Chris Adamo
Recognizing the real conservative/liberal battle line
By Chris Adamo
October 19, 2013

In the wake of George W. Bush's razor thin 2000 presidential victory, which was secured by barely five hundred votes in the state of Florida, Democrats were livid. Seeing their efforts to steal the election, through endless selective recounts, thwarted by a Supreme Court decision to accept the certified tallies, they regrouped and reorganized, implementing a strategy of moving hard-left. From that vantage point they venomously opposed any and every initiative of the Bush Administration. A side effect that they may not have initially anticipated, but which eventually became a primary winning factor in their diabolical plan, was the deplorable inclination of Republican "moderates" to shift their own positions based not on any guiding principle, but on a philosophically and morally vacant effort to occupy the political "center."

Thus, as the Democrats shifted left, so did a major portion of the Republican Party. As a consequence, liberals quickly established a pattern of moving twice as far left as necessary on any given issue, knowing full well that those hapless and cowardly Republicans would reflexively try to meet them half-way. By this means, the political left was able to achieve a "win/win," pressing its agenda forward with the assurance that the GOP Establishment would follow, thoroughly alienating its voting base in the process. What may have initially been a risky gamble for the left became a very successful standard mode of operation.

Spearheading this effort was Senator Tom Daschle (D.-SD), who led the Senate Democrat minority until June of 2001, when Vermont RINO Jim Jeffords treacherously switched parties, shifting majority status to the Democrats and elevating Daschle to the position of leader. With his newly acquired power, Daschle became even more vicious and unscrupulous as he worked to undercut President Bush and the Republicans at every juncture.

Such relentless hardball tactics, in conjunction with the infuriating compliance of spineless Republicans, would likely have been unstoppable, and may even have succeeded in deposing Bush after a single term, were it not for the terrorist attacks of September 2001, and the dramatic resurgence of patriotism that followed. Nevertheless, Daschle's ploy is to be significantly credited, along with the obsessively conciliatory efforts of George W. Bush, for the enormous expansion of the entitlement state and horrendous budget deficits, the treasonous abandonment of border security, and an end-run around the First Amendment. Such things simply would not have ensued during the term of a resolute and confident Republican President with a Republican controlled Congress.

Meanwhile, Heartland America remained in its course, upholding the values and founding principles of the United States and its Constitution, taking on the war against militant Islam with courage and resolve, and accepting the enormous sacrifices that had to be made in the process. Eventually, Daschle's malice and duplicity caught up with him. Despite putting on a pretense of reason and civility back in South Dakota while conducting himself in an entirely partisan manner when inside the Beltway, his constituents remained true to their traditional values, seeing through the charade and throwing him out of office in 2004.

Amazingly, it was the GOP Establishment that never got this message. Rather than waking up to the real conservatism of the American people, Republicans continued down their "centrist" path, and marched right into the horrendous electoral disaster in 2006, losing both the House and Senate, and setting the stage for the ascendancy of Barack Obama to the White House two years later. To this day, the entrenched career politicians of the GOP maintain their suicidal delusions of winning through "moderation" and pandering, with nothing but an unbroken track record of defeats to show for it. Meanwhile, America was dragged relentlessly down the slippery slope of statism, socialism, and their unavoidable offspring, tyranny.

In 2009, the "Tea Party" movement arose spontaneously from the grassroots, consisting primarily of Americans who hold to their country's founding morals and constitutional principles, and who realize that the nation's restoration depends on their own involvement and commitment, rather than any insipid and overwhelmingly symbolic actions of self-serving career politicians in either party. As a result, the political tension between Washington and Real America has drastically increased.

This week's breathtaking Republican capitulation in the ridiculously overblown "government shutdown" battle is but the latest betrayal of the American people perpetrated by the party that ostensibly should represent their interests and stand against the onslaught of the political left. Couched entirely in lies and propaganda by Obama and the Democrats on Capitol Hill, the "shutdown" resulted from an effort to defund the unconstitutional atrocity of Obamacare. In truth, its effects amounted to only a tiny fractional reduction in government operations. Yet despite the selective manner in which Obama curtailed government services, with the specific intention of inflicting the maximum amount of pain on the American people in order to validate his political case, Establishment "Republicans" in the Senate and House focused their rage almost entirely against conservative America and its handful of representatives on Capitol Hill who have the courage to confront the political status quo.

Since the Republican cave on Obamacare funding, GOP liberals have been celebrating their seeming triumph over conservative America and the hated "Tea Party," which they hope to completely discredit and neutralize by their duplicity. In their sordid world, a grassroots movement that demands accountability and fidelity to the Constitution represents a far bigger menace than anything the Democrats can contrive.

Perennial "Republican" sellout John McCain (R.-AZ) has decried any effort to oppose Obamacare funding from the beginning, disgracefully parroting the standard Democrat talking point that it "is the law of the land." Apparently, in McCain's shriveled political world, no law in history has ever been procedurally modified or opposed. But while McCain has yet to lift a finger to avert the institution of full-fledged socialism in America, he held nothing back as he attacked Senator Ted Cruz, a true Republican from Texas who has laid his political career on the line in a heroic attempt to protect the American way of life from the dangerous encroachments of the political left.

Among McCain's many reprehensible attacks on Cruz, the Arizona RINO accused his Texas colleague of "shameful" political behavior. Consider this venomous outburst against the actuality of the bill that passed with McCain's help. In a clear effort to cement the position of the Washington "Ruling Class," Barack Obama gave a subsidy to Senators, Representatives, and their staffers, offsetting the enormous cost increases that will result from Obamacare. Americans on Main Street will still be hit with these massive new expenses while the Congress sits on its sanctimonious perch and enjoys the perks of power and position. Yet it is Cruz who they deem "shameful."

Every Senator and Representative who supported this latest legislative abomination by which the government was "reopened" has declared himself/herself to be part of an elected aristocracy and thus and enemy to "We the People," Republican affiliation notwithstanding. Clearly, 2014 cannot come quickly enough. Americans will have an opportunity to right this unspeakable wrong. Or they will tacitly give it their blessing and sell their birthright for the empty promises of the nanny state.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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