Chris Adamo
Democrat hysterics over the sequester and shutdown
By Chris Adamo
October 3, 2013

In basic terms, the irreconcilable differences between Republicans and Democrats amount to a groundswell of real conservatism within the Republican Party, which is inherently adverse to the relentless efforts of Democrats to increase spending and grow the scope and intrusiveness of government while amassing trillions of dollars in new debt and raising taxes as the supposed fix. The notion that a compromise might be reached, by which any "common ground" can be found between these two disparate views, is pure fantasy. It is clear that the course of the nation will ultimately be charted by the dominance of one ideology over the other. Like it or not, this is the juncture at which America currently finds itself.

In such circumstances, truth itself becomes a casualty. A simple and straightforward presentation of the facts invariably proves damaging to the leftist agenda. As a result, those who hope to advance liberalism know they must first neutralize any honest debate or else doom their chances for success. This premise is the essence of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," and its application can readily be observed throughout liberal political speeches and in media propaganda that is regularly passed off as news "reports."

Consequently, Americans are being bombarded with two diametrically opposed versions of what is happening in Washington, along with its ramifications across the nation. And although most people assume that the truth probably lies somewhere between the two stories they are hearing, this maxim ceases to apply the moment one side makes a conscious determination to promote itself through fraud and deceit. Even a brief summary of Democrat political strategy in recent decades yields ample evidence that those on the political left abhor the truth, and regard it as the biggest threat to achieving their goals.

The present debate concerns attempts by courageous and principled Republicans to actually confront a federal government that has spun completely out of control, and threatens to undermine and eradicate every aspect of the American way of life. By amassing enormous deficits that are yearly being piled on top of an unfathomable national debt of $17 trillion, the tax and spend Democrats are doing their utmost to ensure that any economic improvements are derailed, and that citizens can never regain their financial footing. This desperate condition makes them more likely to look to the government for assistance. Hence, the Democrat Party, at the expense of the people, broadens its political base.

Republican efforts to limit such criminally extravagant spending immediately give rise to accusations of "mean spiritedness," "starving women and children," and generally not caring about the vaunted "little guy." Yet it is precisely for the purpose of unshackling the little guy that truly conservative Republican office holders have faced the contrived firestorm of media/Democrat castigation, and sought to instill an element of sanity back into any budget debate. Liberals, who insist that they are only doing the right thing, prove their real duplicity by having failed, for over five years now, to pass a federal budget that would actually link them to the financial catastrophe they have created.

One such effort, known as the "Sequester," resulted from a planned Democrat "bait and switch" from 2011, in which Barack Obama and his cohorts on Capitol Hill convinced Republicans to go along with a hike in the debt ceiling in exchange for automatic cuts in early 2013, if no other agreement could be reached in the interim. Of course this ploy was concocted only as a delaying action, with absolutely no intention of instituting any cuts at any time. As the deadline approached, Democrats dug in their heels, believing that the GOP would surely capitulate as it had done on so many occasions in the past. Yet on this occasion they held their ground.

So on March 1, 2013, the Sequester ensued. Amazingly, the sun came up and Americans found that they were able to function as they had the day before. The situation set up a dangerous precedent. If the American people became aware that government could indeed be curtailed without causing mass suffering, perhaps further cuts might not be a bad thing. Such thinking certainly could not be allowed to spread. So Barack Obama did his best to selectively impose meaningless stoppages and closures in the places where they would hopefully inflict the maximum amount of pain, suffering, and general bad publicity for Republicans. White House tours were cancelled, though the Obamas continued their schedule of lavish vacations unabated.

The effort to cast the sequester in a disastrous light continues to this day. A despondent September 28 "report" from Andy Sullivan at Reuters claims a host of dire consequences of the Sequester, including the very predictable reductions in teaching staffs and the FBI ostensibly having to scramble to avoid losing agents. Miraculously however, both the government and America survived. Perhaps all of the calamitous predictions of a national implosion in the wake of the Sequester, chanted relentlessly by key Democrats and echoed continuously for weeks on the nightly news, were actually lies and propaganda from the left's self-serving political machine. In retrospect, could they have been anything else?

So now, with the apocalyptic Government Shutdown barely days old, stories abound of an inevitable default of the United States of America, loss of services to the American people, and furloughed workers who might face starvation by Christmas. Interestingly, the official line is that "all non-essential government operations" have been stopped and will remain in that state until the end of the impasse on Capitol Hill. Of course this begs the question of why, in a nation drowning in debt, any "non-essential" activity should be allowed to continue, shutdown or not.

Spewing accusatory bile and venom with astonishing ease, Senate Leader Harry Reid (D.-NV) and Barack Obama blame Republicans for "hurting the economy," "putting a gun to our head," and conducting "an ideological crusade to deny healthcare to millions." Perhaps topping them all, Representative George Miller (D.-CA) accused Republicans of engaging in "Jihad." Of course their worst fear is that Republican opposition will not crumble, the shutdown will continue, and yet somehow the nation will endure in the absence of their beneficent liberal nanny state.

Democrat success in pulling off this ruse is entirely dependent on Republican capitulation. If the GOP folds under pressure, as it has sadly done on too many occasions in the past, the Democrat/media machine can credibly claim that it averted ever worsening deprivation and suffering on the part of the dependent class. Flagrant lies of this nature will gain traction in such circumstances since no tangible evidence is needed as proof of a disaster that did not ensue. However, if Republicans are indeed able to prevail, the lack of such calamity, and resulting remission of the scourge of Obamacare, will stand them in good stead with Americans who hope to restore their beloved country. And with the 2014 mid-term elections barely a year in the future, this is a truly catastrophic possibility the Democrats cannot allow.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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