Bonnie Alba
Tea party congressmen: hold that line, hey!
By Bonnie Alba
"We have negotiated with terrorists; this small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money." Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) in closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting, Vice Pres. Biden agreed (as reported by Politico). ( www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60421.html )
It is about spending money not cutting government, isn't it?
So, raising the Debt Ceiling is going to make everything right? Miniature cuts in spending over 10 years is going to do the job? Pres. Obama and Congress are to seek further spending cuts — by increasing taxes?
The biggest lie is the promise to cut spending. They have just increased spending, not cut it. The government will receive $2.2 trillion in revenues and spend $3.6 trillion this year alone. What is the cut? A measly $26 billion — less than 1 percent of total projected spending.
Tea Party (TP) citizens know this is just the first skirmish in the war to take back our nation. Don't be misled, this is a war — for our U.S. Constitution, for our nation, for our people. Not taken seriously by either Republicans or Democrats, these TP representatives held the line during this first real battle. They were sent into the Capitol to do exactly what they are doing — attempting to slay the corrupted system politicians strive on — of deals, compromises and appeasement.
The fight for controlling spending has just begun. Take the past example of the 1996 Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act. Why did it fail to restrain government spending? Business of overspending returned to normal in no time at all. Breaking their own commitment and oath of office, since then, Congress has consistently voted for more spending — regardless of party.
Long time congressmen who have buckled under and forsaken their consciences for political expediency are the same ones who need to either wake up their slumbering conscience or leave Washington. That is what the Tea Party is about — replacing the appeasers and compromisers, the big spenders and those who would keep on doing "business as usual" just to keep their office; to be part of the "ruling class."
TP representatives knew they would be bucking the out-of-control system in Washington. They knew it wouldn't be easy. Mocked on every side, TP Congressmen will continue the fight. Standing on the principles of old and with the U.S. Constitution, this battle has drawn a line in the sand.
The language has definitely changed in the uproar to raise the debt ceiling. First all we heard was "Cut the spending" and reign in the Debt. Then we heard Raise the Debt ceiling, appease the TP people, save some by cutting over the next 10 years (only on paper with accounting gimmicks, of course) and "let's do an amendment, Cut, cap and balance" — where have we heard that before?
The evil perpetuated in Washington continues through rose-colored glasses that America will never fail, never fall, and that Government (big) has all the answers. Doesn't matter which party, Republican or Democrat, there is no Crisis too small they can't handle and spend more. This is unconscionable and exhibits the "same-old, same-old" of Washington politics. Can anything good come out of this greed on both sides?
Mistrust of government will increase as out-of-control spending contributes to the now soaring National Debt and annual deficits.
Uncertainty will also keep the economy stagnant and consumers (us) from spending our money foolishly. Nothing in Washington has alleviated any of the unrest in the peoples' hearts and minds that something is terribly wrong in the people's government.
The arrogance of the "business-as-usual Congress, along with the President and his Czars, goes against the oath and the U.S. Constitution. In fact, they are criminal in their imprudent actions.
Frustrated by their own comrade Republicans in name only, we hope the "Tea Party" favorites we sent to Washington in 2010 will hold to their principles and prudence and do the right thing for the country. We pray they will reject the lure of special interest sirens and the terror tactics of both parties to force them to become corrupt scam artists working against America.
Washington believes their own lies and deceit — we must keep telling them the truth. As for the congressional Republicans, they sold we the people out.
Tea Party congressmen — Hold that Line! Hey! We will be sending you more help next year.
© Bonnie Alba
August 6, 2011
"We have negotiated with terrorists; this small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money." Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) in closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting, Vice Pres. Biden agreed (as reported by Politico). ( www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60421.html )
It is about spending money not cutting government, isn't it?
So, raising the Debt Ceiling is going to make everything right? Miniature cuts in spending over 10 years is going to do the job? Pres. Obama and Congress are to seek further spending cuts — by increasing taxes?
The biggest lie is the promise to cut spending. They have just increased spending, not cut it. The government will receive $2.2 trillion in revenues and spend $3.6 trillion this year alone. What is the cut? A measly $26 billion — less than 1 percent of total projected spending.
Tea Party (TP) citizens know this is just the first skirmish in the war to take back our nation. Don't be misled, this is a war — for our U.S. Constitution, for our nation, for our people. Not taken seriously by either Republicans or Democrats, these TP representatives held the line during this first real battle. They were sent into the Capitol to do exactly what they are doing — attempting to slay the corrupted system politicians strive on — of deals, compromises and appeasement.
The fight for controlling spending has just begun. Take the past example of the 1996 Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act. Why did it fail to restrain government spending? Business of overspending returned to normal in no time at all. Breaking their own commitment and oath of office, since then, Congress has consistently voted for more spending — regardless of party.
Long time congressmen who have buckled under and forsaken their consciences for political expediency are the same ones who need to either wake up their slumbering conscience or leave Washington. That is what the Tea Party is about — replacing the appeasers and compromisers, the big spenders and those who would keep on doing "business as usual" just to keep their office; to be part of the "ruling class."
TP representatives knew they would be bucking the out-of-control system in Washington. They knew it wouldn't be easy. Mocked on every side, TP Congressmen will continue the fight. Standing on the principles of old and with the U.S. Constitution, this battle has drawn a line in the sand.
The language has definitely changed in the uproar to raise the debt ceiling. First all we heard was "Cut the spending" and reign in the Debt. Then we heard Raise the Debt ceiling, appease the TP people, save some by cutting over the next 10 years (only on paper with accounting gimmicks, of course) and "let's do an amendment, Cut, cap and balance" — where have we heard that before?
The evil perpetuated in Washington continues through rose-colored glasses that America will never fail, never fall, and that Government (big) has all the answers. Doesn't matter which party, Republican or Democrat, there is no Crisis too small they can't handle and spend more. This is unconscionable and exhibits the "same-old, same-old" of Washington politics. Can anything good come out of this greed on both sides?
Mistrust of government will increase as out-of-control spending contributes to the now soaring National Debt and annual deficits.
Uncertainty will also keep the economy stagnant and consumers (us) from spending our money foolishly. Nothing in Washington has alleviated any of the unrest in the peoples' hearts and minds that something is terribly wrong in the people's government.
The arrogance of the "business-as-usual Congress, along with the President and his Czars, goes against the oath and the U.S. Constitution. In fact, they are criminal in their imprudent actions.
Frustrated by their own comrade Republicans in name only, we hope the "Tea Party" favorites we sent to Washington in 2010 will hold to their principles and prudence and do the right thing for the country. We pray they will reject the lure of special interest sirens and the terror tactics of both parties to force them to become corrupt scam artists working against America.
Washington believes their own lies and deceit — we must keep telling them the truth. As for the congressional Republicans, they sold we the people out.
Tea Party congressmen — Hold that Line! Hey! We will be sending you more help next year.
© Bonnie Alba
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