Chris Adamo
Senator Enzi strategically blockades retreating Democrats
By Chris Adamo
November 8, 2013

It may seem excessive to characterize any public figure as "the most prophetic man in America." However, that is exactly how Megyn Kelly's interview of Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi was promoted on Fox News this week. But Senator Enzi makes no claims of clairvoyance or extra-sensory abilities. Rather, throughout his time in the United States Senate he has established a track record of actually reading proposed bills and seriously weighing their possible effects on the nation. In stark contrast to House Democrat Nancy Pelosi's dangerously foolish assertion that the Congress needed to pass Obamacare in order for everyone to find out what is in it, Enzi actually pored through the massive and convoluted text of the bill, found dangerous pitfalls, and sought to counteract them.

Shortly after Obamacare's official launch in October, it became painfully apparent to the American people that behind its veneer of rosy promises lurked a sinister and oppressive bureaucratic monster. While intrusively demanding every manner of personal detail of the lives of would-be applicants, the "coverage" they were then offered would be significantly less comprehensive, but far more costly than their prior insurance had been. Worse yet, enormous numbers of Americans are now learning that they will be forced into the Obamacare morass against their will, since insurance companies are cancelling policies on a massive scale as a result of the oppressive governmental seizure of the medical insurance business.

This is the hideous reality behind the bogus premises of "affordable care" and "patient protection" on which Obamacare was fabricated. Of course, people with concerns about Obamacare's adverse consequences have been incessantly assured since before its passage that "Those who like their current plans can keep them." And none has been so brazen in advancing this lie than Barack Obama himself. In dozens of stump speeches promoting his takeover of America's healthcare system, he repeated that deceptive line, often verbatim. It has since become glaringly obvious that from the beginning, neither he nor his minions who ramrodded it through the legislative process ever believed their own words, which were delivered merely to assuage the concerns of a gullible public.

With the annoyance of his 2012 re-election campaign behind him, Obama believed he could safely proceed with his sinister plan to restructure day-to-day life in America, so that every aspect of it eventually falls entirely within the jurisdiction of the federal government. But as is always the case with narcissists, he vastly overestimated his abilities, as well as his reserves of political capital. As Americans realize that their former insurance plans are being wrested from them, and in their place are nightmares of red tape, leading ultimately to severely diminished but increasingly costly "coverage" that is wholly inadequate, they are grasping the enormity of the lie by which they were victimized and manipulated. They certainly can not keep their former plans, and no such provision for them to do so was ever intended by the Obama Administration or its Democrat toadies on Capitol Hill.

Of course neither Obama nor the House and Senate Democrats who enabled him have any intention of coming clean on their duplicity. But in response to the rising levels of public anger, many among them are now calling for new legislation to be enacted which would ostensibly reverse (or possibly just delay) this toxic side effect of Obamacare. By this means, they hope to claim total innocence and thus evade voter backlash in next year's Congressional mid-term elections for their role in passing and implementing Obamacare.

However, this latest ruse has already been unmasked as just a continuance of their efforts to defraud the nation. On numerous occasions during the much-ballyhooed "government shutdown" last month, House Republicans offered Obama and the Democrats the opportunity to defang Obamacare. Yet every one of those proposals were instantly declared "dead on arrival" by Senate Leader Harry Reid (D.-NV) without any consideration. Had those Democrats been interested in the plight of the American people rather than their own dominance of the political discourse, they could have seized the opportunity and thereby avoided the health insurance calamity that is now befalling the nation. The American people are fully aware of this, and will remember the guilty parties involved.

Amazingly, this situation gets significantly worse for the Democrats, and entirely on account of Senator Enzi's calm and studious foresight. As far back as September of 2010, in the earliest days of Obamacare, Enzi recognized several dangerous drawbacks which he courageously endeavored to correct, knowing full well that he would face a barrage of attacks from the left. In a direct rebuff of Obama's empty assurances, Enzi correctly warned that "All Americans would be forced to buy the kind of insurance that the Federal Government thinks you should have," and that "employers will be less likely to hire new workers, and probably even lay off workers." He went on to predict that "between thirty-nine percent and sixty-nine percent of businesses will not be able to keep the coverage that they have, and that Obamacare "will drive up costs and reduce the number of people who have insurance."

In response to this, he authored a bill to repeal the specific portion of Obamacare that posed such risks. And of course the Democrats would have none of it. During her Fox News interview of Enzi, reporter Megyn Kelly quotes Senators Max Baucus of Montana, Tom Harkin of Iowa, and Dick Durbin of Illinois, Democrats all, as they accused and castigated Enzi on the grounds that he was engaging in "a political stunt," an "attempt to undo critically important patient protection," and "empowering insurance companies."

Nevertheless, Senator Enzi's admonitions have been thoroughly validated. And with each new tragic revelation of another citizen losing coverage and, in many cases, facing ongoing health issues with no ability to cover the costs, it is glaringly apparent that Enzi's efforts were rightly focused on averting the catastrophe of ham-fisted government interference in America's formerly unassailable health industry. Meanwhile, those tap-dancing and back pedaling Democrats are once again being exposed as wholly callous and unscrupulous political opportunists. When they had the chance to avoid needless hardship, they opted for political gamesmanship. Now, fearing political fallout from the American people, they seek to appear concerned. But in light of the past evidence presented by Senator Enzi, they are revealed to only be engaged in more of the same.

Truth is the ultimate enemy of those who operate in such a manner. America should embrace and disseminate the truth of these exposed Democrat frauds, starting from Barack Obama and going all the way down to the most junior member of the Congress who supported his monstrous takeover of medical care in America. Hats off to Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi for having the wisdom and moral clarity to unambiguously make this case back when too few were listening.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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