxes.
Having read Cain's recent book, "My Journey to the White House," hearing him speak and reading every article on him I could access, positive and negative, I have reached basic conclusions about this man who seemingly came out of nowhere.
** He is a man of abiding character; one who has retained and has lived by the virtues his parents ingrained and invested in him from his childhood.
** He embodies the Best of America, risking failure many times in his life, yet enjoying a life success beyond his own wildest dreams.
** He believes in the American Dream and has never departed from it, believing that hard work and perseverance are the essence of American life.
** He is a man of potent integrity, a man who loves a challenge. He touts himself as a problem solver and a leader — and heaven knows, America needs such a man at the helm who knows who he is, who America is, how we were shaped from the beginning of our history.
Possibly this is why a wide swath of the population identify with Herman Cain — because he is everyman, one who has seen the lowest pit of poverty and succeeded in rising above it. He is an inspiration to the millions of people who know what he means when he says "hard work and perseverance."
As for the rest of the candidates who are old hands at the political game — we can be sure that they and the Obama machine will attempt to discredit this man — just for who he is, which is not a Washington game player.
Possibly the voters will wake up to this man and put him over the top right into the leadership position of our nation.
We must remember one thing — Congress. Conservatives must work doubly hard to elect conservatives to replace the old-time sitters who have betrayed conservative principles; who have never looked to the U.S. Constitution for guidance; and, who never saw a spending bill they didn't like, despite running American into a debt hole so large, future generations will be paying for it for most of their lives.
As reported by Christian Post, Cain told a crowd of 1,500 people gathered at the Ohio Christian University campus, "I don't know if I'm the leader that this nation needs at this particular point in our history, but I believe God Almighty knows." (Christian Post)
He does keep his spiritual identity separate from the political scene, but it is very much a part of his life. He is quoted by CBS news, "And if I am, it is in the hands of God Almighty. Not a party. Not the media."
Definitely his gifts, talents and abilities are needed and "Who knows? Maybe he is the man for such a time as this..." — not only to save our nation, but to save his people from their own despair.
© Bonnie Alba
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