Chris Adamo
Could national renewal begin in Wyoming?
By Chris Adamo
July 18, 2014

Americans are rightly appalled at the cavalcade of outrages and affronts that emanate daily from Washington. Since Barack Obama was inaugurated in January of 2009, such detestable episodes as "Fast and Furious" and Benghazi (either of which would once have been sufficient to sink a presidency) are fading into an indistinct past that is riddled with countless other events of a similar nature. And while the disgust they generate is ever present, their ability to shock is diminishing, which in itself represents a very ominous trend.

Clearly, the Obama Administration continues to benefit from the fact that Americans are genuinely wearied of all of the affronts they have had to suffer. As long as the people fail to rise up in righteous anger and relentlessly demand justice for the wrongdoers, the corruption can continue unabated. Worse yet, history tells us that if not strenuously opposed it will only expand.

The ongoing controversy involving the Internal Revenue Service and the continuing revelations of gross malfeasance should raise more warning flags among Americans. From the time of initial revelations of abuses of official power, directed against conservative grassroots organizations by high-level Obama appointees, it has become clear that the entire situation represents a despotic overreach that threatens the freedoms of all Americans. It was not merely those who were directly targeted by the IRS, but every other living American, of this generation and any future generation who might ever potentially disagree with the party in power, whose rights have been trampled.

Even as public awareness grows, the daily responses from the Obama White House confirm that the only plan is to continue to evade justice by engaging in further stonewalling and duplicity. In 1973, when news hit the airwaves that eighteen minutes of recordings had disappeared from the Nixon White House, any further attempts by that administration to downplay the Watergate affair were doomed and the fate of the thirty-seventh president of the United States was sealed. In alarming contrast, the Obama administration has the impudence to claim that a vast trove of e-mails, "coincidentally" encompassing the specific period of illegal IRS activity in question, miraculously vanished through no deliberate action. Obama supporters arrogantly smirk as they assert that it was all an accident. And once again, few on the right have the courage to flatly characterize the situation in its proper light, namely as blatant proof of the suppression and destruction of evidence in a criminal investigation.

So, as the nation's borders are destroyed, its finances brought to ruin, and the freedoms of the people to engage in such innocent acts as a visit to the doctor are brought under the iron fist of an ever expanding government, the likelihood is that the perpetrators of these vile assaults on America will not only escape justice, but will ultimately succeed with their sinister schemes. This grim scenario requires a motivated aggressor and a compliant victim class. And both may be present to a sufficient degree to ensure the tragedy is brought to its ruinous completion.

Nevertheless, the fires of the American ideal continue to smolder in the Heartland, representing real hope that this great nation is not lost. One such example is the Wyoming gubernatorial candidacy of Cindy Hill, who is currently serving as the state's Superintendent of Public Instruction. A triumph by Hill in the upcoming primary and general elections would not only signal a genuine turnaround in the burgeoning corruption that has overtaken government in the Cowboy State, it could set a precedent to lead the rest of America back on a path to restore its constitutional roots.

For these reasons, the obstacles Hill faces are indeed daunting. The political establishment clearly knows what is at stake and is doing its utmost to ensure that Hill does not succeed. Continuing attempts to sully her reputation, despite a complete lack of any supporting evidence, stand as the most sinister of character assassinations by a ruthless political machine that oddly claims to be "Republican." The enormity of the effort to oppose her is itself definitive proof of how much is at stake, and how tenaciously the entrenched political class intends to hold onto all of the perks of power it has acquired for itself though every underhanded means imaginable.

Matt Mead, the incumbent Governor, fits all of the classic characteristics of a RINO (Republican In Name Only). His political track record and reprehensible conduct as the state's highest office-holder inarguably prove it. Just as Obama Attorney General Eric Holder has thoroughly politicized that office along with the entire United States Justice Department in service to the Obama Agenda, Mead has consolidated state power to an unparalleled degree. Moreover, he has exploited his position as a means of undermining those, such as Hill, who dared to stand in the way of his governing excesses.

Flagrantly disregarding the unambiguous decision handed down by the Wyoming Supreme Court to return the powers and duties of Hill's office to her after they had been unconstitutionally snatched away by the legislature (with Mead's full participation), he refused to comply. Finally, when his stonewalling options had run out, he demanded that Hill be denied official legal counsel. With the state Attorney General (a Mead appointee) at his disposal, abetted by an army of seventy lawyers in that office ready to serve his interests, his insistence that the State Superintendent of Public Instruction be deprived of proper legal advice and representation can only be construed as a contemptible effort to hamstring her role in the office to which she had been elected by an overwhelming majority of the people.

On Mead's watch, the state budget has exploded along with the size and reach of state government. The gasoline tax was raised significantly, though such action was clearly not warranted by any legitimate need for ever greater revenues to stuff the state coffers. In light of all this, it is no wonder that "Republican" Governor Matt Mead has become a reliable toady for the Obama Administration and its abhorrent "Common Core" takeover of the nation's classrooms.

In spite of such unscrupulous opposition, Hill remains steadfastly committed to reaching the position where she can begin cleaning house in Wyoming government. The propaganda war being waged against her is fierce and unrelenting. Yet her record of past accomplishments stand on their own merits, from trimming gross budgetary excesses to curtailing the self serving agendas of politicians consumed by self-interest.

It would indeed be a tragedy if this shining hope for the people of Wyoming and America could be undone by a standard liberal/Alinsky whispering campaign. The people of Wyoming will have to rise above the slander and empty insinuation and search out the facts. But in doing so they have the opportunity to take back their state, and perhaps even their country, from the dark forces that have seized it from them.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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