Chris Adamo
Ominous reality behind Obama's "dream" of amnesty
By Chris Adamo
May 9, 2013

Last Friday, Barack Obama spoke to an approving crowd of young Mexicans at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. As is his way, seeing an opportunity to demean this nation in front of dispassionate foreigners, he eagerly seized upon it. Between his profuse juxtapositions of cause and effect, his willingness to presume only the best of intentions by every other culture on the planet in contrast to only the worst possible motives among the American people, and his flagrant misrepresentation of hard facts, Obama once again flaunted his disloyalty to the nation he is supposed to represent.

Perhaps the most shameless example was his reference to gun violence which he blamed on weapons brought to Mexico from the United States. In a single statement, he not only revealed an ongoing obsession with eradicating the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, but a willingness to spew sanctimony in regard to problems directly resulting from policies of his administration. The "Fast and Furious" scandal of 2009, in which Attorney General Eric Holder promoted the distribution of illegal weapons into Mexico ostensibly to track them (though no such effort was made), resulted in more than sixteen hundred guns in the hands of brutal drug cartels. Yet from Obama's words on Friday, one would think he and Holder were wholly innocent onlookers.

Similarly, while he offered lip service to the notion of ensuring that "laws are upheld," he immediately followed with an assertion that America's immigration system "doesn't reflect our values," leading to such hardships as separated families and millions of people being forced to "live in the shadows." As a display of sheer fraud and hypocrisy, this statement is hard to surpass, except that it is sadly typical of the manner in which he misrepresents reality in order to advance the leftist agenda.

For starters, the current immigration system would inarguably reflect American values, were it properly enforced by people such as Obama who have sworn an oath to do so. Nor would families be separated if certain of their members had not determined to breach the border in clear violation of federal law. And in such cases that families are thus split apart, does it necessarily follow that the responsibility to fix things falls on the nation into which they illegally entered?

Nevertheless, the crowds in Mexico City responded with jubilant applause to Obama's bogus contention that American policy caused the problems faced by illegal aliens. In essence, he was assuring aspiring future invaders that if he has his way, the floodgates will be opened not only to a new wave of immigrants, but to their eventual elevation to full citizenship status. Of course those who aspire to partake of the bonanza of modern American welfare were ecstatic to learn that the nation's chief executive intends to put their interests above those of the American people who will end up footing the bill.

However, Barack Obama was hardly finished denigrating the nation which had elevated him to its highest office. In a blatant affront to our unique culture and heritage, he referred to immigrants as "the engine of our economy," never giving proper credit to the nation's founding principles and the guarantees of justice and freedoms which unleashed the people of this land to make the American experiment a resounding success. Instead, he chose to praise those who come here in flagrant violation of the law, only to reap what they can from it.

Reality paints a far different picture. It is neither the mix of increasingly Balkanized factions in this country nor the relentless efforts of the liberal establishment to inflame and expand divisions amongst those groups which have forged America into its greatness. The oft repeated mantra "Our diversity is our strength" is wholly without historical substance or merit. Rather it has been the lofty tenets of the Judeo-Christian ethic on which our nation was founded that allowed the talents and efforts of all peoples, irrespective of their backgrounds, to thrive.

Of course the liberals will be quick to point out flaws in our admittedly imperfect system. Yet from the nation's founding to this day, those flaws pale in comparison to the corruption and oppression elsewhere in the world. The facts fly completely in the face of Obama's pitiable attempt at soaring rhetoric. If the character of this nation was truly so untenable as Barack Obama was willing to suggest in Mexico City, why would so many members of that audience or their countrymen enthusiastically strive to relocate here? And why would he be working so diligently to hasten this tsunami of new arrivals?

Despite any empty assurances of "securing the border" and enhancing mutual respect between the United States and its southern neighbor, the real intention of those on the political left is to enhance their electoral majorities by empowering a new cadre of voters who will overwhelmingly support the liberal agenda. Having never invested in the nation's past, and with scant concern for its future, they will gladly help institute a Democrat governing majority to shower them with "benefits" paid for by the American people. And when the financial bottom falls out, they can always make their way back home.

As the grim realities of socialism begin to overshadow the empty promises on which it was constructed, the likelihood increases that Americans will be disillusioned to the point of abandoning it. It is this possibility that Obama and the liberal elite seek to foil with an influx of reinforcements from Mexico. The current expansions of nanny state "benefits" are already crowding out those most in need. America's seniors, having been forced to pay into the coffers of Medicare and Social Security, eventually expect some return for their sacrifices. Yet over the years, those funds have been systematically pillaged and depleted by Democrats in their relentless efforts to expand government.

Consequently, Democrats face an eventual backlash from this constituency that was once safely in the liberal camp, but now realizes that its own reserves are being decimated. Also of great importance to seniors is the desire to pass the blessings of this nation to their descendants. Yet with each new component of Obama's collectivist agenda, prospects for the next generation to fulfill the American Dream fade.

Under such circumstances, Barack Obama is perfectly willing to take his antipathy towards America into another nation and unleash it there as a weapon to alter the political landscape to his benefit. Truth itself, and loyalty to the American people, have never represented barriers to his unconscionable efforts. And if he is successful at implementing amnesty, he will be forever beyond accountability to the nation he so easily betrayed.

© Chris Adamo


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Chris Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years.

He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, a membership advocacy group for America's seniors, and for all Americans.

His contact information and article archives can be found at, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.


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