Bonnie Alba
New Heaven and New Earth united (Part 1)
By Bonnie Alba
"Heaven and Hell are not places far away. You may be in heaven before the clock ticks again, it is so near. Oh, that we, instead of trifling about such things because they seem so far away, would solemnly realize them, since they are so very near! This very day, before the sun goes down, some hearer now sitting in this place may see the realities of heaven or hell." ~~ Charles Spurgeon
Without knowing anything about the eternal Heaven, you believe it exists and is your destination when you die?
According to religious surveys (Gallop&Pew Research), belief in Heaven shows a steady 60-80 percent. When asked where Heaven is, usually the answer is "somewhere out there" in the sky or space (universe or parallel universe). If people are asked "what" Heaven is, most respond with their own personal desires.
My Aunt Evie once described Heaven as "boring" if we were just going to sit on clouds and play harps. Descriptive terms offered are "eternal bliss" or Utopia. We will supposedly be spirits (wandering ghosts or soul-spirits) where we will always be happy.
If you knew you were taking a trip to another country, wouldn't you arrange for passports, plan how to get there, where you would stay, what interesting places you would like to visit, what clothes to take depending on the weather, etc? Yet most Christians don't know much about Heaven. Shouldn't believers' highest desire be to know this place, God's dwelling place, where they will spend eternity?
The Bible has plenty to say about Heaven. The eternal place is revealed to us in astounding words throughout God's Word to mankind. Some wondrous particulars are given in the last chapters of Revelation.
So where and what is this eternal Heaven? God gives us plenty of clues. After God's Great Wrath has fallen on the earth, the Earth and the Heavens fall away or flee from Jesus Christ who sits on the Great White Throne for the final Judgment of millennial nations (people). Those whose names are not in the Book of Life (passports) will join Satan and his minions in the eternal lake of fire.
The Earth and Heavens will be burned up, laid bare. As Dr. Donald Barnhouse described it: "There is to be an end of the material heavens (universe) and earth which we know. ... They are to be uncreated." There goes the Laws of Thermodynamics.
What will take the place of the old earth and heaven? John's words, "Then I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth .... and there is "no longer any sea." The word "new" means 'brand new, never before seen." The Capitol of this new earth will be ... "the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven..." and "Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them."
There is much more about the New Jerusalem merged with the New Earth (with no sea). To give you a glimpse of the size of this City, the angel, using a gold measuring rod to measure the city, its gates and its wall, shows John that the city is laid out in a square, its length as great as its width; each side measuring about 1500 miles — its length and width and height are equal. A HUGE CUBE.
The material of the City's surrounding wall (estimated 216 feet thick) is jasper; the city is pure gold, like clear glass; the foundation consists of twelve massive stones each made of a precious stone and on them are the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. There are twelve gates, three on each side, each gate is a pearl (huge) estimated to be as high as the city. The names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel will be on the gates.
As Dr. Henry Morris noted: "Never, of course, was there ever a city like this! If it were to be superimposed upon the United States, its area would cover all the way from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic Ocean to Colorado."
The best achievements of mankind over the centuries can not be compared to the New Heaven and New Earth merged as one; neither can God's eternal place prepared for us be totally comprehended in the minds of men.
God has given us a destination to plan for and a beautiful word picture of our Hope. More to come.
Heaven and Hell, Edward Donnelly, Banner of Truth Trust, 2001
Heaven, Randy Alcorn, Tyndale, 2004
Revelation 12-22 Commentary, John MacArthur, Moody Press, 2000
Scripture quotes: New American Standard Bible
© Bonnie Alba
July 29, 2010
"Heaven and Hell are not places far away. You may be in heaven before the clock ticks again, it is so near. Oh, that we, instead of trifling about such things because they seem so far away, would solemnly realize them, since they are so very near! This very day, before the sun goes down, some hearer now sitting in this place may see the realities of heaven or hell." ~~ Charles Spurgeon
Without knowing anything about the eternal Heaven, you believe it exists and is your destination when you die?
According to religious surveys (Gallop&Pew Research), belief in Heaven shows a steady 60-80 percent. When asked where Heaven is, usually the answer is "somewhere out there" in the sky or space (universe or parallel universe). If people are asked "what" Heaven is, most respond with their own personal desires.
My Aunt Evie once described Heaven as "boring" if we were just going to sit on clouds and play harps. Descriptive terms offered are "eternal bliss" or Utopia. We will supposedly be spirits (wandering ghosts or soul-spirits) where we will always be happy.
If you knew you were taking a trip to another country, wouldn't you arrange for passports, plan how to get there, where you would stay, what interesting places you would like to visit, what clothes to take depending on the weather, etc? Yet most Christians don't know much about Heaven. Shouldn't believers' highest desire be to know this place, God's dwelling place, where they will spend eternity?
The Bible has plenty to say about Heaven. The eternal place is revealed to us in astounding words throughout God's Word to mankind. Some wondrous particulars are given in the last chapters of Revelation.
So where and what is this eternal Heaven? God gives us plenty of clues. After God's Great Wrath has fallen on the earth, the Earth and the Heavens fall away or flee from Jesus Christ who sits on the Great White Throne for the final Judgment of millennial nations (people). Those whose names are not in the Book of Life (passports) will join Satan and his minions in the eternal lake of fire.
The Earth and Heavens will be burned up, laid bare. As Dr. Donald Barnhouse described it: "There is to be an end of the material heavens (universe) and earth which we know. ... They are to be uncreated." There goes the Laws of Thermodynamics.
What will take the place of the old earth and heaven? John's words, "Then I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth .... and there is "no longer any sea." The word "new" means 'brand new, never before seen." The Capitol of this new earth will be ... "the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven..." and "Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them."
There is much more about the New Jerusalem merged with the New Earth (with no sea). To give you a glimpse of the size of this City, the angel, using a gold measuring rod to measure the city, its gates and its wall, shows John that the city is laid out in a square, its length as great as its width; each side measuring about 1500 miles — its length and width and height are equal. A HUGE CUBE.
The material of the City's surrounding wall (estimated 216 feet thick) is jasper; the city is pure gold, like clear glass; the foundation consists of twelve massive stones each made of a precious stone and on them are the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. There are twelve gates, three on each side, each gate is a pearl (huge) estimated to be as high as the city. The names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel will be on the gates.
As Dr. Henry Morris noted: "Never, of course, was there ever a city like this! If it were to be superimposed upon the United States, its area would cover all the way from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic Ocean to Colorado."
The best achievements of mankind over the centuries can not be compared to the New Heaven and New Earth merged as one; neither can God's eternal place prepared for us be totally comprehended in the minds of men.
God has given us a destination to plan for and a beautiful word picture of our Hope. More to come.
Heaven and Hell, Edward Donnelly, Banner of Truth Trust, 2001
Heaven, Randy Alcorn, Tyndale, 2004
Revelation 12-22 Commentary, John MacArthur, Moody Press, 2000
Scripture quotes: New American Standard Bible
© Bonnie Alba
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