Chris Adamo
Machine politics in Wyoming: America be warned!
By Chris Adamo
July 6, 2013

Almost daily, America reels from a new affront to the Constitution and the noble principles of the nation's founding, evoking horrified responses from "We the People" who are continually stunned that such events could be taking place here. Clearly, those at the highest levels of the monstrosity we call the federal government now believe they have been unleashed from such quaint notions as their oaths of office or the rule of law. Implementing the next portion of the leftist agenda is merely a matter of misleading a sufficient segment of the population for long enough to pressure the Congress to put a rubber-stamp on it. And increasingly, both parties in the Congress regard such action as the extent of their duties.

But while the epicenter of this onslaught against the American people is inarguably Washington D.C., its impact and effects reverberate throughout public offices across the nation. Regardless of party label, the attitude of elected officials even in state and local offices is in the process of mutating into something rightfully abhorred and feared by the Founding Fathers. In the state of Wyoming, the Republican Party has been dominant for decades. Unfortunately, while many have interpreted this to mean that Wyoming must be unquestioningly conservative, the long term effect of this situation has been to degenerate the governing apparatus in the precise manner that invariably accompanies one party rule.

Rather than strengthening conservative principle and fostering increased continuity with the average citizen, the unchallenged dominance of one party, regardless of the ideals it professes to uphold, inevitably regress into self-serving elitism. Those at the wheels of power recognize their positions as a means of advancing their own interests, which fosters a casual disdain for the common citizen, and in advanced cases of this affliction, overt hostility.

While most of America remains unaware and unconcerned over the events surrounding Wyoming Superintendant of Public Instruction Cindy Hill, it would behoove those at the grassroots to become informed on this bureaucratic intrigue. A scenario disturbingly reflective of a political "coup" is unfolding in the Cowboy State. And its outcome will either serve as an inspiration for those citizens seeking to reclaim their power and role in self-governance, or as a model for statists across the nation who aspire to similarly trample and thoroughly eradicate the concept of government of, by, and for the people.

The latest rumblings in Wyoming reveal a mood among Hill's antagonists in the Wyoming Legislature and Governor's office that has swung from vindictive to desperate. In the process, any early pretense of professionalism has since degenerated into a total embarrassment. Regardless of attempts by the state's liberal media outlets to put a good face on these events, the truth continues to circulate among the citizenry, and thereby unmasks one of the darkest and most disgraceful moments in Wyoming history.

Having failed miserably at discrediting Superintendent Hill by conducting an audit of her department's expenditures last year (which it passed with flying colors), the 2013 legislature moved quickly to circumvent her constitutional authority by instituting the infamous Senate File 104 during the first days of the 2013 session. The measure stripped her office of virtually all of its responsibilities, transferring them to an appointee of Matt Mead, the current "Republican" Governor.

Clearly, the GOP political machine did not anticipate the intensity of ensuing outrage expressed by the people of Wyoming. And in the latest of what has been clearly a chronologically absurd series of events, Hill was subsequently subjected to an inquisition by a committee appointed by, you guessed it, Governor Mead. Yet once again, despite the best efforts of Cathy MacPherson, the Governor's hand-picked inquisitor, whose sole purpose was to uncover anything which might tarnish Hill's standing, the follow up report on MacPherson's investigation revealed far more about the sinister motives and methods of the political operatives assailing Hill than any wrongdoing in her office.

Much of the report reads like a churlish compilation of whining adolescents, with no tangible grounds to assert actual misconduct by Superintendent Hill. But so despairing were her political enemies of finding some grounds on which to base their attacks, they were willing to sink to the level of truly childish back-biting, which is again more revealing of their own deficiencies of character than any ostensible flaw on Hill's part.

Nearly one tenth of the report contains a lengthy description of a birthday celebration held for the Superintendent, and the supposedly intimidating manner in which she was claimed (anonymously of course) by some to have brandished a knife as she cut the cake. Keep in mind that, even in Wyoming, birthday cakes are not cut with Bowie Knives. People invariably use something more akin to a spatula. So it is hardly likely that Hill appeared armed and threatening. Furthermore, although eyewitnesses have asserted that this gathering was a "non-event," the report contains more anonymous accounts of attendees who supposedly were so unnerved that they had to flee the gathering. Others claimed to have had their feelings hurt on account of not getting any cake. And no, that last comment was not satire.

It must be understood here that the MacPherson report was conducted at a cost to Wyoming taxpayers of more than one hundred fifty thousand dollars. With concerned Americans diligently seeking ways in which to cut government cost, Governor Mead and his minions were happily willing to squander this sizeable sum with nothing to show for it but the sort of behavior most parents hope their children will outgrow as a result of a good educational environment.

Meanwhile, prior to being undercut in her job responsibilities, Cindy Hill consistently fulfilled her campaign promises of improving education levels across the state and operating her office with integrity and accountability. Elected in a landslide, the people of Wyoming overwhelmingly approved of the manner in which she carried out her duties of office. So, once again having completely flopped in their efforts to damage her reputation, what is the response of the "Good 'ol boys" at the inner circles of the Wyoming legislature? Currently, House Speaker Tom Lubnau is working toward Cindy Hill's impeachment, on grounds that the state needs to spend even more money on the non-issues described in tortuous detail in the MacPherson report.

As a public office holder who actually abides by the law and views her position as an obligation to the people she was entrusted to serve, Superintendent Cindy Hill has focused on educational improvements with dramatic success. In the process, she has turned back enormous sums of federal and state money, which makes her a hero to the taxpayer footing the bill, but a mortal enemy to entrenched and self-serving bureaucracy. Clearly she represents a grave threat to the "business as usual" mindset of the Ruling Class. With each new effort to undermine people like her, it becomes disturbingly apparent that government at all levels has gone completely out of control and will increasingly threaten the well-being of average citizens if it is not decisively reined in. Unless such activity is brought back under the jurisdiction of the "consent of the governed," its appetite for power will become insatiable.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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