Chris Adamo
Democrat scandal strategy: the Cincinnati/Benghazi connection
By Chris Adamo
June 7, 2013

Ongoing revelations of fraud and deceit on the part of the Obama Administration in response to the Benghazi attacks, combined with expanding news of politically motivated abuses of power by the Internal Revenue Service, might seem to be putting the Democrat juggernaut on the ropes, or at the very least relegating the second term of Barack Obama to lame duck status. However, it is risky to underestimate the deviousness and tenacity of the Obama political machine. Working in concert with Democrat minions on Capitol Hill, and abetted by a liberal media that is more collaborative than sympathetic, it is entirely possible that the current administration may maneuver itself safely beyond any negative repercussions from the unfolding scandals at which point it will once again aggressively pursue its leftist makeover of the United States of America.

In many respects, the ability of Democrat operatives to brazenly flout the law and openly mock any suggestion of accountability has already stunned and bewildered congressional Republicans who have yet to comprehend the truly lawless nature of their opposition. Few members of the GOP seem willing to forthrightly address the widespread malfeasance and ongoing cover-up activities which are specifically designed to thwart concrete findings of criminal misuse of federal authority. Instead, too many Republicans are following in the insipid footsteps of House Speaker John Boehner (R.-OH) who has unmistakably displayed his aversion to the entire situation, and rather than properly dealing with it for the sake of the American people seeks instead to dissipate attention by spreading any investigations among several disconnected committees.

However, such a spineless course would be a disaster for the nation as a whole, and devastating in its effects on Republican credibility among its voting base. While Beltway Republicans may hope to dodge the inevitable controversy and media firestorms in the wake of investigations that result in criminal prosecution, allowing such activity as has been uncovered in recent weeks to go unaddressed would be far worse for all involved, with the obvious exception of the perpetrators.

Upon closer examination, a pattern of has emerged which links the two biggest scandals of the moment, Benghazi and the prejudicial treatment of conservative organizations by the IRS office in Cincinnati Ohio. In both cases, the primary goal of the Obama White House is clearly not to come clean, but to continually obfuscate and cloud the situation, with hopes of eventually "running out the clock" of public opinion. From that point forward, it is anticipated that the Republicans would be put on the defensive, forced to prove their own innocence and objectivity for prolonging the inquiries.

In fact, Obama's minions have already tipped their hand with this ploy. After stonewalling for months and effectively evading any truthful disclosure of Obama's role in last September's Benghazi debacle, White House spokesman Jay Carney dismissed questions on the matter as events from "a long time ago." Currently, the strategy of diffusing the IRS scandal is proving to be identical. The Obama Administration can be fully expected to shamelessly continue its stalling and dissembling tactics while adamantly claiming that nothing illegal occurred. In both cases, the stark truth which eventually glared forth from the deliberately contrived murk has been that the Administration is clearly not behaving as it would if it were interested in uncovering the facts but is instead doing everything possible to conceal incriminating evidence.

The wiliness of the Obama political machine requires those seeking truth to be mindful of political games while conducting their inquiries. It is imperative that they remain focused on their ultimate goal, which is to identify any illegal conduct and all parties involved in it. Obama has already attempted to create a "scapegoat" in the person of Steven Miller, who was ostensibly fired from his post as IRS Commissioner, though in reality he was going to retire only a few weeks later. And of course the usual cadre of media lapdogs quickly reported on the charade as justice being served and virtue being fully restored to the nation's highest office.

The course of any investigation must not be diverted from its original purpose of reestablishing equality under the law for all Americans, which is their only guarantee of true justice and continued freedom. While the removal of certain individuals from their positions of power may initially appear as vindication to Americans who have been outraged at the scope of IRS abuses, this does not provide any assurance that those vacated positions will not subsequently be filled with a new crop of liberal political hacks who will then continue the same sordid activity.

During a recent interview, Senator Ted Cruz (R.-TX) went so far as to call for the total abolition of the Internal Revenue Service. And while he inarguably made a worthwhile point, even so drastic an action would address only the symptoms of a much deeper problem. It would still be wholly insufficient to stem the tide of criminal excesses of a Federal Government that has gone completely out of control. If those members of the Cincinnati IRS office did not act autonomously but were indeed taking direction from above (and each new bit of evidence confirms this to be the case), it is assured that even in the unlikely event of the agency closing its doors, those engaged in criminal activity at the highest levels of the federal government would simply find different avenues by which to continue their underhanded work.

A June 4 story on Fox News has uncovered similar corruption occurring within the Environmental Protection Agency. Certainly nobody is surprised. And in light of these circumstances, it is disturbing to even consider the perils Americans would face, were Obama to ever realize his dream of a "civilian national security force."

It is becoming impossible for all but the most devout "Kool-Aid drinkers" to remain in denial of the malevolent tactics employed by the Obama Administration as it seeks to remake the nation according to its statist/collectivist political philosophy. The nature of these ongoing scandals, as well as the consistent fraud and deception with which the White House is now attempting to dilute and diffuse them, denotes a plan to weather the storm and keep the political machine in place at all costs. Meanwhile, on numerous fronts, America continues to reap the grim consequences of the past four years of Obama governing policy.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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