Bonnie Alba
Bigger picture: "Soylent Green" solution
By Bonnie Alba
The Obama administration's strident push, along with congressional dem-libs, for their ownership of America's healthcare is not a myth. It is one more step to totalitarianism and tyranny. There are unspoken questions. Think about it. Who believes Al Gore's Global Warming is a fact? Aren't they the same people pushing for control over the banking system, businesses and health care? Is there a connection between the Global Warming belief and our health care? These are unspoken and undiscussed questions.
The 1973 sci-fi environment movie "Soylent Green" speaks to us today. It arrived on the scene one year after "Roe vs. Wade" and abortion was ruled a "woman's right." This film directly showed a plausible path our nation might take if the then much-propagandized overpopulation theory occurred, possibly along with drastic climate changes. It's 2022 and New York City's 40 million people live in chaos. The (government-controlled) "Soylent Corporation" controls the food supply which is trucked in to feed the starving masses.
The shocker occurs when Detective Thorn (Charleston Heston) and Sol Roth (Edward G. Robinson) investigate the murder of a top CEO of the corporation and discover the food cakes doled out to the people are actually reprocessed, dead humans. And where did those come from?
By indoctrinating people to show up complacently at a special building, they are treated to personally requested surround-sound music and revolving slideshows or movies of their favorite scenes of Earth while they are drugged into eternal death. Where do the dead bodies go? To the Soylent Green manufacturing plants in the dark of night, of course.
Live bodies in, processed food out — government's solution to starvation. Talk about mass-assisted suicide and cannibalism!
[Sure, if Global Warming actually occurred and the ice caps melted, New York City and the rest of the coastlines would likely be under water — but this was sci-fi and the beginning of the 70s environmental movement.]
Doesn't it sound like science fiction when Veteran's Affairs has a little booklet called "Your Life, Your Choices" for injured military returning from the warfront? The questions relate to injuries and being a burden to loved ones and society. Why put them through that, right? Just go quietly into the night. In other words "die."
Euthanasia is only one issue but could lead to other life-death choices for handicapped, mentally disturbed, even murderers on death row. These decisions will affect and change the bedrock of Western Civilization and our national and international world view forever. Scientific pursuit of bio- and chem- research, delving into the mysteries of why we age, growing replacement parts, curing diseases, cloning, mixing species (chimeras or hybrids) all point to a society out of control and descending into chaos and madness.
The overall intuition is if the federal government takes control of Americans' healthcare, the closer we are to a socialist-style nation. But it is more than just a tyrannic power grab by elite liberals. It is the destruction of the capitalist system that has served us well for over 200 years.
The far-reaching health care bill is a prescript of what may come as more socialists gain full control of the three branches of our government and the economy. If the Global Warming Cap 'n Trade bill is enacted, we will be well on our way to the death of the Republic under God.
The Health Care issue is what it took to awaken a slumberous people into a living nightmare of what is coming, not for our sake, but for our children's and grandchildren's sake. We can't go back to sleep — we must be ever vigilant of government no matter who is in power.
So is it crazy to compare what is happening now with the theme of an out-of-date sci-fi movie? I venture to say that in 1973, no one advocated telling surviving war veterans to make a choice to live or die. No one then advised mandatory counseling for the elderly on end-of-life decisions. Also, no one was really happy about Roe vs. Wade except liberal women and those who believe in Global Warming today.
Of course all of the above would not happen overnight. Soylent Green could occur over 5-6 decades of socialist government control with re-indoctrination of the next two generations as evidence the lukewarm concern of the present young generation.
Under the guises of "government wants to help you" and Global Warming, Soylent Green and that other science fiction premise, 1984, may fully arrive in this century.
© Bonnie Alba
August 27, 2009
The Obama administration's strident push, along with congressional dem-libs, for their ownership of America's healthcare is not a myth. It is one more step to totalitarianism and tyranny. There are unspoken questions. Think about it. Who believes Al Gore's Global Warming is a fact? Aren't they the same people pushing for control over the banking system, businesses and health care? Is there a connection between the Global Warming belief and our health care? These are unspoken and undiscussed questions.
The 1973 sci-fi environment movie "Soylent Green" speaks to us today. It arrived on the scene one year after "Roe vs. Wade" and abortion was ruled a "woman's right." This film directly showed a plausible path our nation might take if the then much-propagandized overpopulation theory occurred, possibly along with drastic climate changes. It's 2022 and New York City's 40 million people live in chaos. The (government-controlled) "Soylent Corporation" controls the food supply which is trucked in to feed the starving masses.
The shocker occurs when Detective Thorn (Charleston Heston) and Sol Roth (Edward G. Robinson) investigate the murder of a top CEO of the corporation and discover the food cakes doled out to the people are actually reprocessed, dead humans. And where did those come from?
By indoctrinating people to show up complacently at a special building, they are treated to personally requested surround-sound music and revolving slideshows or movies of their favorite scenes of Earth while they are drugged into eternal death. Where do the dead bodies go? To the Soylent Green manufacturing plants in the dark of night, of course.
Live bodies in, processed food out — government's solution to starvation. Talk about mass-assisted suicide and cannibalism!
[Sure, if Global Warming actually occurred and the ice caps melted, New York City and the rest of the coastlines would likely be under water — but this was sci-fi and the beginning of the 70s environmental movement.]
Doesn't it sound like science fiction when Veteran's Affairs has a little booklet called "Your Life, Your Choices" for injured military returning from the warfront? The questions relate to injuries and being a burden to loved ones and society. Why put them through that, right? Just go quietly into the night. In other words "die."
Euthanasia is only one issue but could lead to other life-death choices for handicapped, mentally disturbed, even murderers on death row. These decisions will affect and change the bedrock of Western Civilization and our national and international world view forever. Scientific pursuit of bio- and chem- research, delving into the mysteries of why we age, growing replacement parts, curing diseases, cloning, mixing species (chimeras or hybrids) all point to a society out of control and descending into chaos and madness.
The overall intuition is if the federal government takes control of Americans' healthcare, the closer we are to a socialist-style nation. But it is more than just a tyrannic power grab by elite liberals. It is the destruction of the capitalist system that has served us well for over 200 years.
The far-reaching health care bill is a prescript of what may come as more socialists gain full control of the three branches of our government and the economy. If the Global Warming Cap 'n Trade bill is enacted, we will be well on our way to the death of the Republic under God.
The Health Care issue is what it took to awaken a slumberous people into a living nightmare of what is coming, not for our sake, but for our children's and grandchildren's sake. We can't go back to sleep — we must be ever vigilant of government no matter who is in power.
So is it crazy to compare what is happening now with the theme of an out-of-date sci-fi movie? I venture to say that in 1973, no one advocated telling surviving war veterans to make a choice to live or die. No one then advised mandatory counseling for the elderly on end-of-life decisions. Also, no one was really happy about Roe vs. Wade except liberal women and those who believe in Global Warming today.
Of course all of the above would not happen overnight. Soylent Green could occur over 5-6 decades of socialist government control with re-indoctrination of the next two generations as evidence the lukewarm concern of the present young generation.
Under the guises of "government wants to help you" and Global Warming, Soylent Green and that other science fiction premise, 1984, may fully arrive in this century.
© Bonnie Alba
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